John Barnwell Journal
Barnwell, John. “Journal of John Barnwell,” The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 5, 4 (April, 1898), pp. 391-402.
Barnwell, John. “Journal of John Barnwell,” The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography 6, 1 (July, 1898), pp. 42-55.
Narhantes Fort, Feb’ry 14, 1711[1712]
May it please your Hon
I had eight days March from Pedee river where I dated my last to Cape
Feare River, being a very bad Road full of great Swamps often pulling
our horses out by main Strength and ropes. In the mean time during these
6o miles march I ordered Capt. Bull to take another Circuit among his
Indians and meet me at the said River; accordingly he brought about 200
men, some of which were Bowmen. We were two days passing the River on
bark logs and Rafts, and when I drew up my forces on this other side I
soon perceived a great desertion of the Indians, but mostly of Capt.
Bull’s, of which there were 67 remaining. I concealed it as much as I
could least of discouraging the rest, who I told were gone another way
by my order & would meet us again; however the desertion continued
& still continues, for the night before I crossed Neuse River I
numbered my men and found it thus:
white men
Capt. Bull’s.
With Capt. Bull, Major Mackay, myself is in all 528.
Hog Logees,
Congree & Sattees,
Cape Feare,

My Scouts made no discovery of any men from North Carolina to joyn me
at the place concerted between me and Major Gale pursuant to the
articles stipulated between your Hon’ & him, in behalf of that
Government, by which means I was destitute of Pilots & information;
however relying on the justice of war, and the blessing of God upon our
arms, who was pleased to grant us the finest weather that could be
desired, I crossed Neuse River the 28th of January at night, at a place
the Saxapahaws were lately settled, and 30 mile below the place
appointed to meet Major Gale, and about 27 above this place, being the
greatest and most warlike Town of the Tuscaruros; the Saxapahaws (called
by some Shacioes) were forced to desert their settlements in the
beginning of this month by reason the Tuscaruros of this town fell upon
them and killed i6 of them, because they refused to join with them
against the English, they were just come among the Wattomas, when I came
and were going to pay their Tribute to your Hon
r and beg
your protection, but I desired them not to do it untill our Return, and
go with me, they seeming to me brave men and good.
The 29th I marched hard all day and most of the night, that if
possible I might surprise this great town, but to my great dis-
appointment they discovered us, being continually upon their guard since
the massacre. Tho’ this be called a town, it-is only a plantation here
and there scattered about the Country, no where 5 houses together, and
then ¼ a mile such another and so on for several miles, so it is
impossible to surprize many before the alarm takes. They have lately
built small forts at about a miles distance from one another where ye
men sleep all night & the women & children, mostly in the woods;
I have seen 9 of these Forts and none of them a month old, & some
not quite finished.
My next work was to take one of ye forts, and while I was preparing *
* & * * to do the same orderly, some of my Yamasees were so
mettlesome as to advise to force it by Assault, willing to flesh while
they were hot, I immediately ordered the Attack, the Indians were first
up, but dropping, they began to cool, when my too few valient white men
reinforced them and broke into the fort in three places. Captain Steel
was the first in, and I to encourage the men followed, then my
Yamassees; but to our great surprise, within the Fort were two Houses
stronger than the fort which did puzzle us & do the most damage, but
now it was too late to look back, we forced them but the enemy were so
desperate, the very women shooting Arrows, yet they did not yield untill
most of them were put to the sword.
In this action Capt. Steel & all like rugged braves behaved
themselves nobly, so did the Major and young Parence (?) who I made
Cornet, throwing the Standard upon the Block House, and calling to the
men to recover it, and really every private man behaved himself so well
that it was Terror to our own heathen friend to behold us, the word was
Revenge, which we made good by the Execution we made of the Enemy.
The Indians when they saw ye Brittains enter, they judging the
business was over, Crowded in on all hands to plunder which proved ye
destruction of several, and when we forced the log houses while we were
putting the men to the sword, our Indians got all the slaves &
plunder, only one girl we gott. We were not half an hour in taking this
their strongest Fort in this part of the country, with the loss of 7
killed & 32 wounded, Viz: July 3oth in taking ye fort of Narhontes
head Town of ye Tuscaruros. Yamases Comp
a, Peterba King
killed, g Yamases wounded Waterkee King killed, 2 Apalachees wounded,
Cunaba Tom killed; 3 killed, 11 wounded. Of Capt. Bull’s Comp: 1 Sattack
killed, King Robin wotund, 1 Saxapahaw & 4 Wattaw wound. In all, 1
killed & 6 wounded.
Of the Enemy: Yamasees bro’ 17 scalps, Capt. Jacks Comp. 19 scalps,
Capt. Bull’s Comp. 16 scalps. Capt. Jack’s Compa: 1 Watteree killed, 4
wounded, 1 Watteree killed, 6 Catabas wounded, 1 Congree wounded. In
all, 2 killed & 16 wounded.
Besides those of white men we made about 30 slaves & there were
several women killed, I saw IO, I was much concerned at my loss with no
greater Execution of the Enemy, but much * * when I found ye Enemy
terrified at the quick work made here, quitted all their forts, &
left a fine Country open full of provisions, Our Indians presently
loading themselves with English plunder of which these Towns are full,
and running away from me, nothing left for the white men but their
horses tired & their wounds to comfort them.
Next morning ye Tuscaruro town of Kenta came to attack us, but at
such a distance I could not come up with them so I ordered two of Capt.
Jack’s Company to cross a great Swamp that lay at the back of us and ly
close untill they heard our firing, and then to come on the back or rear
of the Enemy if possible to surround them, accordingly they did, but
being two eager, they did not time * * * but 9 scalps & 2 prisoners
which I ordered immediately to be burned alive, we had 2 more wounded
this day.
To day having left a garrison in this Fort to look after the wounded
men I marched thro’ the 5 Towns of the Enemy whose Country is almost as
fine & * * * as Appalatcha, I ordered that ye Fruit trees w’ch are
plenty both of Apples & peeches & Quinces to be preserved but
destroyed all the rest, being about 374 houses, wherein there could not
be less than 2000 bushells of corn and everywhere marks of their * * *
against the English. In this days march a scalp was brought to me taken
from a wounded man that was left behind by the Enemy.
From that day to the date hereof I am confined in this place by rainy
weather, the Indians in the mean time making excursions and destroying
the Country, but could meet with no p’son I am in want of Pilots, so am
at a great Loss how to steer my Course, and much adverse as I am to
neglect of North Carolina, the greatest part of our Indians are
unwilling to proceed into unknown Country, where they may be hem’d in by
a numerous Enemy and not know how to extricate themselves; but my brave
Yamassees told me they would go wherever I led them. They will live and
die with me, and Indeed I have that dependance on them that I would not
refuse to give battle to the whole Nation of the Tuscaruros with them.
The Enemy can’t be less than 12 or 1,400 men, which may be easily judged
by their large settlements, but extremely cowardly if they have liberty
to run. Our Indians outdo the Enemy very much either at bush or Swamp
but the Enemy are Fleeter & has the advantage of knowing the
By the best information I can get there is two navigable Rivers
between me and the English Inhabitants, which must be crossed on logs;
yet if 200 stays with me I will attempt the forcing my way thither, for
what I have hitherto done is but a small matter to the reduction or
Extirpating these Indians according to my Instructions. All w’ch by
* assistance I will either perform before my return or lose myself in
the attempt, w’ch for the honour of Carolina I am always ready to
Sacrifice. As soon as the bad weather is broke up I will cross a river
called by the Indians Caticee but what called by the English I can’t
tell. Afterwards to K. Hancock’s fort which they tell me is a day & ½
march from me: they tell me he has some great guns, a great deal of
powder, & 300 men, and they suppose most of the men belonging to the
towns destroyed will fly there. They confess that young men were
wheedled by Hancock to joine in the villanies committed by him, but the
old men & chiefs wept bitterly and told them the ill consequences
would follow.
I examined several of the prisoners who provoked the Enemy to committ
these Murders, and all agree in one story that the beginning of the
Quarrel arose about an Indian that the White men had punished for a
small fault committed in his drink, that at the same time 12 Senecas
came & made peace with them, and told them that the Whites had
imposed upon them and that when the whites had used them so, they
knocked them on the head, they advised them that they were fools to
slave & hunt to furnish themselves with the white people’s food, it
was but killing of them & become possessed of their substance, that
they did not fear the want of ammunition for that, they would come twice
a year & furnish them with it. I inquired whether any white men had
incited them to it, they unanimously answered no, only that ye Virginia
traders told them that the people Massacred were outlandish men and not
English, and so they doubted not but soon to make peace with the
English and that they were then about it. They tell me that there is two
Senecas still among them.
I cant find upon the strictest enquiry that any Virginia Traders has been here with ammunition or goods since the Massacre.
When I come to Hancock’s Fort I will offer him a battle, which if
refused, I will well view the same, & if I think it practicable, I
will have ye hon
r of finishing the war by taking it.
Otherwise I will build a Fort by it and expect the assistance of the
pusillanimous Governor of North Carolina, can or will send me.
I congratulate your Hon
r for the success of our army hitherto and for the hon
& Glory of virtuious South Carolina whose armies are the same
winter gathering Laurells from the Cape Florida and from the Bay of
Spiritta Sancta even to the Borders of Virginia.
I am with most sincere Respect, May it please your Hon
r Hon
r most obedient serv
Pamplico or Bathtown, Feb. 12, 1711-12.
May it please your Hon
Here follows an account of my proceedings since my last whereof
enclosed is a copy because I am doubtful whether it is yet come to yo
r Hon
This day I marched from the Fort of Narhante’s, which I demolished, for
King Hancock’s Town with my whole forces passing thro’ Kenta & came
to a town called Tonarooka Seated on a branch of Neuse River, when
finding no Canoes we were passing by Same upon Logs when a Seneca
Indian, Tom Gils by name, Stragled without his gun to plunder and was
met with by three skulking Tuscaruros and shott thro’ the body, of which
he will hardly recover. I sent parties out on all hands to intercept
the Skulking dogs and in an hour’s time one of my Yamasees brought me
one of them alive, which was an acceptable present for I wanted
intelligence and Pilotts. But this took us up so much time that not
above a third of my men were over before night which gave an opportunity
to Capt. Bull’s Indians all every Soul to a man to desert me with Capt.
Jack’s men except himself & 23 more. So I had only the Yamassees
Company with me; as soon as I per- ceived it I did all I could by fair
words and threats to stop them but in vain, only they promised when they
had secured their plun- der which was very considerable & their
Slaves they would return with a greater number. They likewise carryed
away 10 bags of spare bulletts they had in charge which I could not find
nor re- cover; the Confusion was so great. And to add to the rest of my
ill fate is to have to do with such Soldiers, having a great number of
wounded men. To encourage the Soldiers to go with me I dismounted myself
and most of my men to send them on horseback, and having secured them
on the contrary Side of the River they were so unnatural as to do me the
kindness to leave them on my hands, which obliged me & my whole
people to walk three score miles on foot thro’ a very bad way.
Febry 5. I called the head men of ye Yamasees & encouraged them
to stay with me & proceed in a work So well begun, they answered
after some hesitation & argument that they would live & die with
me, but that if I should enter them upon action their wounded men would
be so many & being in the heart of the Ehemy’s Country and every
one of us absolute strangers in the place, our Enemy so numerous, our
men disheartened by ye desertion of the rest and * * now reduced to a
few and many of them Bowmen & boys, they could propose nothing but
rely on us. I answered that the people lived within 2 or 3 days march,
that before that time I should get there. I should meet with a good
number that was promised me. That in the mean time I would not attempt
anything only defend ourselves, and that ye Enemy were terrified &
great cowards and that the Tuscaroro prisoner had in his life engaged to
pilot me to the English and Lastly that if they would be Entirly
obedient and put their Lives in my hands, I did engage to carry them all
safe to the English upon which they cryed: Whough! Nemine Contra-
dicente. I will not tell your Hone that some white men were prevailed
upon by ye Indian argument, however they have upon all occasions behaved
themselves worthy of Commendation.
My prisoners told me most of the young men were gone down to Hancock,
that the rest were fled towards Virginia as old men women &
children, that they were obliged to disperse into small parcells because
they had no provisions but must gather hickory nutts and that there
would not be less than 500 men in arms with Hancock but not in a body.
That there were two roads to the English settlements, one a short road
through the woods, the other a round about way thro’ their Indian
After a little consideration, I chused rather the Road thro’ the
settlements for several Reasons too long to recite, the principal was to
carry on the terrore the Enemy was in and not give time to them to
recollect & follow us, or discover to them our fear. Another reason
was That all my men would be more watchful & cautious in ye Enemy’s
Townes than in the woods, where they would perhaps be careless &
straggle, apprehending no danger. Another reason was our Horsemen would
be more useful in a cleare open country, where I could * * than in the
Bushes. Pursuant to these Resolutions I made such a march with 178
Indians & 25 white men, 20 odd whereof were wounded that to the
immortal Glory of South Carolina has struck the Dominion of Virginia
into amazement & wonder, who a month before with 1,500 men in arms
believed (to their great shame) they had obtained a glorious victory,
when by the dreadful terrour of their troops they begged a most
ignominious neutrality of those cowardly miscreants, which they were so
gracious to grant upon Condition to have goods at a cheaper rate and
their children brought up at the College.
This is hardly credible, but by heaven it is true, for my eyes saw a
copy of the Treaty, attested by the Secretary of Virginia. It is too
long to inform your Hon
r how I ordered my march but by noon I
reached a great town called Innennits, their Fort was not finished,
here I found 14 White people’s scalps and a world of plunder. So our
Indians threw away all their former plunder to load themselves with
better, but I ordered my White people not to encumber themselves, being
already well loaded with arms, ammunitions and provisions. Not knowing
but I might have occasion to come back this way I ordered the town to be
burnt. I stayed here 2 hours & marched still thro plantations ever
since I left Narhantes, and encamped in one & immediately made a
Fortification & sent our Scouts on all hands & kept good watch.
Feb’ry 6. I marched Still thro’ plantations until I came to a deep
Brook where our horses Swam, But we had a tree to pass over on. Here I
numbered my men as they passed the tree, but very privately so that it
was impossible to discover our numbers. The rest of the day I passed
thro’ a piney Barren that lay between the Settlements of Neuse & the
three Tuscaruro Towns in Pamplico. Here my scouts discovered 5 Enemys
w’ch were returning from plundering Some English houses. We pursued them
& obliged them to throw away their packs & guns, but as I
already observed they out run our Indians, they had delicate parsnips
& Turnips with a Turkey & sev” other household goods. At night
we arrived upon a very large River which I understood afterwards was
Pamplico; here my Indians took 6 Slaves & killed 2 men. In the night
I Sent Scouts to discover the hut town called Ucouh-Ne-runt seated 5
miles above us on the River.
7th. Not to lose time I ordered Bark Logs to be made in order to
cross over. I first ordered 30 stout fellows to swim with their arms to
secure our passage in a place where there is an Indian plantation. Next
my horses, then the wounded men, then the Baggage. But while this Last
was a doing, my Rear was attacked as I expected, so they mete with
suitable reception from my brave men. I immediately advanced to them to
dis- cover their number but found them not 50. I am sure not 6o. Seeing
them so inconsiderable I ordered a halt & to tree it as they call
it. Then gave order to 70 or 80 to get half a mile along the River and
then strike thro’ the woods & surround them, if this had been done
& well performed we should have taken or killed every man of them.’
The situation of the ground was so advantageous to us, being surrounded
with deep creeks & swamps all in our possession. But the Yamasse
Captain being too eager, turned upon them too soon & notwithstanding
we all ran as we could, most of them got away, still out running us
Leaving a good many Cloaths & guns & blood all over the Field,
but I was presented with no more than 2 scalps & had a Yamassee shot
thro’ the thigh. I returned to ferry over leaving more Ambuscades who
presently discovered 6 of the enemy creeping, I suppose to carry off the
dead, but they discovered the Ambush too soon & ran for it, &
were chased by our best Runners for 2 miles, but in vain.
Notwithstanding all my diligence, these disturbances made it night
before I could transport all my men. So I crossed over & sent back
20 of my best mien to joine the Rest and watch the Enemy’s motion.
Feb. 8. By 12 o’clock I marched, and in the evening came to a deep
creek, for the late Rains had set the country all on Flote which were
tedious to me, being obliged to walk on foot for the sake of the wounded
men who I shewed great kindness to, to encourage the rest to venture
the exposing themselves. Here I encamped all night, and rising at my
usual hour which is daily since I had this charge on my hands, at 4
o’clock in the morning, and at 5 I had just relieved the Centrys and sat
at ye fire when ye Enemy poured a volley upon us, and I had reason to
believe most of the shott was directed at me for it made strange work
with my things & several shott plunged the tree I leaned against.
Our centrys being very quick, fired at the same juncture, w
was followed with 30 or 40 guns more. I could not distinguish ye number
of the Enemy’s firing, so that I ordered all to quitt the Fires &
to stand to their arms unitil daylight when I perceived the Enemy was
fled without doing the least damage only the breaking of the stock of
one guin w
th a bullett.
9. I marched to a ruined English plantation where killed Beef &
hogs & took the rest of the day in ferrying on logs over a broad
10th. I march’d three Mile & mett a broader Creek, passing well
ruined Englislh plantations. These Creeks gave me a world of trouble,
and lest I should meet with many more, I ordered 2 Indians & a white
man to march towards the head of ye creek and find out the Road web
must lead from the plantation to Bathtown & then proceed to Town
& disire ye Commander there (if the place was not deserted) to send a
perriangr to me to carry down the wounded men, and men to pilot our
horse down. According about midnight, 3 perriangr came & next day we
all came up here to ye incredible wonder and amazement of the poor
distressed wretches here, who expressed such extremity of mad joy that
it drew tears from most of our men.
I am, May it please your Hon
Your most humble servant,
From my camp on yte South Side of Pamplico I5 miles above Bathtown, Feb’ry 25, 17II-I 2.
May it please yo
r Hon
No doubt but you admire that in all this time you hear no news of
Major Gale who I’m afraid is either cast away or taken, for this
government did not know one word of me untill I brought the news myself,
and accordingly nio provision made for us…
[Manuscript Lost]
…Amends for his wounds. The Indians being more dextrous than us at
taking slaves and be sure send him back for I hope by that time he will
be fitt for service, if you order * * will be great encouragement to the
rest of my men. I can’t forget to recommend ye miserable condition Of
300 widows & orphans that are here without provision or clothing and
ill used * * by the dire effects of the barbarous enenmy’s rage. I
cannot mention this without tears and humbly beg the Assembly & y
r Hon
to commiserate their deplorable case, they are willing upon any Terms
to transport anywhere for Relief. I heartily congratulate yo
r Hon
r for the continued successes of the prosperous arms of South Carolina.
I am yo
r Hon
r most humble serv’t,
New Berne, March 12th, 1712.
May it please your Hon
According to my usual method by way of Journal I proceed to- give you an account of my proceedings since my last.
Febry. 26. This day I was joined by 67 men most of whom wanting
ammunition. I exhausted all Pamplico garrisons to pro- cure them 10
shott a man, leaving not a single Bullett I could hear of, telling the
people that they should be speedily supplied by a sloop which was
speedily expected from Albemarle with ammunition.
27th. This day I was forced for want of provision to march towards K.
Hancock’s town hopeing to find some there, for af- ter a great many
promises to supply me day after day with more men provisions and
ammunition I waited so long for bread kind until half of meni fell sick
and willing to preserve the health of ihe rest, I proceeded to get that
of the enemy which was de- layed by my Friends, which was so great an
uncertainty that I was drawn by the utmost necessity to pursue such
hazardous expedients.
March 1st. I marched on foot wtb 94 white men and 148 In- dians thro’
a bad way for i6 mile for the late rains had raised the water in the
swamps that we often waded above otur waists.
2. I proceeded to ye Town I2 miles more, but found it de- serted but
to my great joy plenty of corn, but now we wanted pamplico beef. My
scouts discovered a numerous enemy on the other side of the River (which
is a branch of Neuse), who fired upon them but we being tired we rested
that night.
March 3d. I made sev” marches & Countermarches along the river to
get over, but I found it in no place possible, for the floods were very
high and the enemy had scuttled all the canoes & often fired at us.
However I discovered a proper plan to make rafts, and was resolved next
morning to pass there, it being * too late and the enemy watching us.
Our scouts tooke a scout of the enemy’s who being tortured told me that
the enemy had a strong Fort on the Contrary side of the river with
about 130 men in it, and that they had sent out to call in all their
party. That they had but little powder w
ch they bought with
gold of white people, and that they hid the captives & their own
women & children in a swamp, & that he will shew us ye canoe he
came over in. I sent my major with 8o men to get it, but he returned
about midnight with an account it was gone.
4. I ordered Lt. Col. Brice before day to imarch with 70 men 3 or 4
miles up the river with the trumpeters to seek a passage, but if he
could find none, then to order the trumpeters to sound & huzza, and
make as great noise as he could with his hatchetts, which having done
for half an hour to return to me. In the mean time I marched down ye
river very silently with the rest of the forces at the place appointed. I
threw up a breast work with Fashines & made a raft that held 5 men,
but before I could get men over, Brice returned & ye enemy waiting
on him at ye contrary side and imediately to firing we went; I ordered
the Raft off, the enemy wounded 2 of the men thereon, I got 2 nore to
supply it, and they got over safe, and tho’ contrary to my orders they
imeadiately mounted the bank before more got over, yet as soon as they
did the enemy run like deer, upon which our Indians tooke ye river one
& all w
ch before I could not prevail with them to do, and
pursued the enemy by night. We got all over & marched a mile when
in some hours we found a Deer & a Turkey, w
ch was a sure
sign that the Enemy did not expect us to pay them a visit on that side
of the river. They were 5 South Carolina men that went first over on the
Raft, for I could not prevail with one of this Country Cowardly Crew to
venture, w
ch was a presage of what followed.
5. Before day I marched with about 100 men thro’ the woods to get on
the back side of ye Fort & left orders w’” mv major & Brice to
march in ye road way by daylight with the remainder, and if I heard any
shooting I would intercept ye ambuscades; but we all got to the Fort
without any trouble. I imeadiately viewed the Fort with a prospective
glass and found it strong as well by situation on the river’s bank as
Workmanship, having a large Earthen Trench thrown up against the
puncheons with 2 teer of port holes; the lower teer they could stop at
pleasure with plugs, & large limbs of trees lay confusedly about it
to make the approach intricate, and all about much with large reeds
& canes to run into people’s legs. The Earthern work was so high
that it signified nothing to burn the puncheons, & it had 4 round
Bastions or Flankers; the enemy says it was a runaway negro taught
them to fortify thus, named Harry, whom Dove William- son sold into
Virginia for roguery & since fled to the Tuscaruros. Yet hoping to
finish the war by this stroke, where now all the principal murderers
were in a pen, I encouraged my men by promises, &c. I ordered 200
Fashines to be made which ye palatines well understood to do. I had them
presently done. It is too tedious to inform yo
r Hon
all the particulars how I ordered the Attack; but in short, when we
were got within 10 or 12 yards of the Fort the enemy made a terrible
fire upon us without the least damage in the world, but this country
base, cowardly people hearing the shott strike their Fashines, threw
both them & their arms away & run for life, we’ not only left
themselves exposed but also all those that went under their shelters;
this encouraged the enemy to renew the firing, who deservedly shott sev
of them in their arses. In the mean time my brave South Carolina men *
23 of this country undauntedly kept their order. I ordered them to keep
their stations until I brought up the runaways. But all my endeavour was
in vain, tho’ I mauled sev
ll w
th my cutlass, and
as soon as they saw me running towards them they would scamper into the
swamp that was hard by. I, seeing the confusion’& being afraid that
the number that drew the enemy’s fire was insufficient to come at the
Fort by assault, I ordered a retreat which was bravely managed, for
every man got his Fashine on his back, and of my own number I had but
one wounded; the most of them had 10 or more shott in his Fashine, but
of the runaways there were 1 killed & 18 wounded, and of the 23 that
stood by my men there were 3 killed & 2 wounded, in all 4 killed
and 20 wounded. It rained smartly during the attempt, w
proved a great hindrance. I ordered the Indians to make a false attack
on the contrary side, which they did with such caution that they had not
a man hurt. At night I ordered some of my men to go up & bring off
the dead men w
ch was performed, only I man they could not
find. I endeavored to encourage the men to renew the attack in the
night, but in vain, for I could get but i6 with my own men, who never
refused me any thing I putt them upon.
March 6. I being uneasy how to dispose of my wounded men, I marched
with 30 men along the River side for 6 mile, where it flows into Neuse
to view the country and send an express to Neuse Garrison to bring up
canoes to carry off ye wounded. In this march we mett 2 enemys who were
so hard chased, that they threw away their packs & Guns & took
the River. When I came to the Ferrying place on Neuse, ye enemy on the
other side fired at us, so I considered it impracticable to send an ex-
press without a strong detachment which I could not spare. At this 6
mile were new houses abuilding & plantations a clearing by ye Cove
& Neuse Indians confederates to the Tuscaroras who deserted their
other towns to be nearer the main body. As soon as I returned to the
camp I ordered wooden spades to be made & more Fashines & poles
got ready, and in the dark of the evening I crept on my belly within 30
yards of the Fort & perceived a curious plan to make a breastwork,
that had more com- mand of the enemys canoes & water than they had
themselves. To work I went & by morning had a reintrenchment that
held 50 men. I doing of this I had 2 of my own brisk men wounded.
7th. The enemy being terrified at our near approach, began to quit
the Fort, but my men fired so hard at ye canoes that obliged them to
retturn, I imeadiately ordered a party over the River, and so blocked up
the Fort on all sides, then the enemy when they wanted water would send
down the bank one of the English captives to fetch it, our men called
to them to have patience, for by next morning they should be delivered,
at which the enraged desperate enemy began to torture them and in our
hearing put to death a girle of 8 years of Mr. Taylors, upon this the
relations of the other captives, came crying & beging of me to have
compassion of the innocents, w
ch was renewed by Cryes &
lamentations of the Captives being about 35 or 40 yards of them, at last
I was prevailed upon to call to the enemy, who sent out Mrs. Perce to
me to treat about their delivery, she having 5 children within, w
ye enemy refused on any terms to do but on condition I would raise the
siege, otherwise they would put them all to death and fight themselves
to the last man & beat us off.
After an hours consideration, having consulted all the officers, upon
this I with two more went up to the Fort gates to speak with the head
man who dare not come out to me, I perceived two reintrenchments within
the Fort & perceived a great number of men. I ordered one of my men
to go in but they would not let him, pleading he might have pocket
pistols, I perceived ye head men & others to tremble exceedingly. I
found that in case I broke in, I should have hard work against a parcel
of desperate villains who would do all the mischeif they could before
their death. I knew I had not 30 men I could entirely depend upon, which
if some of them were killed or wounded the rest of them would leave me
in the lurch. Ammunition was so scarce with the North Carolina men, that
some of them had not above 4 charges. I considered that if the place
was relieved by the up- per towns the enemy brag’d of as much as of the
assistance of the senicas, most of my men would run away, & it would
be 2 nights more before I could penetrate the Fort for want of spades
& Hods, the ground being so rooty our wooded tools worked but
slowly. And lastly I had more wounded men than I knew well how to take
care of, and if the number should increase upon meeting a repulse I
should be forced to leave them to the mercy of ye most Barbarous enemy.
All w
ch considerations obliged me to agree. That upon their delivering me up 12 Captives then in the Fort immediately & 2 canoes (w
I pretended was to convey ye captives down) and on the 12th day after
deliver me up 22 more captives 24 negroes that were hid in other places I
would raise ye seige and that there should be a truce for the 12 days
that they may find out & bring the captives securely to Batchelours
creek which is within 6 mile of New Bern where also the head men of the
Tuscaroras was to meet me to treat about Peace, then I suffered 2 to go
out to give notice along the Neuise River to their partys not to shoot
at ye canoes when they went down, this they performed very faithfully,
for the canoes met with sev
ll that spoke kindly to them, and
told them they hoped before long to be good friends. Now for the
delivery of the rest of the Captives I have only the faith of savages
and the 19th instant will discover it.
March 8. I left ye Fort & that night crossed ye River of Neuse at 6 miles off by the help of the canoes.
9th. I marched 20 long miles, in which march I passed thro’ Core town w
certainly is the most lovely, pleasantest, Richest piece of land in
either Carolina upon a navigable River. The Cores deserted it, and hid
their corn, w
ch is in abundance, in a great Swamp on the
contrary sides of the River. I sent partys to search for it, for we are
in extreme necessity. This day arrived here, being ye seat of the wise
Baron. By the enclosed memorial sent to the Assembly here now sitting,
you will perceive the barbarous entertainment I have had, which the Gov
could not help, for the people regard him no more than a broom staff,
they pay much more deference to my cutlass which I now & then send
some of their toping Dons.
I must not forget one Mr. Mitchell, a Swiss brave gentleman, who for
true valor & presence of mind in ye midst of action, accompanied
with a gentle obliging carriage & ingenious to a great degree
rendered him ye most acceptable companion in this, my last Ramble. This
good tempered gentleman is an agent here & in Portsmouth for the
Canton of Bern, he had a mind to see South Carolina. I whetted his
inclination as much as I could by showing the differance between both
I am, Your Hon
rs Most Obedient humble Servant,
Fort Barnwell, April 20th, 1712.
May it please your Hon
I will pursue my usual method of informing yotu of my proceedings by
way of Journal. Inclosed in my last you will find a memorial presenting
to view ye miserable condition I was reduced to by the wilfull neglect,
designs & controversies of this government, who starved us here lest
we should get provisions to enable us to depart their ungrateful
service. Between ye date of my last & the 25th of March, Myself,
Major Makay, Capt. Bull & sev
ll of my men fell sick &
a great number of Indians of whom 4 or 5 died. My Major is just
recovered. Capt. Bull not yet & more of my men in ye like case, all
this occasioned thro’ scarce & bad Diete & great cold. This
prevented my meeting ye Enemy ye 19th instant at the place appointed, so
I got Capt. Mitchell to go, but ye Enemy were worse than their words,
we’ to make them sensible of I ordered my * * out who returned with 3
scalps. In the mean time the Assembly answered my Memorial with a paper
full of Resolutions & addresses, wherein they tell me they passed an
act in emulation of South Carolina but they are so choice of it that
tho’ it was a month ago they & some of them out of some refined kind
of Politics keeps it private to themselves. I say some of them because I
spoke both to some of the Council & Assembly men who gave their
votes & signed it that protested they could not inform me whether
their men had 3d. or 12d. a day, this is extremely ridiculous & so
hardly credible that when any body reads this & not consider that I
write to ye government who placed me in this hon’ble post, they could
not give credit to it. When I examined a little further I found that 2
or 3 of ye Assembly supplyed ye rest of their wise Brethren with such
plenty of punch that they voted, acted, signed & strip’d stark naked
& boxt it fairly two & two, all the same day, Gov
Hyde with Collo. Boyd a member of ye Council, the only ragged gown
parson with Mr. Speaker, the Provost Marshall with another hon
member and so round it went. A good deal of such stuff as this made me
laugh heartly since I came here where truly I had but small inclination
to mirth and I fancy you will do so when I tell you Col. Boyd informed
me I was the occasion of all this for they were so long drinking my
health that they knew not what they did, while poor me drink cold water,
wishing for a little salt to season their grass & wampee I fed on
instead of bread. I ought have gone this time to Little River & have
partaken with ye rest, but then I should return to Charlestown
Commander in Chief of myself & slaves, put ye government to another
£4000 charge when they should be in so good a humor as they were this
time. Col. Daniel will inform you ye distance between Coretown &
Little River is above 200 miles. Excuse me for this Stuff. I am obliged
to lay things naked that your Hon
r may not puzzle yourself to conceive the true Reason of ye rest of their seeming unaccountable Politicks.
March 25th. As soon as I recovered I ordered a garrison at Durhams
over against Bath Town on ye South shore of Pamplico, to render ye
communication between Pamplico & Neuse more practicable by Land, it
being but 25 miles across the necke & 30 miles by water.
28. I ordered all the horses & Baggage to be transported from
North side of Pamplico to ye Southside of Neuse that I might be ready to
go home as soon as I could get provisions for 6 days unto ye Cape Feare
29th. Willing to inform myself whether the Enemy maintained their
Fort & to get some corn if possible, I marched with 15 white men
& 30 Indians (not having provisions for a greater party) though this
may be called a rash attempt, yet the Success answered ye opinion I had
of the enemy I took Drums & Trumpets. I encountered nothing till I
came to Handcock’s town where scouts surprised a party of the Enemy who
were conveying corn into their Fort & brought in * * As soon as I
heard the war whoop I ordered ye Drums & Trumpets to alarm &
immediately marched up to 300 yards of the Fort & stayed a quart
r of an hour in w
time I got & secured some corn. I found they had built a new fort
that extended from the old one to the ground of my former attack, a
large ditch surrounded ye palisadoes & tho’ there were in 6 y’ds of
it I retreated to this place discovering 100 bushels of corn hid up
& down in the swamp. I pitched upon a place so naturally fortified
that with a little Labour 50 men could keep off 5000. It lyes nigh the
middle of Core Town on a point between Neuse River & a fine Branch
two sides being 30 feet high full of hanging rocks & springs, and
the 3d side gently inclining to the plane like a natural Glacis which I
fortified for I80 feet to make each side equal, it is t500 paces to the
next wood, only on ye sides of ye hill and on both sides the brook there
are large timber trees & firewood intirely w
thin command of the Fort & lyeth 20 miles above New Bern & 7 mile from K. Hancock’s town, it is a very charming place.
30th. I sent express to New Bern to bring up some boats & tools;
in the night they arrived. I imeadiately sent to bring into my Fort some
corn & built Hutts to preserve it in, & sent for all my Indians
(to encamp there), being dispersed all over the country to subsist the
31st. This day my Yamisees brought me a scalp belonging to one of ye
enemy’s scouts. I ordered the Indians to get parched corn flouer ready
in order to return as soon as my horses come.
April 1st. At last I received an express from Gov. Hyde that Coll
o Boyd was coming to join me w
70 men. That there was 2 sloops sailed with provisions and that a new
Turn was given to affairs, and for the future I should have no reason to
complain. This rejoiced me so that I sent express to ye sev
Garrisons of Neuse to join me with all their able men; I ordered the
new arrived corn to be brought to my Fort, and this night came up to me
to gallons of rum, 2 casks of cider & a cask of wine.
April 2nd. The fame of this liquor encouraged my white men in few
days to 153 but was much surprised when I could not furnish them with
more than 7 bullets a man & ye powder, & one of ye sloops having
115 bushels of corn to maintain the people that was coming to joine me
gave out all but 52, w
ch together w
th all the corn I got with ye hazard of my life they devoured before they left me. As to the South Carolina sloop w
ch was barbarously stopt untill this day & my letter from y
r Hon
ble kept from me under ye pretense of loading corn for ye army, was sent to Bathtown with rum to sell for the Gov
r and the corn put ashore there above 120 mile from ye army. Pray take Capt. Adlar’s Deposition.
3. My scouts brought me a scalp of one of ye enemy’s scouts this day. From this to ye 6th instant I waited for ye seva
detachments. All ye Field officers came without a dram, a bit of meese
bisket or any kind of meat but hungry stomachs to devour my parcht corn
flower, and they began to grumble for better victuals w
putt me in such a passion at all kind of ill usages since I came here
that I ordered one of their majors to le tyed neck & heels &
kept him so, and whenever I heard a saucy word from any of them I
imeadiately cutt him, for without this they are the most impertinent,
imperious, cowardly Blockheads that ever God created & must be used
like negros if you expect any good of them. I gott 2 three pounders, 2
patteraros, 7 Gra- nardo shells, 22 Great Shott but hardly powder enough
for 10 discharges. Coll
o Mitchell contrived sev
ll sorts of Ingenious Fireworks, & a mortar to throw them into the Fort; these things I gott without any help from ye Publick.
7th. At night I marched with 153 white men & 128 Indians to K.
Hancock’s Fort, and before day blockt it up on all hands without any
loss, For we were there before ye enemy was aware of us. From this to
the 17th the siege lasted w
ch was by way of approach, by w
ch time we gained ye ditch & sev
ll times fired ye pallisades w
ye enemy like desperate villians defended at an amazing rate. This
siege for variety of action, salleys, attempts to be relieved from
without, can’t I believe be parallelled ag
st Indians. Such
bold attacks as they made at our trenches flinted the edge of those Raw
soldiers, that tho’ they were wholly under ground yet they would quitt
their posts and with extreme difficulty be prevaled upon to resume them.
The subtell Enemy finding the disadvantage they were under in sallying
open to attack our works took ye same method as we did and digged under
ground to meet our approaches, w
ch obliged us to make sev
traverses and false approaches to deceive them. At last we got to the
ditch and ye enemy had a hollow way under their pallisades that as fast
as we filled ye ditch they would carry away the Fashines, & tho’ we
fired ye pallisades yet we could not maintain it. My men were so
cowardly in ye trenches I was afraid to venture them to assault ye
pallisades, and if I had gained them it would have been nothing towards
reducing ye Fort. So as I was resolved to let the pallisades stand &
work up to them, and then they would prove as good to us as the enemy;
but this 15 foot cost us so much time untill I was thro’ extreme famine
obliged to hearken to a capitulation for the surrending thereof upon
articles, w
ch leaves above 100 murderers unpunished besides
the women & children of those villians killed & executed. Since
my former attempts Virginia furnished them with 400 buckskins worth of
ammunition w
ch I was informed of by Gov
r Hyde’s
letters and ye relation of ye redeemed captives. If North Carolina had
but furnished me with but 4 days provision more I had in spite of all
enemys, without firing many gunns more, entirely made a glorious end of
the war. This Fort in both attacks cost me 6 white men & 1 Indian
killed & 35 white men & 1 Indian wounded, but it is * *. believe
ye Report ye Captives give of ye enemy’s loss considering how they were
fortified but it proceeded from their foolish salleys, w
as they were desperate attempts so it is inconceivable what they meant
by it, for we had 40 to one when they entangled themselves amongst our
Trenches. If I have time before the Fleet sails I will in a sheet give
you a journal of the seige, and in the mean time here are the heads of
the Articles, Viz:
First. To deliver up all the white captives and negroes imeadeately that are in ye Fort the rest in io days at my Fort.
2. To deliver lip K. Hancock & 3 men notorious murderers that are alive & shall be named by ye Governor.
3rd. To deliver up all the horses, skins & plunder what in ye Fort imeadiately & the rest at my town in ten days.
4th. To come yearly to the Governor in March & pay Tribute.
5. To deliver 3 hostages immediately, viz: The brothers of the Tuscarora king & the cove king.
6. To furnish me with all the corn in ye Fort for the departure of my Indians.
7. To make complaints regularly to Magistrates upon any quarrel between them & whites.
8th. To plant only on Neuse River the Creek the Fort is on quitting all claims to other Lands.
9th. To quitt all pretensions to planting, Fishing, hunting or
ranging to all Lands lying between Neuse River & Cape Feare, that
entirely to be left to the So. Carolina Indians, and to be treated as
Enemys if found in those Ranges without breach of peace, and the Enemy’s
line shall be between Neuse & Pamplico * fishing on both sides Bear
10th The flanks next the attack to be demolished imedeately and the
English have Liberty to march thro’ the same with all Ensigns of hon
r and the rest of the Fort to be demolished in 2 days & never to build more Forts.
Lastly. In 20 days wait on the Governor & sign these & such
other articles as shall be agreed upon; all these articles were per-
formed thus:
1st. 24 Captives children were delivered & 2 negroes one of w
ch being a notorious Rogue was cutt to pieces imediately.
2d. King Hancock was gone to Virginia they will deliver him and 3
others when the Governor names them. 3d. Most of the horses skins &
plunder they sold the Virginia. Traders, the remainder we but little
they delivered. 4. They would yearly come to pay tribute. 5. They
delivered 2 sons of the Tuscaroras King & a Brother of the Cove
King. 6. This was the hardest article, however, I got as much as
furnished 40 Indians Essaws and Palatchees & sent them away, but to
my great loss one of my slaves ran away with them. I gave Mr. C. £35 for
him & I suppose he is gone thither. Let me beg your Hon
r favour to get him for me.
7, 8. 9. Intirely agreed to by ye Tuscaruro Indians, but gruntted at
by the Coves upon which they quarrelled, and had I but 4 days provisions
I had contrived the matter so well that in that time I could oblige ye
Tuscaroras to have delivered all the Coves for slaves. I will take
another time to tell you how.
10. They broke down Flanker. I ordered 2 files of So. Carolina men to
take possession of the breach. Then I drew the whole body up before the
breach & marched them into ye Fort. 2 Trumpets, 2 Drumms, So.
Carolina Standard, Yamassee & Apalatchka, Col. Boyd, Coll. Mitchell,
Major Makay, Major Cole, myself gentlemen volunteers 2 & 2, So.
Carolina men 2 & 2, ye Yamasse Cap
tn 2 & 2. I refused
these country men to march with me Friday, but after I had gone thro’
ye Fort (which amazed me) they had Liberty, for I never saw such subtill
contrivances for Defence, but I found a good fire would have made
greater Havock than I expected. There was a good number of sick &
wounded & a very great mortality which with their nastiness produced
such stink that I as soon as the Colour was raised on the Fort and the
great guns fired & shrill huzzas, I made a short sharp speech to ye
Rebells who hid all their arms & prostrated themselves their wives
& children in mv power, hoping I would be as good as my word &
not take this advantage to murder them.
I might see by the strength of the place a good many would be killed
before it could be forced. Some base people was urging to take this
opportunity but I would sooner die. In truth they were murderers, but if
our Indians found that there could be no dependence in our promises, it
might prove of ill consequence besides 70 odd were not there w
was a number sufficient to hinder all North Carolina from planting
& I told them if they did approve of what I had done they might mend
it which put them to silence. When we began the siege besides hardy
boys that could draw bow there were 46 men at the Fort. I ordered 200
Volunteers to number them at this time. Tho’ none agreed in the exact
number yet they all agreed as there was above 8o so there was not one
hundred. I am wild exclaiming against this place in writing but when I
kiss your Hand I have such a tale to tell of the barefaced villainys
daily committed here as will make y
r Hon
r for the
future use this country as Virginia does. To spare my horses I walked on
foot and came here, but now I find 2 of my horses rid to death the
other 2 stolen, for after 10 days are not found, sv
ll of my men are in the same case.
If yo
r Hon
r doth not think fitt to send back
the shallop for me * * I would come by this opportunity but am unwilling
to leave men * * * of whom 1 is killed, 10 wounded & 4 sick, so
have not above 7 or 8 well with me.
May So. Carolina flourish when I bleed & suffer * * * body do ten times more than I can pretend to do for its advancement.
May * * me and my poor men, and send some corn to help ye poor
Yamassees home, they * * when all others Left me in the midst of my
greatest extremity.
I am with * *
Your Honrs most obedient Servant,