Selections from Morgan County History, Volume I (These selections from Selections from Morgan County History, Volume I, Sesquicentennial Volume by Helen Price Stacy and William Lynn Nickell )
According to Miss Bonnie Ruth Lewis, daughter of Ernest and Corda Easterling Lewis of Wrigley, (Morgan County, KY) and a descendant of pioneer Thomas D. Lewis, the clan has traits "characteristically Lewis."These traits include "longevity and clarity of mind into extreme old age...more recent examples of their being long-lived, as they called it, are Cousin Frank Lewis who was past 99 when he passed away in 1960, and his sister, Mrs. Fannie Day, who lived to be over 103.
"Looking over my kinsmen, standing together, their backs as straight as ramrods, with their piercing blue eyes, high cheekbones and fair complexions, I wondered if Old Thomas who lived to be 94 should join them, wouldn't he too look just like all the others."
At the time Thomas D. Lewis was making his way to what later would be Morgan County, he was walking on land owned by Henry French of Mercer County. The Lewises at one time could walk eight miles in a line on their own land and all of it once the property of French, including that land bought for West Liberty.
Miss Lewis, a teacher at Wrigley school, and her brother, Dr. Cohen Lewis of Jackson, have amassed a wealth of material on the family. They point out that most of the early records of Morgan County were burned in the fire that destroyed the Floyd County Courthouse in 1808. It would be well to remember that persons who might already have signed deeds and other papers prior to 1808, had to list their property again after 1808. (Due to the 1808 fire, some early marriage records have been lost.)
If longevity and clarity of mind are Lewis traits, then pride in their ancestral heritage is another. One of the honored papers of another era is the military record of pioneer Thomas D. Lewis.
State of Kentucky / Morgan County:
On this 8th day of August 1833 personally appeared in Open Court before the Court of Morgan County now sitting, Thomas Lewis, a resident of the County of Morgan and State of Kentucky, aged seventy-five years, who being duly sworn according to Law doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefits of the Act of Congress passed June 7th, 1832. That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers and served as herein stated. Was drafted in Washington County, State of Virginia, where he then resided on the ____day of June 1776 under Captain A. Bowen, A. Campbell was colonel, and was marched to Robersons fort on Clinch River and was there stationed & at Cowens fort on Clinch River for six weeks and was then
discharged and returned home, and on the ___day of September 1776 was ordered out to guard the Frontiers of Virginia by Captain A. Bowen and was marched in September 1776 to Robertson & Cowans fort on Clinch River where I was in service for two months and was discharged & returned home to Washington County, Virginia, and was again drafted on the ___day of July 1780 in
Washington County, Virginia, and was in July 1780 marched to Surry Courthouse and was detached at Surry Courthouse under Captain A. Bowan as a Ranger or Spy on the Adkin River and on New River and served for four months and was marched back to Washington County, Virginia, and discharged by Captain A. Bowen, William Campbell was colonel. And on the fourth Tour was drafted in December 1780 to Abingdon in Virginia where I joined the Army and marched to the Long Island on Holston and by the bend of Chucky to French Broad and thence crossing French Broad and traveling six miles we fought the Indians on the ___day of December 1780 and whiped them and proceeded on our march crossing the Tennessee River and stationed at the Cherokee Towns on the Tennessee River about two weeks, was then marched to th Tellico Towns and thence to Highwasse where we stayed about two weeks, and then marched back to Tellico where we remained about two weeks and was then marched back to the Cherokee Towns and from the Cherokee Towns we marched back home to Washington County, Virginia, and was discharged in March 1781 by Captain James Crabtree. And in 1782 moved to Kentucky and settled on Dicks River and in October 1782 and started in a few days
and lay all night the 4th of September (sic) 1782 at Danville, the place of Rendezvous, where I joined a company under Colonel Barnett (?), John Downey Captain, James Downey Major, we marched immediately to the Falls of the Ohio River where we was attached to the Army commanded by General George R. Clarke. We then marched to the Apost we marched up the Wabash River about eighty
miles where we halted and returned to the falls of the Ohio where we remained two days and was discharged. I was out under the last named officer two months.
And that he has no documentary evidence and that he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his services. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of the Agency of any State. Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
Thomas LewisWe, William Coffee a Clergyman residing in the County of Morgan and John Henry residing in the same County, hereby certify that we are well acquainted with Thomas Lewis who has sworn and subscribed to the above declaration, that we believe him to be seventy-five years of age, that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the
Revolution and Sworn and subscribed the day and year aforesaid.
William Coffee
John HenryThe following was not included in "History of Morgan County". It is from the papers of Mrs. Dayton Royse, (Elymira McGuire) of Okalahoma City. Her papers were donated to the Genealogical Library of Oklahoma by her son after her death.
And the said Court do hereby declare their opinion after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department that the above named applicant was a Revolutionary Soldier and served as he states. And the Court further certified that it appears to them that William Coffee who has signed the preceding certificate is a Clergyman resident in Morgan
County and that John Henry who has signed the same is a resident in the same County and is a credible person and that their statement is entitled to Court.
Jos. Nickell John S. Oakley
Isaac Lykens John McGuire
Uriah Cottle James Hamans
I James G. Hazelrigg, Clerk of the Court of Morgan County, do hereby certify
that the foregoing contains the original proceedings of the said Court in the matter of the application of
Thomas Lewis for a pension. In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal of Office this 8th day
of August 1833.
James G. Hazelrigg, Clk. M. Cy.Resulting from the above application, Certificate No. 19592 of Kentucy - was issued to Thomas Lewis of Morgan County in the State of Kentucky who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Bowen of the Regt. commanded by Col. Campbell in the Virginia Line for 1 years & 12 days. Inscribed on the Roll of Kentucky at the rate of 41 dollars 33 cents per annum to commence on the 4th of March 1834. Certificate of Pension issued the 25th day of September, 1833. James G. Hazelrigg, West Liberty Arrears to the 4th Sept., 103.32; Semi-anl. Allowance ending 4 March 20.66 = $123.98. Revolutionary Claim, Act June 7, 1832..Recorded by Danl. Boyd, Clerk, - Book E, Vol. 7, Page 17.
Following is from "Selections from Morgan County History":
Children of Thomas Lewis and Hannah Hopkins were: Francis Hopkins Lewis, born March 3, 1786, married first Eleanor Perry, daughter of John Perry; second Ellender Caskey, daughter of Thomas and Lydia Hopkins Caskey, Francis died Feb. 22, 1874 and is buried in Lewis Cemetery, Licking River, Morgan Co., KY. (Note: the cemetery at Pomp spoken of as the Green Lewis cemetery, is referred to in Kerr's History as the McClure-Harrison cemetery, according to Ronnie Lewis.)
William Lewis, born Sept. 10, 1787, married Jane Perry, daughter of John Perry.
John Lewis, born Jan. 22, 1789, married Elizabeth Elliott, daughter of James Stewart Elliott (he the son of Richard and Catherine Stewart Elliott is said by descendants to be the father of John Lisle Elliott of Elliott county and grandfather of Judge John Milton Elliott assassinated in 1879) and his first wife Hannah Scott.
Anne Lewis, also called Nancy, born April 8, 1793, married Travis Day.
Elizabeth (Betsy) Lewis, born Nov. 23, 1794, married first Wells Morgan, then Stephen Cassity.
Hannah Lewis, born Aug. 17, 1796, married John Caskey, son of Thomas and Lydia Hopkins Caskey.
Thomas Lewis, Jr., born July 27, 1798 married Elizabeth Mynhier. Thomas was only child to leave Morgan; he and Elizabeth settled in Bath County.
Diedamia (Damy) Lewis, born Feb 20, 1800, married Jesse Cogswell.
Gardner Hopkins Lewis, born Nov. 8, 1801, married Mary (Polly) Amyx.
Edmund Price Lewis, born Aug. 5, 1803, married Cyntha Cox.
Sarah Lewis, born April 10, 1805, never married.
Henry Hopkins Lewis, born March 4, 1808, married Catherine Dyer.
Belinda (Malinda) Lewis, born March 14, 1811, married David N. Cottle.
If you would like to add to this history in any way or have any corrections to the articles from the
Selections from Morgan County History, please contact:
Dr. Helen Price Stacy 555 Prestonsburg Street West Libery, KY 41472-1141
The Tory
Francis Hopkins
From "Are You Your Own Cousin?" by Claris Conner Phillips, 502 Cranbook Park, Garland, TX 75043-5410
When Joseph Hopkins moved to "the traditional home of the otherwise minded in unknown," but his son Francis was born in "Rogues' Island," the squatter colony, Rhode Island, which Baptist Roger Williams established in 1636, when Puritans banished him from Boston. In 1721, the approximate year of Francis' birth, Boston still sneeringly called "Little Rhodey" that sewer in which the Lord's debris has collected and rotted. But despite, or perhaps because of its early outcast/exiled citizenry, Rhode Islanders enjoyed numerous blessings. They exercised simple manhood suffrage from the start, demanded no oath as to a man's religious beliefs, and produced strongly individualistic and stubbornly independent citizens.
Francis Hopkins proved to be the quintessential Rhode Islander. According to town records of East and West Greenwich, RI, Francis was having financial difficulties; but on 17 Sep 1745, he bought for 300 pounds, 33 acres in E. Greenwich from John and Mary M. Niles (bounded by James Tillinghast, widow Straight, William Spencer Jr ., and Johnathan Pitcher).
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3 Feb 1745, Francis and Mary sold to John Picher f or 229 pounds 28 acres; disposing of the 33 acres purchased in 1745.
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10 Apr 1746, he was made a freeman of E. Greenwich.
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In 1756, Francis bought land in Exeter from Benjamin Lawton; on 16 Dec
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1758, Francis and Mary sold for 500 pounds a tract of 5 acres in Exeter to Paskeo Austin, Jr.
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Francis moved his family to NY. He is listed in the 1767 tax list of Newburgh Township, Orange County, NY. (Nat. Gen. Soc. Quarterly 51:222).
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On 03 Oct 1772 his name appears among the signers of a memorial to the General Assembly of Connecticut, as the last of six members of the Hopkins family, the others being William, James, Robert, Timothy Jr., and Timothy. This list did not indicate where.
![]() | *In Wash. C. May 4, 1778 Francis Hopkins was held on suspicion of his feloniously counterfeiting or erasing and altering sundry treasury notes: he said he was in no wise guilty. |
![]() | *May 19, 1778 the Grand Jury returned to the Bar and presented as followeth: Viz Francis Hopkins for knowingly passing two bad ten dollar bills and buying bad money at an under rate. |
![]() | *Aug. 19, 1778 Ordered that Francis Hopkins be fined 50 pounds lawful money of Virginia and 6 Months inprisonment for passing counterfeit money. |
![]() | Aug. 20, 1778 Ordered the Francis Hopkins be imprisoned within the walls of the Fort at William Cocks old Place on Renfroes Creek. William Hopkins was one of his securities. |
![]() | *In 1779 in Virginia all Bank Notes of the whole emissions of May 20, 1777 and April 11, 1778 were taken out of Circulation since Counterfeits had been issued by our enemies at New York and are found to be spreading. |
![]() | *April 22, 1779 paid to James Dysart Sheriff for summoning Court of Examination on Francis Hopkins. |
![]() | *June 16, 1779 Estate of William Hopkins who had been taken and committed to Gaol of this County for Treasonable practices against this state had broken Gaol and escaped be sold and money deposited in Treasury. |
![]() | March 22, 1780 indenture of Estate of William Hopkins. |
![]() | Sept 19, 1782. Joseph Cole was a security for the good behavior of William Hopkins. |
![]() | *May 20, 1783 William Hopkins forfeited above bond for stealing a horse. |
Early Records of S.J.C. of Mass. File 2034
Clemens: Early Marriage Records of the Hopkins Family 1916)
Following: Excerpts from "The History Of Southwest Virginia" (By Summers - 1903)
Page 275 - Southwest Virginia, 1746-1786.
The members of the County Court of Washington county were zealous Whig's and were so aggressive in the enforcement of their views, that it was with difficulty that a Tory could make his home anywhere within the bounds of this county without being prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Colonel William Campbell was particularly aggressive in his prosecution of the Tories to be found within the county, and, by reason thereof, was the object of special hatred on their part.
At this time there lived in Washington county two men by the names of Francis Hopkins and William Hopkins. Francis Hopkins was a counterfeiter and, at the May term of the County Court in the year 1779, he was tried by the court on suspicion of his having counterfeited, erased and altered sundry treasury notes; the currency of this Commonwealth, knowing the same to be bad. He was found guilty, fined fifty dollars lawful money of Virginia, sentenced to six months in prison, and was ordered to be confined within the walls of the Fort at William Cocke's (now C. L. Clyce's), on Renfro's creek, alias Spring creek, until the county gaol was completed. He was conveyed to Cocke's Fort, but within a short time thereafter, made his escape and began a series of very bold and daring depredations upon the Whig settlers of the county. He organized a band of Tories, whose occupation was to steal the horses of the settlers and intimidate the citizens whenever possible. He went so far as to post notices at and near the home of Colonel William Campbell, warning him that if he did not desist from his prosecution of the loyal adherents of George III, a terrible calamity would befall him, either in the loss of his property or his life.
"On a quiet and beautiful Sabbath in the spring time of the year 1780, General Campbell accompanied by his wife (who was a sister of Patrick Henry), and several of their neighbors, attended a religious service at a Presbyterian house of worship known as Ebbing Spring Church in the upper end of this county. As they were returning to their homes they happened to be conversing about the audacity of the Tory who had been so bold and defiant in his declarations and was suspected of having posted these notices above referred to. Just as they arrived at the top of a hill, a short distance west of the present residence of Colonel Hiram A. Greever, they observed a man on horseback on the opposite hill, coming towards them. General Campbell was riding beside his wife, with an infant on before him. One of them remarked that the individual meeting them was the Tory of whom they had been speaking, probably now on a horse-stealing expedition, as he was observed to be carrying a rope halter in his hand. Hearing this, Colonel Campbell, without halting, handed the infant over to its mother and dashed out in front. Seeing the movement and recognizing the man whom he so much feared and hated, the Tory wheeled his horse and started back at quite a rapid gait, pursued at full speed by Colonel Campbell and one of the gentlemen of the company, whose name was Thompson. Never, it may be presumed, either before or since, has such a dashing and exciting race been witnessed upon that long level between the residences of Colonels Greever and Beattie. As they reached the branch at the base of the hill a little west of Colonel Beattie's, Colonel Campbell dashed up alongside the fleeing Tory, who, seeing that he would be caught, turned short to the right down the bank and plunged into the river. As he struck the water, Colonel Campbell, who had left his companion in the rear, leaped in beside him, grasped the Tory's holsters and threw them into the stream, and then dragged him from his horse into the water.
At this moment Mr. Thompson rode up. They took their prisoner out on the bank and held what may be termed a drum-head court. The Tory, who, bad as he was, had the virtue of being a brave, candid man, at once acknowledged the truth of the charge preferred against him and boldly declared his defiance and determination to take horses wherever be could find them. But he was mistaken in his man, for in less than ten minutes he was dangling from the limb of a large sycamore that stood upon the bank of the river, the stump of which was to be seen a few years ago, and may be there yet for aught the writer knows.
After the sudden taking off of Francis Hopkins, as above detailed, William Hopkins continued his depredations upon the Whig settlers and resorted to arms, for which offence he also was arrested in the year 1779 and committed to the gaol of this county for trial, but escaped there from.
"Excerpt from 'History of the old Glade Spring Presbyterian Church'"
From Family History Center film #1750788, item 19, copied 14 Nov. 1997 (By Beverly Yackel)
The Cherokee menace was somewhat relieved but the Loyalists were forming into groups in open insurrection and conspiracy. No section did more to establish a pattern of punishment for Tory bandits than the Ebbing Spring area. Following his experience with them in eastern Virginia, William Campbell was very outspoken and gave active leadership in characterizing them as traitors. The Tories quickly responded against Campbell by “every means of annoyance”, from hanging placards on his gate to threatening his live.
In many of the operations against the Tories the elderly and the unfit were given security on qood behavior and the young men were offered pardon on condition they enrolled in the continental army for the duration of the war. However, the outlaw Tories on Black Lick, near present Rural Retreat, did not fare so well. They were surrounded by Campbell's men, captured and about a dozen of them hanged upon two white oaks, which thereafter were known as the "Tory Trees'.
A spectacular example of this life and death struggle involved Ebbing Springs people. On a bright Sunday afternoon in the summer of 1779 a group was returning home after worship services at the Ebbing Spring Meeting House. In the group were Col. William Campbell, his wife and child along with the Colonel’s "body-servant', John Campbell and his family, Capt. James Dysart and wife, James Fullen, a Mr. Farris, and others. When they came to the crest of a hill traveling up the Middle Fork of Holston, a man on horseback approaching from the opposite direction turned suddenly into the woods, a suspicious move.
John Campbell recognized him and told Col. Campbell that it was Francis Hopkins, the Tory bandit. Hopkins had been in court, and fined often. On one occasion be was convicted of passing counterfeit money and ordered imprisoned at Cocke's Fort. After being transferred to the rickety new county jail, he was released at night by sympathizing Tories and left the area for the nearest British garrison . There he was commissioned a British agent and entrusted with letters to the Cherokee Indians urging them to attack the white settlers.
William Campbell, believing that it was Hopkins, placed his child in the arms of his servant and, leaving the women and children behind, called 'Follow, men". With the pursuers closing in on him, Hopkins wheeled his horse, plunged the spurs into his sides and made him leap down a steep bluff into Middle River: Campbell forced his horse to follow and, before Hopkins could recover his balance he was facing the Colonel. They were struggling furiously in waist-deep water when the other men arrived to aid in bringing Hopkins to the river bank. A trial followed, with later reports varying in detail from an improvised "oyer and terminer” to a “drum head" court, and evidence was produced. Upon evidence then and there produced, Hopkins was convicted of crimes adjudged worthy of death. The commission and letters to the Cherokee Indians were found upon his person. The horse he rode had been stolen that day, and halters tied to his saddle were evidently intended for others to be obtained in the same way. After conviction, short shrift was given the culprit. He was hanged with one of his own halters to a limb of the sycamore tree.
Even though it has been claimed that the patriots had gone through a trial, the proceedings were so irregular as to need official sanction. So the Virginia General Assembly passed in October 1779 an act stating that although some of the frontier measures suppressing open insurrection and conspiracy may not have been strictly warranted by law, they were:
In many of the operations against the Tories the elderly and the unfit were given security on qood behavior and the young men were offered pardon on condition they enrolled in the continental army for the duration of the war. However, the outlaw Tories on Black Lick, near present Rural Retreat, did not fare so well. They were surrounded by Campbell's men, captured and about a dozen of them hanged upon two white oaks, which thereafter were known as the "Tory Trees'.
A spectacular example of this life and death struggle involved Ebbing Springs people. On a bright Sunday afternoon in the summer of 1779 a group was returning home after worship services at the Ebbing Spring Meeting House. In the group were Col. William Campbell, his wife and child along with the Colonel’s "body-servant', John Campbell and his family, Capt. James Dysart and wife, James Fullen, a Mr. Farris, and others. When they came to the crest of a hill traveling up the Middle Fork of Holston, a man on horseback approaching from the opposite direction turned suddenly into the woods, a suspicious move.
John Campbell recognized him and told Col. Campbell that it was Francis Hopkins, the Tory bandit. Hopkins had been in court, and fined often. On one occasion be was convicted of passing counterfeit money and ordered imprisoned at Cocke's Fort. After being transferred to the rickety new county jail, he was released at night by sympathizing Tories and left the area for the nearest British garrison . There he was commissioned a British agent and entrusted with letters to the Cherokee Indians urging them to attack the white settlers.
William Campbell, believing that it was Hopkins, placed his child in the arms of his servant and, leaving the women and children behind, called 'Follow, men". With the pursuers closing in on him, Hopkins wheeled his horse, plunged the spurs into his sides and made him leap down a steep bluff into Middle River: Campbell forced his horse to follow and, before Hopkins could recover his balance he was facing the Colonel. They were struggling furiously in waist-deep water when the other men arrived to aid in bringing Hopkins to the river bank. A trial followed, with later reports varying in detail from an improvised "oyer and terminer” to a “drum head" court, and evidence was produced. Upon evidence then and there produced, Hopkins was convicted of crimes adjudged worthy of death. The commission and letters to the Cherokee Indians were found upon his person. The horse he rode had been stolen that day, and halters tied to his saddle were evidently intended for others to be obtained in the same way. After conviction, short shrift was given the culprit. He was hanged with one of his own halters to a limb of the sycamore tree.
Even though it has been claimed that the patriots had gone through a trial, the proceedings were so irregular as to need official sanction. So the Virginia General Assembly passed in October 1779 an act stating that although some of the frontier measures suppressing open insurrection and conspiracy may not have been strictly warranted by law, they were:
“justifiable from the immediate urgency and imminence of the danger: Be it therefore declared and enacted, That the said Wm. Campbell, Walter Crockett, and all other persons Whatsoever concerned in suppressing the said conspiracy and insurrection stand indemnified and clearly exonerated."
(Originally from internet:"" This page is no longer available).
Mrs. Elmyra (McGuire) Royse, a Hopkins genealogist, wrote: "100 years later, Draper (historian) started checking and reports Francis was hanged by William Campbell and a Negro Thomas, about 1778-/79; it was said he was a Tory and many other things . . . but from a very careful study, my conclusion is that the occurrence was occasioned by the fact that the Scotch-Irish were unhappy with the people who migrated down from CT, NJ, & NY. Even in Draper's account it appeared that Campbell chased Francis Hopkins and hanged him only because HE WAS TOLD he was a trouble-maker, etc.. Mrs. Royse believes the William in Draper's account was Francis’s son, and that he was the William Hopkins who was discharged by proclamation, etc., 1782 Term Court, Sullivan Co., TN. However, he could have been Francis' brother, William
(Note: Linda): As you can see, there is some conflicting information on the manner of his hanging, but none at all on who hung him and why. William Campbell hanged Francis because he was told he was a troublemaker. It should be pointed out that Francis was a Tory. It was his job to disrupt the Rebel's economy by counterfeiting money, stealing horses & guns and other assets the Rebels might make use of, and participate in any activity that would disrupt the opposition. The books these stories are taken from: "History of Southwest Virginia" (by Summers), and others, were, of course, written from the Colonist point of view. To them he was simply a thieving, horse-stealing, counterfeiting trouble making Tory. To the British, for whom he worked, I'm sure he was considered a brave and courageous Tory. He just picked the wrong side.It is interesting to note, that Hannah Hopkins was the daughter of Francis, the bandit Tory, and the wife of Thomas Lewis, the DAR recognized Revolutionary War Soldier.
In 1779, Francis Hopkins was hung by Colonel William Campbell.
In 1780, Thomas Lewis served under Colonel William Campbell, the man who hung Francis.
In 1784, Thomas Lewis married Hannah, Francis Hopkins daughter.
_______________________Another Account____________________
"King's Mountain and Its Heroes: History of the Battle of King's Mountain" (This book is online)
Author: Lyman C. Draper, LL. D - Call Number: 1510 – Pages 385 to 387 - spelling and grammar as found in the book.
In the summer of 1779, there was a partial uprising of Tories in Montgomery County, where Colonel Walter Crockett, by his energy, succeeded in quelling the insurrection before it had gained much headway. The same Tory spirit had extended itself into Washington County--and even into the Watauga and Nolachucky settlements; but the leaders were not open in their movements--rather like bandits, struck their blows in the dark, under disguises and concealments. Colonel Campbell was very out-spoken against them. His gates were placarded, threatening his life; and an attempt was made to take him, of a dark night, and in a deep forest, by two of these desperadoes, but they mistook their man--otherwise Colonel Campbell would have probably lost his life at their hands.
Not long after, when he was returning from the Ebbing Spring meeting house, where he had been hearing a good Presbyterian sermon, mounted on horseback, accompanied by his wife, his cousin John Campbell and family, Captain James Dysart and wife, James Fullen, a man named Farris, an African negro named Thomas, and others, he discovered a man approaching, on horseback, who turned off into the woods--a suspicious circumstance. Colonel Campbell did not personally know him, but John Campbell, who did, told the Colonel that it was Francis Hopkins, the Tory bandit. For a year or more Hopkins had given the County authorities much trouble; they had imposed heavy fines upon him for his rascalities, and had placed him under heavy bonds. He had been found guilty of passing counterfeit money--was ordered imprisoned at Cocke's Fort on Renfroe creek, till the county jail should be completed; and when the new structure was ready for occupancy, it was a ricketty affair, and Hopkins one dark night was released from his onfinement by the aid of sympathizing Tories, who pried the jail door from its hinges, and carried it half a mile away. Thus the bandit and counterfeiter evaded further imprisonment, and snapped his fingers at justice. He fled to the nearest British garrison--probably in Georgia--where he obtained a commission, with letters to the Cherokee Indians and the white emissaries among them, urging them to fall upon the frontier settlers with fagot, knife, and tomahawk. He was, in every sense, an infamous Tory, and a dangerous character.
Upon learning the name of the stranger, Colonel Campbell instantly put spurs to his horse, and gave chase to the bandit; and in the course of one or two miles, reaching the deep ford of the Middle Fork of Holston, about a mile above where Captain Thompson then lived, Hopkins, who was mounted on a fine horse, rode down a steep bluff, some fifteen or twenty feet, plunging into the river. Campbell, by this time, was close in pursuit, and not to be balked, followed the bandit into the water. The fearful leap threw Hopkins from his horse; and, before he could recover, Campbell was at him. They had a long and desperate rencounter in river, the bandit losing his dirk. Hopkins was the strongest man, and came near drowning Campbell, when Fullen and some of the others, who had followed, came to his relief; and, with their assistance, the bandit was, after something of an enforced ducking, subdued and taken to the bank.
Hopkins' reckless character was well known--a leader of a mountain clan of desperadoes, who had long infested the country, committing robberies on defenseless people along the thinly populated frontiers. No time was lost--there was no jail in the county that could hold him, and it was dangerous to the community to suffer such a lawless character to roam at large, threatening the lives of such men as William Campbell. On taking the culprit to the bank of the stream, they searched him, finding his commission, with commissions for others, and the letters to the Cherokees, which he had not yet delivered. The horse he rode was stolen but a few hours before; and he had a new halter tied on behind his saddle, evidently intended for another horse, preparatory, perhaps, for a journey, with some accomplice, to the Cherokee country. But the halter, like Haman's gallows, was put to quite a different use from what was designed; for with it, Hopkins, who was insolent to Campbell, was speedily hung to the limb of a convenient sycamore that leaned over the river. When Colonel Campbell rejoined his wife, she eagerly inquired, "What did you do with him, Mr. Campbell?" "Oh, we hung him, Betty--that's all." The whole country rejoiced at this riddance of one of the greatest pests to society. Others of the bandit party were hunted down, and several of them killed--one on Clinch, and another at the lower end of Washington County, or on the borders of the neighboring County of Sullivan, in now Tennessee.
Another account from an unknown source.
Francis was a renegade bandit, not a mere Tory but one of a band of robbers and murderers, around the settlement of Holston. Francis came in to the neighborhood where William Campbell lived and during his being there, William Campbell gates were placarded threatening his life. A few days later Campbell in company with his wife and a large number of persons, was coming home from church from the Ebbing Spring Meeting House. Whereas Campbell did not know Hopkins, as soon as Hopkins passed it was stated by some one that that was Hopkins. Wm Campbell instantly wheeled his horse around which was a fine horse, and made out for Hopkins.
In a mile or two Campbell came in site and Hopkins knowing that it was Campbell, Hopkins, also being on a fine horse, took off at his best speed. The race continued a mile or so to the middle of the fork of the Holston river.
Hopkins reaching a bluff jumped his horse down some 15 feet to 20 feet to the river. Campbell was in close pursuit and followed in the river. The jump threw Hopkins off his horse.
Hopkins was the stronger of the two and was almost drowning Campbell. When Edmiston and several other men came to help. By this assistance, Hopkins was subdued and taken to the bank. All knew of Hopkins desperate character, the men knew that there was no jail in which he could be secured. They held a consultation and decided that they would hang him and did so forthwith, by sticking his neck into the fork of a leaning sycamore tree which bent over the river.
Francis and his men were termed "Bandits, robbers, and murderers. He was also passing counterfeit money and was found guilty and sentenced August 20, 1778 in Washington Co., Virginia. He was in Newsbury, New York, Wyoming Valley, PA and Washington Co., VA.
Francis was hanged by William Campbell and negro Thomas because they were told he was a trouble maker.
"The Life and Times of Samuel Gorton", (p. 178) With a genealogy of Samuel Gorton's descendants to the present time. Compiled from various accounts, histories, letters, and published and unpublished records By ADELOS GORTON, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1907, BY ADELOS GORTON In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. GEORGE S. FERGUSON CO., PRINTERS AND ELECTROTYPERS, PHILADELPHIA.
[This was Francis's brother-in-law] OTHNIEL4 GORTON (Othniel3 John2 Sam'l1), born at Warwick, October 1, 1718, married, June 3, 1735, Theodora Hopkins, born April 13, 1718, daughter of Joseph2 and second wife, Martha (Whaley), Hopkins, and granddaughter of Thomas1 and Sarah Hopkins, of East Greenwich. "Othniel Gorton was a member of the General Assembly from Warwick during the years 1757, 1758, 1759, 1780, 1786, 1787. In 1761 Mr. Gorton, in connection with Stephen Hopkins and Job Bennett, Esquires, was directed to prepare a reply to the questions which had been proposed by the Lord's Commissioners of the Plantations. He served on the committees to inquire into the conduct of suspected persons. He served as Speaker of the House in 1787, and this same year was one of the committee to draft a letter to Congress, showing the reasons why Rhode Island sent no delegation to the Convention at Philadelphia. In June, 1788, he resigned his position in the Assembly and became Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, which position he retained until May, 1791." (Rider's Historical Tract 10, Fuller's History of Warwick.) His will, dated December 11, 1788, proved June 27, 1797--executors, wife, Theodora, and grandson, Othniel Gorton Wightman--provides care for the graves of his wife, Theodora, and two daughters, Theodora and Mary, then deceased, and mentions grandsons, Othniel Gorton Wightman and Rufas Gorton Spencer, greatgrandson, Gorton Arnold (son of George and Mary), and daughters, Zilpha Hopkins, wife of Joseph, and Mary Wightman, wife of Philip. Othniel and Theodora are buried on the Vaughan farm, Warwick; no stones.
The following items are from researcher, Norman Hopkins - ( Saturday, May 04, 200
Evidence of Francis Hopkins is next found in the records of Pittstown, in what is now Luzerne Co., PA., but was then claimed by Connecticut as part of its Wyoming Valley possessions, and was thus regarded as in Westmoreland, Litchfield Co., Conn. Pittstown Fort was built in 1772 and consisted of 35 houses constructed in a triangle with its base on the Susquehanna River.
On the list of inhabitants of Township of Pittstown, 30 April 1772, appeared: Caleb Bates (by William Hopkins) and Caleb Bates (by Francis Hopkins). (Proceedings & Collections of the Wyoming Valley Historical & Geological Society, II:82-84, 1885) Among the signers of a memorial to the General Assembly of Connecticut, 3 Oct. 1772, appeared the name of Francis Hopkins. Other signers with surname Hopkins were William, James, Robert, Timothy Jr., and Timothy, no indication being given in this list as to where in Wyoming the sigers resided. (History of Wilkes-Barre, PA., O.J. Harvey, 1909, 2:752) In one of Matthias Hollenback's account books, an entry was found where Francis Hopkins had made a purchase.
According to Deed Book 1 of Westmoreland, Litchfield Co., Conn., which is kept in the Vault of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society at Wilkes-Barre, PA...Francis Hopkins bought and sold many lots in Pittstown fort and Old Pittstown: 13 Jan 1774, Deed, Obadiah Monson to Francis Hopkins for one pound- a certain tract of land in Pittstown being my fort Lot, and is Number ye Fifth. 5 May 1774, Deed, Caleb Bates fo Francis Hopkins for 10 pounds - land being in ye survey of old Pittstown, and is five small lots of land lying and being a little East of ye Fort and South of a highway that runs through said small lots which lots is known by ye name of Fort Lots, and contains ye second, third, fourth, with a dwelling house that ye said Hopkins now lives in, and ye sixth and seventh.
p. 243/4, July 1774, Deed, William Hopkins to Samuel Slater.."written in ink and hard to decipher", said the researcher.
p. 348, 12 June 1775, Deed, Isaiah Hallsted to Francis Hopkins, recorded 5 July 1775, Ezekiel Peirce, Clerk.
p. 421, 23 Sept. 1775, Deed, Samuel Harding to Francis Hopkins, Litchfield Co, Deed to Francis Hopkins for 8 pounds, Pittstown Fort Lot No. 34-about one acre.
23 Sept. 1775, Deed, Stephen Harding to Francis Hopkins for 5 pounds, a Lot in Pittstown Fort called Fort Lots-about one acre-lying adjoining the Susquehanna River, being Lot No. 33, North side of Fort.
p. 423, 23 Sept. 1775, Bill of Sale, Solomon Strong to Francis Hopkins for $19 all the right, title, interest in & to the dwelling house where Isaac Adams now lives, being the northeast Corner House in the Pittstown Fort..23 Sept 1775, Bill of Sale, Solomon Strong to Francis Hopkins for 4 pounds the northwest House in Pittstown Fort containing all the House to Jones' Blacksmith Shop, etc.
It is regrettable that Westmoreland Deed Book 2 cannot be located; since there was no Francis Hopkins in the tax list for Westmoreland drawn up in Aug. 1776 at Pittstown District nor elsewhere in Wyoming.
The Timothy and James Hopkins listed above were not related, but it is believed that William at Pittstown Fort was Francis Hopkins' son born 1748 in RI.
On the list of inhabitants of Township of Pittstown, 30 April 1772, appeared: Caleb Bates (by William Hopkins) and Caleb Bates (by Francis Hopkins). (Proceedings & Collections of the Wyoming Valley Historical & Geological Society, II:82-84, 1885) Among the signers of a memorial to the General Assembly of Connecticut, 3 Oct. 1772, appeared the name of Francis Hopkins. Other signers with surname Hopkins were William, James, Robert, Timothy Jr., and Timothy, no indication being given in this list as to where in Wyoming the sigers resided. (History of Wilkes-Barre, PA., O.J. Harvey, 1909, 2:752) In one of Matthias Hollenback's account books, an entry was found where Francis Hopkins had made a purchase.
According to Deed Book 1 of Westmoreland, Litchfield Co., Conn., which is kept in the Vault of the Wyoming Historical and Geological Society at Wilkes-Barre, PA...Francis Hopkins bought and sold many lots in Pittstown fort and Old Pittstown: 13 Jan 1774, Deed, Obadiah Monson to Francis Hopkins for one pound- a certain tract of land in Pittstown being my fort Lot, and is Number ye Fifth. 5 May 1774, Deed, Caleb Bates fo Francis Hopkins for 10 pounds - land being in ye survey of old Pittstown, and is five small lots of land lying and being a little East of ye Fort and South of a highway that runs through said small lots which lots is known by ye name of Fort Lots, and contains ye second, third, fourth, with a dwelling house that ye said Hopkins now lives in, and ye sixth and seventh.
p. 243/4, July 1774, Deed, William Hopkins to Samuel Slater.."written in ink and hard to decipher", said the researcher.
p. 348, 12 June 1775, Deed, Isaiah Hallsted to Francis Hopkins, recorded 5 July 1775, Ezekiel Peirce, Clerk.
p. 421, 23 Sept. 1775, Deed, Samuel Harding to Francis Hopkins, Litchfield Co, Deed to Francis Hopkins for 8 pounds, Pittstown Fort Lot No. 34-about one acre.
23 Sept. 1775, Deed, Stephen Harding to Francis Hopkins for 5 pounds, a Lot in Pittstown Fort called Fort Lots-about one acre-lying adjoining the Susquehanna River, being Lot No. 33, North side of Fort.
p. 423, 23 Sept. 1775, Bill of Sale, Solomon Strong to Francis Hopkins for $19 all the right, title, interest in & to the dwelling house where Isaac Adams now lives, being the northeast Corner House in the Pittstown Fort..23 Sept 1775, Bill of Sale, Solomon Strong to Francis Hopkins for 4 pounds the northwest House in Pittstown Fort containing all the House to Jones' Blacksmith Shop, etc.
It is regrettable that Westmoreland Deed Book 2 cannot be located; since there was no Francis Hopkins in the tax list for Westmoreland drawn up in Aug. 1776 at Pittstown District nor elsewhere in Wyoming.
The Timothy and James Hopkins listed above were not related, but it is believed that William at Pittstown Fort was Francis Hopkins' son born 1748 in RI.
Hi Linda, In Pittston There is a residential block on the site of the fort that is a triangle and I imagine that this is the triangle of this fort. The people that I talked to living in this block were not aware of the history of their location. I will include a attachment with a picture of the memorial.
Saturday, May 04, 2002You have some things about Francis that I have been looking for. So far I have accepted that the William arrested and involved with Francis was his 4th child and my ancestor. I so have some question as to whether or not this was the same William that was enlisted (I forget the unit) in the Orange CO militia? I think there was another William in the area, I have not looked into it enough. I have a problem with the characterization of Francis as a hooligan, it just doesn't jib with his family situation and that for generations after, descendants were still honoring him by naming their kids for him. I was just looking at a Campbell website with the same William Campbell from VA and I saw no mention of this episode. I have never seen mention of the burial place of Francis, Mary Joslin, or William .. Historic Gravesites of Rhode Island listed the gravesite of Joseph Hopkins 1667-1735 to be Woodland Cem, Coventry. This is a huge sprawling graveyard. There are a lot of worn away stones. stones face down or overgrown. But all of the graves in the area that Joseph should be in are legible and the only thing there is a Pardon Hopkins family site who lists his Heritage as form our Joseph and this must be the source of what I consider to be a error.
Here is one that maybe gives a clue to the origin of the name Gardner.
On 25 Nov. 1744, Nathan Walker of the British Army, ensign on the island of Ratan, made his will, referring to his cousin John Gardiner in Rhode Island.
This was witnessed by a Francis Hopkins (unidentified).(Genealogical Contributions, Moriaty, RI Hist. Mag. 4:61) A John Gardiner was witness to the above deed. "Genealogical Contributions, Moriarty, RI Hist. Mag. 4:61"
Francis as the son of Martha? Whaley is really a interesting story but. Here is some of what I have found.
Name: Joseph HOPKINS , Jr.
Sex: M
Birth: 8 APR 1698 in Kingstown, RI
Death: BEF. 1743 in RI
From the papers of Elmyria McGuire Royse:
It seems logical that Joseph Jr. would accompany his father and the second wife to E. Greenwich when they moved there about 1713, but I have no proof
that he did. No record has been found of his marriage which probably occured about 1720/21. Joseph Jr. sold property conveyed to him by his father 2 April 1726 to Henry Hill. 33 acres in New Purchase of E. Greenwich exept one acre reserved for himself , his heirs, etc. Signed...Joseph Hopkins, Jr. (This is the land Joseph Hopkins, Jr., got from his father by deed July 14, 1725)
On 7 June 1727, John Wood of E. Greenwich, for 64 pounds, conveyed to Joseph Hopkins, Jr. of said town, a tract of land in E. Greenwich containing 64 1/2 acres which he had bought of Oliver Carpenter. This was witnessed by Mary Spink and Sarah Hall and entered 31 June 1727 or 30 Jan 1727? (E. Greenwich Land Evidences 4:184-185). Joseph Hopkins Jr. was admitted as a Freeman in E. Greenwich on 30 April 1728 (RI Colonial Records 4:403). From the following records abstracted from the E. Greenwich Mortgage Book, it does not appear that Joseph Hopkins was successful as a farmer, nor that he had received a formal education.
On 2 Aug. 1728, Joseph Hopkins Jr. and wife Mary mortgaged 64 acres in 30th farm in the 2nd Division now occupied by said Joseph; executed by Joseph Hopkins Jr.(by mark) & Mary Hopkins (by signature); witnessed by Jeremiah Sweet & Thomas Spencer, Jr. (E. Greenwich Mortgage Book, 2:39-40) This is the only record found of Joseph's wife.
On 15 Oct, 1733, Joseph Hopkins, Jr. yeoman, mortgaged 32 acres, part of 30th Farm in 2nd Division, occupied by said Joseph. Joseph Hopkins, Jr. was
the only signer, again by mark, which leads me to assume that his wife Mary had died since 1728 although her death is not recorded at E. Greenwich.
(Ibid 2:69-70)
On Jan 19, 1738, Joseph Hopkins mortgaged 20 acres, part of the homestead farm. He was the only signer; witnesses were Joseph Case & Job Reynolds.(Ibid 2:108) It will be noted that Joseph had dropped the Jr. from his name, his father having died in 1735. We may conclude that Joseph had received his portion of his father's estate prior to the 1735 will which restricted his legacy to 5 shillings. The name of Joseph Hopkins appears on the petition for the division of East
Greenwich which was presented to the General Assembly in 1741, but I have been unable to locate evidence of his death or removal from this area except the statement in the marriage certificate of Francis Hopkins, 1 Sept. 1743, to the effect that he was "son of Joseph Hopkins, late of West Greenwich."
The early records of West Greenwich were placed in state archives, Office of the Secretary of State, at Providence; Miss Mary T. Quinn, Assistant for Archives, informed Mrs. Royse that there is no record in West Greenwich of the disposal of any land by Joseph Hopkins, nor did she find a will or any mention of his estate. (Mrs. Royse died about 1977) Although documented proof cannot be found, many excellent gealogists have searched the records. In each case, the conclusion has been that Joseph Hopkins, Jr., was the father of Francis Hopkins, born about 1720. Possibly recorded at N. Kingstown and records were burned.
Father: Joseph HOPKINS , Sr b: 1666 in Roxbury, MA - Mother: Phebe SPENSER
Sunday, May 05, 2002
I am working on finding out more about Francis grandson William, son of William and his time in Indiana. His son Joe married and then went with a new woman and several families to Iowa.
1. WILLIAM1 HOPKINS was born Bef. 1635, and died November 05, 1688 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts. He married HANNAH ANDREWS Bef. 1660 in Massachusetts, daughter of THOMAS ANDREWS. She was born Bef. 1640, and died 1679 in Roxbury, Suffolk County, Massachusetts.
The following material is found in the privately printed book "Lineage of John Curren Nickell and Emma Golden Murphy" by Lucille N. Haney.
The Hopkins Family
The following material is found in the privately printed book "Lineage of John Curren Nickell and Emma Golden Murphy" by Lucille N. Haney.
The Hopkins Family
*William Hopkins of Roxbury, Mass., cannot be designated as the immigrant ancestor of this Hopkins line since no record has been found of his arrival in America. It has been suggested that he was born in 1657; no information has been located proving his birthdate or birthplace, nor his relationship with any other Hopkins line appearing then in Massachusetts.
His name first appears in the town Records of Roxbury (now within the limits of Boston) 19 Jan. 1656/57 when he was chosen gravedigger for the town.
No marriage record had been found for William Hopkins, but proof exists that his wife in 1660 was Hannah Andrews, daughter of Thomas Andrews, who was granted land at Dorchester, Mass., in 1634 and who died there 20 March 1673. His will made 6 Aug. 1667, proved 4 June 1673, named daughter, Hannah Hopkins and mentioned her children but not by name.
William Hopkins was a member of the Roxbury Church where eleven children were baptized by Rev. John Eliot. Although no deeds showing purchase or sale of land have been found, his land was mentioned in Suffolk Deeds 1671, 1669, 1676, 1698. William Hopkins died at Roxbury in 1668; his wife, Hannah, died 1678/9.
*Joseph Hopkins, seventh child of William and Hannah Hopkins, was baptized at Roxbury 8 Jan. 1667 and left there after 13 Jan. 1681. He married (1) by 1695 Phebe and (2) after 1698 Martha Whaley; was admitted as a Freeman at East Greenwich, R. I., 5 May 1720, and died there 15 May 1735, the date of his will proved 5 July 1735.
Theophilus Whaley, father of Martha Whaley, is believed to be really Robert Whaley, who fled England after the execution of Charles I and assumed the name of "Theophilus." He married Elizabeth Wills (or Wells) in Virginia about1660, later settling in Rhode Island about 1680. He spent his last years at the home of son-in-law, Joseph Hopkins, in W. Greenwich; died at age 103. Was very well educated, knowing Hebrew, Greek and Latin.
*Joseph Hopkins, Jr., was born 8 April 1698 at Kingstown, R. I., son of Joseph and Phebe Hopkins; his birth is recorded at East Greenwich, R. I., Vol. 1, page 13 of town records.
Joseph's wife was Mary ; no marriage record found. In 1725 Joseph Hopkins, Sr. deeded land to son, Joseph, in East Greenwich. Joseph, Jr. bought land in E. Greenwich in 1727 and was admitted as a Freeman there 30 April 1728. Joseph Hopkins, Jr. and wife Mary mortgaged the land purchased in 1727 on 12 Aug. 1728. Joseph, Jr. (without his wife) executed another mortgage 15 Oct 1733, and on 19 Jan. 1738 Joseph (no longer Jr. since his father had died) mortgaged part of his homestead farm. The last record found of him was his signature on the petition for division of East Greenwich presented to the General Assembly 1741.
"Francis Hopkins, born ca 1720-1722. Record not found, married 1 Sept. 1743 at East Greenwich, Mary Joslin. In this record he is designated as "son of Joseph Hopkins late of West Greenwich in the county of Providence," and she as "daughter of Henry Joslin of the Town and County aforesaid."
Francis Hopkins bought land in East Greenwich 17 Sept. 1745 and was admitted as a Freeman there 10 April 1746. He and wife Mary sold this land by two deeds in 1746 and 1747. Francis bought land in Exeter, R. I. in 1756, which he and wife Mary sold 16 Dec. 1758. They were in New York when daughter Hannah was born
Sunday, May 05, 2002
Husband's Name: Joseph HOPKINS (AFN:122Q-8ZR)
Born: 8 Jan 1667 Place: Roxbury, Suffolk, Ma
Christened: 8 Mar 1667 Place: Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Died: 15 May 1735 Place: E Greenwich, Kent, Ri
Married: Abt 1694 Place: Roxford, , N. Massachusetts
Father: William HOPKINS (AFN:BT47-NV)
Mother: Susannah "Hannah" ANDREWS (AFN:GRH2-KS)
Born: 8 Jan 1667 Place: Roxbury, Suffolk, Ma
Christened: 8 Mar 1667 Place: Roxbury, Suffolk, Massachusetts
Died: 15 May 1735 Place: E Greenwich, Kent, Ri
Married: Abt 1694 Place: Roxford, , N. Massachusetts
Father: William HOPKINS (AFN:BT47-NV)
Mother: Susannah "Hannah" ANDREWS (AFN:GRH2-KS)
Wife's Name
Phoebe (AFN:143T-XQF)
Born: Bef 1680 Place: <Kingstown, Washington Co., Ri>
Died: Abt 1700 Place: Kingstown, Washington Co., Ri
Married: Abt 1694 Place: Roxford, , N. Massachusetts
Wife's Name
Phoebe (AFN:143T-XQF)
Born: Bef 1680 Place: <Kingstown, Washington Co., Ri>
Died: Abt 1700 Place: Kingstown, Washington Co., Ri
Married: Abt 1694 Place: Roxford, , N. Massachusetts
2. Sex Name
M William HOPKINS (AFN:143T-XRM)
Born: 6 Nov 1695 Place: E Greenwich, Kent, Ri
Died: Place: , , E Rhode Island
2. Sex Name
M William HOPKINS (AFN:143T-XRM)
Born: 6 Nov 1695 Place: E Greenwich, Kent, Ri
Died: Place: , , E Rhode Island
3. Sex Name
Born: 8 Apr 1698 Place: Kingston, Washington Co., Ri
Died: Aft 1741 Place: West Greenwich, Kent Co., Ri
3. Sex Name
Born: 8 Apr 1698 Place: Kingston, Washington Co., Ri
Died: Aft 1741 Place: West Greenwich, Kent Co., Ri
Thanks to Norman Hopkins for all of this valuable information.
Thomas Lewis & Related Families
A few Facts and Comments on The Thomas Lewis and Related Families of Morgan County
Bonnie Ruth Lewis
Bonnie Ruth Lewis
As taken from Selections from Morgan County History, Sesquicentennial Volume
Helen Price Stacy and William Lynn Nickell, Vol I
In this year of 1972 as Morgan County celebrates its Sesquicentennial, it seems fitting and necessary that the present descendants of her first families pause to pay tribute to the memory of their pioneering ancestors who, through much struggle and hardship, settled our great country. Helen Price Stacy and William Lynn Nickell, Vol I
Just as Colonel Hazelrigg noted in his Historical Address which celebrated our country's Centennial Anniversary that "it was a matter of congratulation and pride that the descendants of several of the Revolutionary War Soldiers were present to commemorate their memories". I beleive it is even more worthy of note that there are still among us today descendants of these same great and brave men.
While doubtless a better account of the Thomas Lewis family could be written by a more capable hand, the following collection of names and facts is contributed in an attempt to help trace and preserve its history for future generations. It is not contributed in an egotistical way as a means of only drawing attention to our "clan", but more in the old traditional Morgan County manner of gladly offering what we have. And it is submitted with the hope that these facts, limited by space and time, will be a convenient and helpful aid to other interested descendants and genealogists delving into the family's history. It is also hoped that it will serve as a spur to a fuller, more accurate, and satisfying investigation of family history, which is a part of the history of Morgan County.
There are so many Thomas Lewises in Kentucky and Virginia that in compiling family history it is very easy to get confused and misled. Both the pension application of Thomas Lewis and his wife (from Revolutionary War File W-9124, Washington, D.C.) distinguished him from other Thomas Lewises who have come from Virginia to Kentucky.
The Lewises of Morgan County, descendants of Revolutionary War Soldier, Thomas Lewis, have a large ancestry connection with the other first families of the county. Most of these families, especially those of Thomas Caskey, Gardner Hopkins, John Perry, Edmund Wells, Arch Day. John Nickell, John Day, William Wells, Thomas Lewis, James S. Elliott, and Peter Amyx--through marriage are so interrelated that it is impossible to write the story of one of these families without including the others. Ernest P. Lewis of Morgan County traces lineage through three sons of Thomas Lewis and his wife Hannah Hopkins, Francis H. Lewis, William M. Lewis and Gardner Hopkins Lewis lines, and a great-great-great-grandson through the William M. Lewis line.
Gardner Hopkins, also a Revolutionary War veteran, and Thomas Lewis were brothers-in-law. (Besides this being common "handed-down" family knowledge, we have Hannah's statement that she was Gardner's sister in a deposition made for Polly Hopkins when she filed for a widow pension.)
Thomas Caskey, whose daughter Ellen or Ellender, married Thomas Lewis' son Francis, was also the son-in-law of Gardner Hopkins. In a deposition in Gardner Hopkins's Revolutionary file, Thomas Caskey deposed that he became intimately acquainted with Gardner Hopkins and his family of Orange County, New York, in 1788 and that he and Gardner's daughter Lydia were married 19 Dec., 1790 "in the same room of the same house where her parents were married".
From the accompanying copy of this application for a pension (Revolutionary War File W-9124) we know that Morgan County's Thomas Lewis was living in Washington Co., Virginia when he was drafted in 1776 at Abingdon...and that he settled in Kentucky on the Dix River in 1782. (Part of the time he served as a spy or scout under Capt. A. Bowan, fought the Indians, and took part in the expedition led by George Rogers Clark.) From Hannah's pension application we know that he returned to Washington County, Virginia and married Hannah Hopkins, then a resident of that county, on the third day of March, 1784...and that they were married by the Baptist preacher, Thomas Woolsey. Census records show that they were living in Kentucky when their oldest child, Francis H. Lewis was born on March 3, 1786.
In Colonel Hazelrigg's address given at West Liberty July 4, 1876 in which he attempted to trace Morgan County's first half-century he stated, "It is an authentic fact that Thomas Caskey, Gardner Hopkins, Thomas Lewis, John Perry, John Nickell, John Day, Wm. Wells, Arch Day, Edmund Wells, John Lacy and Daniel Williams located here and made permanent improvements early as 1800, some of them perhaps before that time".
William Lewis, second son of Thomas, was living at the time Colonel Hazelrigg made this speech and is a logical possibility that he could have been one of the sources consulted for some of the county's early history, because Colonel Hazelrigg further states, "All of the parties who participated in the organization of the county have gone to their reward except Edmund Vest and William Lewis. William Lewis is in his 90th year, and quite feeble in body yet his mind is rich in memories of incidents connected with the early settlement of the county."
According to family tradition and some census records, the older members of Thomas Lewis' family who were born before 1800, were born in the Dix River area and Montgomery County. It had always been family tradition that Gardner Hopkins Lewis, born November 8, 1801, was the first child of Thomas and Hannah to be born in what is now Morgan County. To the dissappointment of my relatives interested in documenting family genealogies my only record of this is that older members of the family said he said this. I am more positive, however of where he died. My aunt Cora Gardner Lewis often remarks that she was born exactly 100 years after Gardner Hopkins Lewis I, "in the same room in the same house in which he died". He died in the childhood home of my father, the home of my grand-father, Gardner H. Lewis II, a grandson of Gardner H. Lewis I, in December, 1887. His wife was "Polly" Amyx Lewis.
We know that Thomas Lewis, together with Gardner Hopkins, his brother-in-law, and Thomas Caskey purchased 1100 acres of land on the Licking River at the mouth of Elkfork Creek, as shown by early land records in the court house at Prestonsburg, KY. (deed book A-54). This portion of Morgan County at that time was included in Floyd County. They are all listed as residents of Floyd County at that time. This land was purchased from Henry French of Mercer County, KY, and the deed was witnessed by John Perry, James S. Elliott and William Hopkins. (All records for that part of Morgan County which was in Floyd between 1799 and 1808 burned with the Floyd County courthouse in 1808, so if Thomas Lewis had been living here earlier we have no record.)
The Thomas Lewis tract included 500 acres on the north side of the Licking River at the mouth of Elkfork Creek, and the Hopkins and Caskey tract was between West Liberty and the mouth of the Elkfork. Gardner Hopkins is buried in a cemetery 1 1/2 miles north of West Liberty on KY 7. Thomas Lewis' son acquired land across the river from the mouth of Elkfork, and at one time Francis Lewis' son, John P. Lewis was the largest land owner in Morgan County. A portion of the Thomas Lewis tract has remained in the Lewis family to this day. It presently (1972) belongs to Mrs. Dima Lewis, widow of Green Lewis who was a grandson of Henry H. Lewis, Thomas Lewis' youngest son. It was on this farm, on the present site of the Dima Lewis home that Thomas Lewis built the big log house which family tradition claimed was the first log house built in what is now Morgan County. The house stood until about 30-40 years ago when it was destroyed by fire.
Francis H. Lewis oldest son of Thomas Lewis helped organize Morgan County and was the first Tax Commissioner. He married John Perry's daughter Eleanor. His second wife was Ellender, daughter of Thomas Caskey.
William M. Lewis was appointed by Gov. Adair as one of the first Justices of the peace in Morgan County. He married Jane, daughter of John Perry. William Henry Harrison Lewis son of William M. Lewis was a Union volunteer in Co. A, 54th Reg. of Ky. Inf. during the civil war. He married Elizabeth Henry daughter of "Big" Lewis Henry and Annie Allan Henry of Caney area of Morgan County. William H. Lewis son of William Henry Harrison Lewis (Red Head Bill) was a Justice of the peace in the Yocum and Blaze area and raised the first tobacco for commercial use in the county. He was also the first person to make tobacco hogshead in Morgan County.
If you have corrections or additions and would like to share them please contact:
Dr. Helen Price Stacy 555 Prestonsburg Street West Libery, KY 41472-1141

William Lewis, Sr., who died Washington County, Virginia in 1784

I would also like to thank Laura Flebbe of Tulsa, OK for many hours spent copying and then forwarding these papers. I have spent many months reading and sorting and have come to realize the amount of work over many years that went into them.
Daisi Grossman <> Home Page: Holland Family Connections

William Lewis (first generation found - wife's name not known)-
1774, had land survey on S. Fork of Holston R., S.W. Virginia;
1775, William & Griffith Lewis - land surveys same area;
1784, William Lewis died in Washington Co., VA; named in his will:
1. Griffith, eldest son, of Washington and Lee County, Virginia; wife in 1806 was Mary
2. Margaret, born about 1743, married Jonathan Bishop; lived in Washington County,
Virginia in present Smyth County area.
3. Ann, married by 1784 Abraham Stevens (Stephens); moved to Kentucky
4. William Jr., taxed at least 1782 through 1785 in Washington County, Virginia; no
furthur records for William Jr.
5. John, born before 1761, married Hannah Stephens in Kentucky.
6. Thomas, born 5 March 1755, married Hannah Hopkins; moved to Kentucky; died
1849 in Morgan County, Kentucky.
Since many who settled on South Fork of Holston had the same names as earlier residents of Loudoun County, Virginia, I am interested in that area. A William Lewis and a William Lewis, Jr., appeared on the tax lists of Loudoun County in 1766; in that same vicinity were John and William Griffith; William, James, and Joshua Jones; Benjamin and Thomas John; John Thomas; and other "interesting names." The 1771 will of William Jones of Loudoun County named wife Mary, devised land to sons Joshua and James adjoining the Dehaven's and a negro to daughter Mary Griffith, and mentioned the Baptist Meeting House adjoining his plantation of which Joseph Thomas was minister and William Lewis and Thomas George were elders. The will was witnessed by Josias Clapham, William Lewis, and Sarah Griffith. (This was probably New Valley in Pennsylvania; the members included emigrants from Pennsylvania and converts in Virginia.)
On 9 March 1774 in Southwest Virginia "our" William Lewis and a John Thomas had adjoining tracts surveyed; on May 15, 1775, "our" Griffith Lewis and a Joshua Jones had tracts surveyed - corner to each other. These were part of the Loyal Company Grant and was located on South Fork of Holston. In 1782, John Thomas, Thomas John, and Benjamin John were taxed in same district in Washington County, Virginia as were "our" William Lewis and his sons; in 1784 John Thomas witnessed the will of William Lewis.
On September 21, 1798, Benjamin John and wife Lydia, Washington County, Virginia deeded to Thomas Pierce of Wythe County, Virginia, an iron ore bank on South Fork of Holston; in a law suit of 1807 - Pierce vs. Razor - it was stated that the iron works had been owned by Joshua Jones, Peter Razor, and Benjamin John.
These notes are presented as a possible clue to the earlier residence of William Lewis and his family; they are not to be considered as proof.
The Patriot
Thomas Lewis and his wife Hannah Hopkins Lewis
Thomas Lewis and his wife Hannah Hopkins Lewis
![]() | Thomas Lewis W9124, Revolutionary War. Aug 8, 1833 Morgan Co., KY. |
![]() | Thomas Lewis enlisted as soldier from Washington Co., VA. |
![]() | Served from June 1776 in Capt A Bowman's Co., Col. A. Campbell's Regt. |
![]() | Served 4 months from July 1780 as ranger and spy under same officers. Also in 1780 served under Capt. James Crabtree, Col A. Campbell and was in an engagement with the Indians. |
![]() | Moved to KY in 1782. |
![]() | Sept. 1782 served 2 months in Capt. John Downey's Co., Col. Barnett's VA Regt.: in General George Rogers Clark's expedition up the falls of the Ohio and up trough the Wabash River, (application of Hannah Lewis for pension Jan 28, 1850, Morgan Co., KY) |
![]() | *Collins "History of Kentucky" states that Thomas Lewis was a member of the First Constitutional held at Danville, KY. When the state records were burned at a courthouse in Lexington, KY. Thomas Lewis was appointed by the Governor to help restore the records and statistics as near as they could be gathered. |
![]() | * When Morgan County was organized as a county in 1822, Thomas Lewis was one of the organizers. Henry P. Scalf's "Kentucky's Last Frontier", states that Thomas built the first house in Morgan County, near the present community of Pomp. |
![]() | *"A History of Kentucky" By William B Allen, Louisville, KY, Bradley & Gilbert, Publishers. 1872 - p. 153 The first Constitution of Kentucky was formed, as has before been stated, in the year 1792. At that time there were only nine counties in the State. The Convention was held at Danville, Mercer County, where all previous conventions of importance had been held. Among the members of that Convention, even at so early a date, were some of the most talented men in the United States. The following are the names of those who composed the Convention and the counties they represented, some forty-five in all: County of Fayette -- Hubbard Taylor, Thomas Lewis, George S Smith, Robert Fryer, and James Crawford. |
![]() | *On July 11, 1954 a service was held at the grave of Thomas Lewis, near Pomp just off Highway 7 about three miles from West Liberty, Morgan Co., KY. A marker placed there by the DAR bears the inscription: THOMAS LEWIS - PVT, VA TROOPS - REV WAR - MAY 3, 1755 - AUG 9, 1849. (See article in DAR magazine, Vol. 89, Jan 1955). |
![]() | Notes for THOMAS LEWIS: Thomas Lewis (05-03-1755 to 08-09-1849) was born in Wales. He came to America as a young man and settled in Washington County, Virginia. Thomas, while a resident of Washington County, Virginia, enlisted and served as a private in the Virginia troops as follows. From June 1776, six weeks in captain A. Bowes Company, Colonel A. Campbell's regiment. From September 1776, two months under same captain. |
![]() | From July 1780, four months as a ranger and spy in Captain A. Bowes company. Colonel William Campbell's regiment. From December 1780 three months in Captain James Crater's company, A. Campbell's regiment and was in an engagement with the Indians. The soldiers moved to Kentucky in 1782 and settled on Dick's River. In September of that year, Thomas Lewis enlisted and served two months in Captain John Downer's company. Colonel Barnett's regiment and was in George Rogers Clark's expedition to the falls of the Ohio and up the Wabash River. |
![]() | In 1784 Thomas Lewis married Hannah Hopkins when both were residents of Washington County, Virginia. he died august 9, 1849. He was granted a pension upon his application, executed September 25, 1833 (age 76) while a resident of Morgan County, Kentucky. Hannah was allowed a pension upon her application executed January 28 1850 while a resident of Morgan County, Kentucky. Revolutionary war pension claim #9124. |
![]() | Thomas died in Morgan County, Kentucky. A pioneer settler of the county, he and his wife Hannah Hopkins founded a vast mountain clan (17 children, some researchers claim possibly as many as 5 other children). He was buried in the family cemetery at Pomp, Kentucky just off Kentucky RT. 7. The gravesite that became the family cemetery was picked out by the old patriot when he settled in the valley where he died. It is high on a steep knoll overlooking the lush farmlands he once owned, embraced by a sweeping curve of the Licking River. Within sight of the old graveyard is the place where, according to family legend, he built the first house in Morgan County. A house is there now but not the original one. He is buried in the Green-Lewis Cemetery, Pomp, Morgan County, Kentucky. |
![]() | Listed in DAR (daughters of the American Revolution) patriot index, printed January 1979 listed on page 414. Served in the Revolutionary War as private from Washington County, VA as a "spy and ranger". Received pension of $41.33 per annum beginning Mar 4, in 1783. |
![]() | Was in 1810 & 1820 Floyd Co. KY. census with family. Was in 1830, 1840, & 1850 Morgan Co. KY census with family. Thomas Lewis first appears in 1795 tax lists with 4 horses, 14 cattle - no land and is listed in 1795 & 1796. In 1797 Montgomery Co. KY was set off from Clark Co. KY with Thomas listed with 5 horses. He is listed each year until 1806 when he disappears from the tax list. |
![]() | Floyd County, KY. deed listed august 26, 1809 Henry French of Mercer County, KY - to Thomas Casey, Gardner Hopkins & Thomas Lewis of Floyd County, KY - 1100 acres on licking creek. Witness John Perry, William Hopkins & James S. Elliott. |
![]() | Hannah Hopkins died at Elk Fork of Licking River, Morgan County, KY. Married by Baptist Minister Thomas Woolly. Her pension application was approved January 28, 1850 at age 83. 1850 census of Morgan County, Kentucky. Hannah and Thomas are buried in Green, Lewis cemetery, Pomp, Morgan County, KY. |
![]() | After the Revolution, the fledgling country was poor in money and rich in vast areas of unsettled land. Many of the Revolution's soldiers were paid, in part, for their war service in land. Thomas received land grants in the newly formed Morgan Co KY for his service during the Revolutionary War. He built the first house in Morgan County. |
![]() | THE KENTUCKY LAND GRANTS - Volume 1 - Part 1 - CHAPTER VI KENTUCKY LAND WARRANTS (1816-1873) - THE COUNTIES OF KENTUCKY - page 624 Grantee: Lewis, Thomas - Acres: 50 - Book: F-2 - Page: 427 - Date Survey: 6-30-1836 County: Morgan - Watercourse: Lick Fork, Elk Fork |
![]() | THE KENTUCKY LAND GRANTS - Volume 1 - Part 2 - CHAPTER X. GRANTS IN THE COUNTY COURT ORDERS (1836-1924) - THE COUNTIES OF KENTUCKY - page 1437 Grantee: Lewis, Thomas - Acres: 50 - Book: 62 - Page: 374 - Date Survey: 3-29-1861 County: Morgan - Watercourse: Middle Fork, Little Sandy |
LEWIS, Thomas
Old family cemetery
near West Liberty KY 55
Abstract of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots,
Vol.3, p. —Serial: 11912; Volume: 4 |
Date of Death
Residence/Birth Place/Place of Death
Cause of Death
26 August
1852 |
Lewis, Hannah
Old Age *Wife of Thomas Lewis, Revolutionary War Soldier
Hopkins, Francis & Mary
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