After all this DNA talk...I guess no one figured....ummmm let's compare melungeon DNA with Portugese DNA
- "So, on October 7, 1568, Hawkins ordered ashore those of his men "such as were willing to land"
and sailed for England with those who "were moft desirous to goe homewardes. Aiming to reach the French Huguenot colony in Florida, about thirty of those left behind banded
together and set off on the 1,500-mile walk around the Gulf of Mexico. Five months later they
reached Florida but were unable to find the French colonists because they had been massacred by
the Spaniards three years earlier. The sailors turned north, following Indian trails from one tribal territory to another,
invariably being greeted hospitably. As more of them elected to remain with their native hosts,
the party steadily diminished. Those who chose not to stay in New Spain dispersed themselves in
many directions. Many were never heard from again.
Those who chose to follow the lead of David Ingram, Richard Brown and Richard Twide, marched
northward hoping to find passage home on English or French fishing vessels that frequented the
coast of New England and New Brunswick.
For the next 11 months of 1568-69, Ingram, Brown and Twide stayed together and walked more than
3,000 miles up the east coast of America, passing through Maine, to their eventual destination in
St. John, New Brunswick.
Once in St. John, Ingram persuaded a French fishing boat captain, Captain Champlaine, to give him passage to France aboard the ship Gargarine. Sailing from St. John, the Gargarine
made France in only twenty days, and Ingram found himself back in England near the end of September in 1569." The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake: 1577-1580
By Will Allen DromgooleThe Arena ; v. 3 (May, 1891), p. 749-751.
The Ridgemanites were not striving for wealth evidently, and as land was plentiful and neighbors
few, they held their bit in the creation without molestation or interruption for many years. They
were the Collins, as I said; those who followed the first-comers accepting the name already
provided them. There was no mixture of blood: they claimed to be Indians and no man disputed it.
They were called the "Collins Tribe" until having multiplied to the extent it was necessary to
divide, when the descendants of the several pioneers were separated, or divided into clans.
Then came the Ben clan, the Sol clan, the Mitch clan, and indeed every prominent head of a
large relationship was recognized as the leader of his clan, which always bore his name. There
was, to be sure, no set form or time at which this division was made. It was only one of those
natural splits, gradual and necessary, which is the sure result of increasing strength.
They were still, however, we must observe, all COLLINSES, The main tree had not been disturbed
by foreign grafting, and while all were not blood descendants of old Vary they, at all events,
had all fallen under his banner and appropriated his name.
The tree at last began to put forth branches, or rather three foreign shoots were grafted into the
body of it; the English...or whites....Portuguese....and African.
The English branch began with the MULLINS tribe, a very powerful tribe, next indeed for a long
time to the Collins tribe, and at present the strongest of all the several branches, as well as
the most daring and obstinate. " - next I think I'll discuss the Collins family and their ties to pretty much every tribe in North Carolina and Virginia and beyond...Tecumseh...I'm sure you all have heard of this very famous native american...but what you may not he was the brother in law to the collins family of Virginia and west virginia.
- The Shawnee were a very migrant people, but their villages were found primarily in the Ohio River Valley region, in the present-day states of Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, and Kentucky.
The role of Shawnee men was to hunt game and protect the villages and the People. Shawnee women grew corn and other crops, built the family wegiwas (homes), and cared for the children. The Shawnee were a very religious people, and admired courage and strength above all else.
The Shawnee were divided into five sects: The Chillicothe and Thawakila sects were in charge of political matters; the principal chief of the tribe must belong to one of these sects. The Mekoce sect was responsible for religious ceremonies. The Piqua sect were the speakers for the chiefs of the tribe. The Kispoko sect were the warriors. (interesting part here is the muscogee chief named his son chilicothe and the muscogee called their chief's "mico"). - Shawnee Kispoko Chief Pucksinwah was born at Pickawilly, Ohio, now the site of Piqua, Ohio, son of Wawwaythi. Married Methotasa, a cherokee Shawnee in May of 1755. He died October 10,1774 in the battle at Point Pleasant. He predicted his own death also the death of his son-in-law. Also gave birth to the first recorded triplet sons in the Shawnee Nation. Was a loving father and husband and cherished all young children as shown by adoption of children of white descent taken in battle, as shown below. A great Leader of his people and spiritually attuned to Manato, the Shawnee God.
Marguerite Mary Iaac -- Mother of Tecumseh and Tecumpease, was born between 1728 and 1737 in Hampshire Co. WV. Her parents were Frederick Iaac Jr. who was born about 1713 in Holland and died in Monongalia Co. WV. And Mary Galloway, born about 1690.
While Frederick and some men were out one day, many members of his family were attacked and killed by a band of indians. His wife Mary Galloway Iaac was among those found dead. Some of the children were taken as captives, Marguerite Mary Iaac, who was between the age of 5 and 10, William Iaac, John Iaac, and Christina Iaac. Marguerite Mary Iaac ended up with the Cherokee, she may have been traded to them, or sold, or captured by them. It was told that she had flaming red hair and was very pretty. She spent many years with the Cherokee, but was taken captive by the Shawnee after a battle between the two tribes. Mary soon became a favorite in the eyes of the Shawnee Chief, Pucksinwah, and they were married.
Tecumpease ( Sister of Tecumseh)
Born about 1758 died 1823
Spouse -- Rupert Collins b. abt 1742
"The mother of Jane Collins Full is said to have retained her Indian name after her marriage to Mr. Collins.
Jane Collins
Born about 1768
Spouse -- Lewis Rubin Full -- abt 1765 --
Pendleton, Virgina (WV), Lewis Full was the first settler on Fulls Fork (Known as Childers Fork).
- Next is Simeon Collins...the smithsonian has a picture of him in honor of native americans. Simeon was of the Pamunkey tribe..Collins to this day still live on the Pamunkey reservation. The Pamunkey reservation is pretty much the oldest indian reservation in America. The Pamunkey was among those who told John Smith where the Saponi was located and stated the Saponi live in Louisa county, Virginia. The Saponi was neighbors to the Pamunkey off and on through history. The Occaneechi, Saponi, and Pamunkey was attacked by Nathanal Bacon in what was called Bacon's Rebellion. Bacon's Rebellion, which began in 1675, resulted in attacks on several tribes that were loyal to the English. Historians see the rebellion as mostly arising out of colonist Nathaniel Bacon and Governor Sir William Berkeley's personal rivalry. Some of the causes of the rebellion were declining tobacco prices (economic problems), growing commercial competition (from Maryland and the Carolinas), an increasingly restricted English market, and rising prices from English manufactured goods (mercantilism). Bacon, and colonists who agreed with him, found a scapegoat in continuing tensions and raids by local Virginia tribes. During reprisals for an incident in what is now Fairfax County, Bacon and his followers attacked innocent tribes, including the Pamunkey, for raids conducted by others.[15]
Cockacoeske (weroansqua of the Pamunkey), who succeeded her husband after he was killed fighting for the English, was an ally of Berkeley against Bacon. To the English, she was known as "Queen of the Pamunkey". She is known for having signed the Articles of Peace (Treaty of Middle Plantation) after Bacon's Rebellion ended. As a result of the treaty, she gained authority over the Rappahannock and Chickahominy tribes, which had not formerly been under the paramount chiefdom of the Pamunkey. Completion of the treaty ushered in a time of peace between the Virginia tribes and the English.[6] This treaty was signed by more tribal leaders than that of 1646. It reinforced the annual tribute payments and added the Siouan and Iroquoian tribes to the Tributary Indians of the colonial government. More reservation lands were established for the tribes, but the treaty required Virginia Indian leaders to acknowledge they and their peoples were subjects of the King of England.[5] - Here is alot of Native American Collins of Pamunkey reservation in Virginia
Dr. Gabrielle Tayac: Member of the Piscataway Indian Nation and Harvard graduate with a Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology, Dr. Gabrielle Tayac has worked for the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian since 1999. For her first four years at the museum, Gabrielle Tayac served as its Director of Education and was responsible for overseeing graduate student research and teacher training. During this period, Gabrielle Tayac also initiated a book series for children, called My World: Young Native Americans Today, and wrote the series’ first award-winning installment, Meet Naiche. Gabrielle Tayac also served on the editorial team for museum publications and worked to develop public programs, permanent installations, and exhibits.
Having shown a great deal of dedication to her work, Gabrielle Tayac was named the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian’s Curator in 2003. In collaboration with Dr. Jolene Rickard and Dr. Gerald McMaster, Gabrielle Tayac directed and oversaw the inaugural exhibition, Our Lives: Contemporary Native Life and Identity. Gabrielle Tayac was responsible for writing the exhibit’s script, determining its educational goals, selecting display objects, and helping with overall design. Additionally, Gabrielle Tayac helped conduct research for the New Tribe: New York exhibit and provided curatorial consultation for the Our Peoples exhibit on indigenous histories.
After two years as Curator, Gabrielle Tayac received a permanent appointment as a Historian at the Smithsonian. In this position, Gabrielle Tayac researches, lectures, writes, and advises about the histories of hemispheric indigenous peoples. Gabrielle Tayac has focused on early colonial Chesapeake history, American Indian policy formation, transnationalism, racialism, eugenics, 20th century indigenous social movements, and other vital topics. During this time, Gabrielle Tayac has also instituted a new scholarly unit at the museum that focuses on indigenizing methodology, theory, and content. Additionally, Gabrielle Tayac has continued to curate a number of exhibitions, including IndiVisible: African-Native American Lives in the Americas. -
- Turkey Tayac, legally Philip Sheridan Proctor (1895–1978), Piscataway Indian leader and herbal doctor; he was notable in Native American activism for tribal and cultural revival in the 20th century. He had some knowledge of the Piscataway language and was consulted by the Algonquian linguist, Ives Goddard, as well as Julian Granberry. A combination of factors had influenced the descendants of the Piscataway and other tribes in the Southeast. The tribe had been decimated by the early 18th century by infectious disease, and warfare with other tribes and the colonists. They had lost their land through colonial encroachment. Their last mention in historical records was at a 1793 conference in Detroit. Remnant Piscataway in Maryland merged with other tribes; others intermarried with both white and black neighbors and assimilated to various degrees.
The history of slavery and the post-Reconstruction environment had led to 19th-century legislation across the South creating racial segregation and more rigid binary classifications of society into "white" and "black" - the latter essentially meaning all other. With states' enforcement of the "one-drop rule" (carried to extremes in Virginia), anyone with discernible African ancestry was classified as "negro," "mulatto," or "black," thereby discounting any other ancestry. Although a few families identified as Piscataway Indians into the early 20th century, prevailing racist attitudes tended to classify mixed-race people as black. Throughout most of the 19th century, the US census had no provision for classification of Indians. Census takers might classify them as free people of color, or mulatto, or black. The loss of information about Native American individuals added to the perception that the tribes and people had faded away.
Maryland dissolved the Native American reservations it had assigned in the 18th century. State and federal census records classified the Piscataway and any mixed-race people as "free negro" or "mulatto", adding to the breakdown of identity. While the Piscataway were enumerated as "mulattos" in state and federal census records, Catholic parish records and ethnographic reports continued to identify certain families as Indian. In 1911, in an article on the Piscataway tribe, the Catholic Encyclopedia noted that the few contemporary people who claimed to be Piscataway were "negro mongrels". This was an indication of how prominently the society used race to define identity; under racial segregation and application of the "one-drop rule", the states defined being of African descent as overriding other ancestry in the binary system.
Turkey Tayac was a notable figure in the early and mid-20th century cultural revitalization movements among remnant Southeastern Native American communities, including the Lumbee, Nanticoke, and Powhatan Indians of the Atlantic coastal plain. Their efforts were curtailed by the Great Depression and World War II.
Under the federal Indian Reorganization Act, persons wanting to register as one of the Native American tribes had to prove a certain amount of descent, related to individuals on the Dawes Rolls - a requirement known as blood quantum. (Since then, many recognized tribes have established their blood quantum and other requirements for membership. They frequently relate to proving direct descent from individuals identified as Indian in certain official records.)
Turkey Tayac started using a new name as he organized a movement for Native American peoples that privileged self-ascriptive forms of identification. In one of their projects in the 1960s, the Piscataway issued identification cards to Native Americans, rather than have tribes apply to and rely on state and federal bureaucracies to issue them on their behalf. - Now you might be wondering why Gabrielle and her father turkey are mentioned....well...what you may not know is Their real last name is Proctor...however they do not claim native ancestry on the proctor line...instead they claim their native heritage thru the Collins family of Virginia. All of the Tayac's are Collins thru their Maternal line. But you may be wondering....hey but these tayacs are native americans of maryland....interesting FACT is the Saponi Austins as mentioned before took a maryland tribe woman as their wife...these same austins traveled with the collins into grayson county VA and on into hawkins county, Tenn along with Vardy Collins. The Saponi also lived for a time on the Virginia/Maryland border line. Also remember the Siouans and Muscogee people believed marriage inside the same tribe was incest and grounds for murder or abandonment, they seen each tribe as a FAMIY so to marry a fellow tribe member was the same as marrying your own blood family
- The Susquehannock people were Iroquoian-speaking Native Americans who lived in areas adjacent to the Susquehanna River and its tributaries from the southern part of what is now New York, through Pennsylvania, to the mouth of the Susquehanna in Maryland at the north end of the Chesapeake Bay. Evidence of their habitation has also been found in West Virginia.
The Piscataway are a subtribe of the Conoy Native American tribe of Maryland.[4] At one time, they were one of the most populous and powerful Native polities of the Chesapeake Bay region. They spoke Algonquian Piscataway, a dialect of Nanticoke. Today three groups represent Piscataway descendants, the Piscataway Indian Nation and Tayac Territory,[5] the Piscataway Conoy Tribe of Maryland,[6] and the Cedarville Band of Piscataway Indians.[7] All three groups are located in Southern Maryland and have state recognition.
April 19 1755:
Abstracts of the Minutes of the
Court of Pleas and Quarter
Sessions Rowan County,
North Carolina 1753-1762
II:72 19 April 1755
Esquires present: Jas Carter, Jno Handby, Alexr Osburn & Thos Potts. … Whereas John Auston a Saponia Indian and Mary a Susquhanah Indian and Thos a Cattaaba applied for a pass to the Cataba Nation being now on their Journey to conclude a Genl Peace with ye Catabas in behalf of the Sd Nation and also presented 3 Belts of Wampum to Sd Court by which the sd Treaty is to be concluded.
Copyright Jo White Linn 1977
Mrs. Stahle Linn, Jr.
Box 1948
Salisbury, N.C. 28144
Stamped (Carnegie Public Library, Washington C. H., Ohio 43160)"
Governor O'Malley Recognizes the collins family as native americans Jan 10, 2012
- October 27, 1993 the federal government recognizes the Collins, Austins, and Gibsons who moved to the Catawba reservation as Native Americans: The following is the final base membership roll of the Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina and is final for purposes of the distribution of funds from the Per Capita Trust Fund established under Section 11(h) of the Act of October 27, 1993 (Pub. L. 103116; 107 Stat. 1124).
Dated: July 14, 2000.
Kevin Gover,
Assistant SecretaryIndian Affairs.
Final Base Membership Roll of the Catawba Indian Nation of South Carolina
37. Austin, Hollie Leigh
38. Austin, Jason Eugene
522. Collins, Daniel Howard
523. Collins, James David
770. Gibson, Annette Maurice
771. Gibson, Fannie Lavina
772. Gibson, Frances Virginia
773. Gibson, Jason Matthew
774. Gibson, Joshua Dakota
775. Gibson, Mary
776. Gibson, Robert Reid - Harold "Iron Bear" Collins (born May 25, 1957) is a former professional strongman, world champion Powerlifter and also a Philanthropist. Harold is a full-blooded Native American and calls himself the "World's Strongest Native American". Harold competed in the finals of the World's Strongest Man competition twice, finishing 6th in 1993 and 10th in 1997. Harold is a 2 time USPF National Powerlifting champion, and is a 2 time IPF World Championships bench press gold medalist.[3]
Harold holds multiple North Carolina Bench press records, including the North Carolina State Bench press record in the 275 lb. class with 601 lbs. which he pressed 6 times.[4] He also holds the North Carolina State Bench press record in the Superheavyweight Division with a 633 lb. Bench press.[5] Harold has set a total of 6 Guinness world records during his lifetime. His first world record was set in October 1994 by pulling 7 semi-trucks weighing a combined total of 124,400 pounds (56,400 kg).[6]
In 1994, Harold set a world record by pulling 5 tractor trailer cabs weighing a combined total of 86,560 pounds (39,260 kg) for 51 feet.[7]
In 1999 Harold also his third Guinness world record by pulling a semi-truck and flatbed trailer weighing a combined total of 50,433 pounds (22,876 kg) 160 feet in 44 seconds.[8] The event was broadcast nationally in the US on the television show Extra.[9]
In 2001, Harold set a world record by tossing a 32 pound beer keg 21 feet in the air over a wall.[10]
Harold set a fifth Guinness world record in 2001 by restraining 2 Harley Davidson motorcycles for over 20 seconds.[11]
Harold's sixth Guinness world record was set in 2002 by restraining 2 Dodge V8 pickup trucks at 4,500 RPM for 27 seconds.[11] Harold is a member of the Lumbee-Cheraw tribe in North Carolina.[13] Now retired from strength competitions, Harold spends a lot of time raising money for charities like the March of Dimes.
Harold currently owns and operates a Powerhouse Gym in North Carolina which he has owned for over 20 years.[14]
Harold runs his own website, IRON BEAR VISIONS, as well as organizing his own strongman contest, Iron Bear Strength Challenge which he created in 2009.[15]
"In the early 1760’s Indians, as families, began to move out of the Granville County area. Many went south into the region of Cumberland County, North Carolina around Fayetteville and then into present day Robeson County. (These were simply the first Indian settlers in Robeson County. They were later joined by the Hatteras from the coast and Cheraw from South Carolina. Robeson County became a refuge for “loose” Indians and Indian families from all over that region congregated there over the years.) Theses Granville County families who went south into Robeson County were the Chavis’, Locklears, Gibsons, Collins’, Goings’, etc. These are families that we are sure came from the area of Granville County, North Carolina. Some of these families may have been composed of a black or white man with an Indian wife, although there is fairly good evidence that Collins is a Saponi family name. The Gibsons moved on further south from Robeson County so that name is no longer found in Robeson County among the Indians there who are officially now called the Lumbees. " Robert K Thomas Cherokee communities of the south 1978"The Cheraw variously spelled Charaw, Charraw, Sara, Saraw, Saura, Suali, Sualy, Xualla, or Xuala, were a tribe of Siouan-speaking Amerindians first encountered by Hernando De Soto in 1540. The name they called themselves is lost to history but the Cherokee called them Ani-suwa'ii and the Catawba Sara ("place of tall weeds").[1][dead link] The Spanish and Portuguese called their territory Xuala (or Xualla). The later English colonists spelled their name Saraw, Saura, Suali, Sualy, Charaw, Charraw, etc. in an attempt to transliterate the Spanish term. The early explorer John Lawson included them in the larger eastern-Siouan confederacy, which he called "the Esaw Nation." Handbook of the American Indian North of Mexico, 1906 (Note the Portugesse knew of the Cheraw also). The Cheraw was both Siouan and also muscogee...Tecumseh who as stated before was the brother in law to the Collins family had tried to unite the Muscogee people and actually had contact with the Muscogee's Cheraw. The Cheraw under the name Sara had been taken in by Lt Governor spotswood and put in Fort Christanna...the Saponi reservation and was called Saponi as well. -
- Asheville and Buncombe County (Page 49)
By Forster Alexander Sondley, Theodore Fulton Davidson " The Portugesse gentleman says the mountains was very bad" this was in reference to De soto's journey around the Cheraw's territory in North Carolina.
Hernando de Soto was a son of a squire in Jerez and had gone to Panama as a common soldier and was promoted because of his courage and abilities to be the captain of a troop.
Later de Soto went to Peru with Pizarro where he made a fortune of nearly 200,000 reals. He returned to Spain and lived the life of a gentleman. Since he was considered to a competent leader he was selected by the King of Spain to be the governor of Cuba and any territories captured and occupied in the territory of Florida. The title for this possible governorship was Adelantado.
De Soto then began to assemble his expedition in Spain. He put together an expedition involving initially six ships outfitted at his own expense.
A group of Portuguese gentlemen sought to join the expedition. They were accepted and occupied one of the six ships. The chronicler of the expedition was one of those Portuguese gentlemen and he was not identified other than as the Gentleman from Elvas. (Elvas was a Portuguese city across the border near Seville.)
In the Chronicle there were a number of items of Portuguese chauvinism. For example, the members of the expedition were mustered at the command of de Soto. The Portuguese showed up in their armor with their weapons polished whereas the Chronicle are noted that the Spanish showed up in their best fine clothes. De Soto ordered the members of the expedition to show up the next day in their armor with their weapons. The Chronicle indicated that this Spanish showed up with their armor and weapons rusted and not in good condition. The Portuguese, on the other hand, had been in proper condition from the first day and merely returned as they were. In April of the year 1538 the expedition sailed from Spain. It sailed first to the Canary Islands where de Soto purchased another ship. From the Canary Islands the expedition sailed for Cuba and arrived at the city of Santiago on the eastern part of the island. At that time Santiago consisted of about 80 dwellings. From the description in the narrative Santiago seemed to be a prosperous colony. The city of Havana at the western part of Cuba was about the same size as the city of Santiago.
De Soto and several other members of the expedition brought their wives along to stay in Cuba while de Soto and the other conquistadores would be on their expedition to the territory of Florida. The Spanish territory of Florida consisted of the Florida Peninsula and the territory that it is now the southeastern United States.
- Now i'm sure you have heard of de soto...but probally was not told about the large amount of portugesse men that was with him. You probally was not told about the connection between the timucua and the hatteras tribes. now the siouans and algonkians all had MOHAWKS....they did NOT wear their hair like the Timucua...however they made their idols and statues with the same hair style as the Timucua.
Dwight Collins Here's some more by Elvas..The Account of Elvas
as translated by Buckingham Smith
with notes by Edward Gaylord Bourne
a transcription by Dr. Jon Muller, Southern Illinois ..
- Joseph Newman De Bry Engravings of the Timucua Indians...notice the hair styles
- Joseph Newman
- John white did not travel far out of the hatteras bry also did engravings of the hatteras tribes....intersting part they all had fact every description of the Siouan and algonkian peoples in the south east stated Mo hawks. here is a image of the idols and statues they had...these idols and statues had Timucua's hair style....which shows a relationship between the two tribes.
- Now you might be wondering why the Timucua's hairstyle was not found more often in artifacts away from the hatteras tribes around hatteras island...a simple answer to this would be the "Gulf Stream". If you was on any type of boat...coasted off the west coast of would in Fact be taken directly to hatteras island...anyone who travels the ocean on the west coast of america uses the gulf stream to travel. This is one of the reasons so many pirates traveled from the caribeans ( fun fact, the caribeans is named after the carib tribe which was a cannibal tribe which wared with the taino....the caribs lived on the west part of the caribeans while the taino lived from floirda into the estern caribeans all the way to the mayan and aztec territories) to hatteras island also. So is a quite simple answer.
The Gulf Stream, together with its northern extension towards Europe, the North
Atlantic Drift, is a powerful, warm, and swift Atlanticocean current that originates at the tip of Florida, and follows the eastern coastlines of the United States and Newfoundland before crossing the Atlantic Ocean. - Anyway back to the Collins and their native American tribe connections in the south east. there is litterally 18 pages of Collins on the dawes rolls.
Dawes is a list of those members of the Five Civilized Tribes who removed to Ind
ian Territory (Oklahoma) during the 1800's and were living there during the above dates. - There is also numerous Collins enrolled in the southern band of Tuscarora in North is the Austins. This is no surprise since the Saponi was told they could go live with the Tuscarora if they wished to.
*Deviations of said surnames are accepted, and others are being researched and
Governor Spotswood told the Assembly of his plans for
forts on the frontiers. After making treaties with the Sapony, Nottoway,
and Tuscarora Indians who agreed to make peace and come under the
protection of Virginia, the Council and Governor decided that the forts
should be built at the proposed Indian settlements. However, the
Tuscaroras who had fled to the upper Roanoke and who had intimated they
would like to settle in Virginia and become tributaries, changed their
minds and returned to North Carolina.
June 1733:
The Sapony and Nottoway Indians met with the Governor and
Council. The Sapo-nies were given permission to join the Tuscaroras if
they wished, provided that neither Nation would hunt on any lands patented
in Virginia, nor go among the inhabitants in groups of more than three.
The Sapo-nies were permitted to stay at their town until their corn was
gathered. If they decided not to join the Tuscaroras, they were to move to
some place beyond the inhabitants between the Roanoke and Appomattox
"Soon after this they all left the Fort. Some joined the Catawbas, and
some eventually joined the Five Nations of the Iroquois in New York.
"After the Indians left the region, all their former lands were taken up
in grants. The site of the Fort became known as Fort Hill Plantation.
Saponi not happy with their living with the Catawbas and returned to Virginia. These Saponi bring with them some Cheraws (Catawba). They were forced to petition Lt. Governor Gooch for permission to resettle in Virginia, which was granted (Merrell 1989:116). Note: This Cheraw/Saura town very near the settlement of the 'Rockingham County Indians' known as the Gibson and Goins
Now I guess we can get into the Bollings family - The bollings come in 2 sections....ok as we already showed the Collins in the Pamunkey tribe...aka the Powhatans, We also have Pocahontas' descendants. She was connected to John Smith who recorded the Saponi in Louisa county, VA. He was also looking for the where abouts of John white's lost colony of roanoke/hatteras island. Ok well Pocahontas (she was actually married twice and was way too young for her to have been in love with John smith) her grandson was Col. Robert Bolling.
The next set of Bollings are the Saponi Bollings who are connected to Vardy Collins' people. In 1903, Lewis Jarvis, a local attorney who lived and worked with the Melungeon families stated this. They came from Cumberland County and New River, Va. Yet many of these friendly Indians live in the mountains of Stony Creek, but they have married among the whites until the race has almost become extinct. A few of the half bloods may be found - none darker - but they still retain the name of Collins and Gibson, &c. From here they came to Newman's Ridge and Blackwater and many of them are here yet. Jarvis identifies the Melungeons as Vardy Collins, Shepard Gibson, Benjamin Collins, Solomon Collins, Paul Bunch and the Goodman Chiefs.
Jarvis later names James Collins, John Bolin, Mike Bolin and "others not remembered" who "went to the War of 1812" whom he says "were quite full blooded Indians." "They all came here simultaneously with the whites from the State of Virginia, between the years 1795 and 1812 and about that there is no mistake except in the dates these Indians came here from Stony Creek."
In 1914, in a letter to Mrs. John Trotwood Moore, Jarvis wrote:
I personally knew Vardy Collins, Solomon D. Collins, Shepard Gibson, Paul Bunch and Benjamin Bunch and many of the Goodmans, Moores, Williams and Sullivans, all of the very first settlers and noted men of these friendly Indians.
Saundra Keyes Ivey's dissertation:
"The Melungeons carefully preserved the "Legend of their history." This "Legend"...included an original descent from Portuguese adventurers and later intermarriage with Indians, negroes and whites." - 1754:
Granville—Willm Eaton Esqr Coll: of Granville county His Regimt consists of 8 companys 734 besides officers 2 Captns Simms & Jones are moved away the others Resigned He thinks the fines on delinquents should be fixed by a Court Martial.
No arms or ammunition in the Stores There are about 12 or 14 Sapona men and as many women & children in the county Major Payne by Col: Eaton for Granville county recommends John Martin to be Captn over part of Sugar Jones Company & Willm Hawkins Captn over the other part above Shaws Road and John Hawkins Captn over part of Richd Coleman's Company & Willm Johnston over part of Willm Harris Company & Willm Paton Captn instead of Benjamin Sims moved away Capt Hursts Troop with officers 32. Report concerning the militia in each county of North Carolina
Creator: No Author 1754 Volume 5, Pages 161 - 163. Found on Page 162.
Also found in (Saunders 1968).
There is another Mary Bowling possibility. She married William Eaton in Stafford Co. Va. in 1935. I can't find any parents for her. And I'm not sure if this is the same William Eaton in the Eaton's Militia Muster of Granville Co. NC in 1754. There is a Benjamin Bowling on the Muster also. Is he a son of this Mary Bowling born before she married William Eaton?
8 Oct 1754
William Eaton, Colonel
William Person, Lieut.Colonel
James Paine, Major
Capt Andrew HAMPTON's Co (60 men):
28. James BOLLING
29. William BOLLING
36. Benjamin BOLLING
48. John BOLLING a note 2 Bolling familes
ALSO note a Lowarnce Strother is in this unit. He chaegd a Indian named John Bowling for terroriziing him earlier in Orange co VA
Mary Bowling and William Eaton m. Aug. 25 1737, since William Eaton was an Indian Trader in/around what would become Randolph County area. This is info from Stafford County: St. Paul's Parish Registers 1715-1798:
Benjamin Bowling and Mary Latham m. July 27, 1725.
With m. date 1725 and sons b. 1732 and 1734, there were most assuredly some older children (b. where?
Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Mary Bowling b. Sept 18, 1732
John Bowling, son of Benjamin and Mary Bowling b. Nov. 10, 1734 m. Jane Asbury Aug 1754 . Children Ann b. 1755, Edmund b. 1760, Benjamin b.1765, Joshua b. 1773
John Bowling 1
William bowling 1
Anthony Hampton & Negor Addam 2
Mary Bowling and William Eaton m. Aug. 25 1737, since William Eaton was an Indian Trader
John Bowling, son of Benjamin and Mary Bowling b. Nov. 10, 1734 m. Jane Asbury Aug 1754
This is what I have documented on William Eaton b.< 1717 married Mary Bowling b.< 1721, St. Paul's Parish,Stafford County, Va Aug 25, 1737.
Col Eaton helped found Granville County at home of Edward Jones in 1746. He was an Indian trader and had a close relationship with the Saponis and lived in (what later became Warren County, NC) northeastern Granville county, He died around 1759 or so. He had 30 or so Saponi Indians living on his plantation who were used as interpreters, but officially there is not a list of these people. If this is the same William Eaton that m. Mary Bowling at age 20, he would have been 29 when he helped found Granville County and died at age 42.
There is no documentation in Stafford after they married, so assumed their children born in NC. William, John, Benjamin and James Bowling were on Col. Eaton's 1754 Muster Roll of the regiment in Granville County. Assumed these were young men bc. 1730's which would correspond to young Boling men who appeared to have left Stafford County and show up in Granville County and can document them in Granville and counties created from Granville (Randolph/Montgomery until early 1800's when mine migrated to TN and some westward.
It appears age/dates would be best way to determine if Mary Bowling's husband William Eaton is the same as Col. Eaton. Col. Eaton's will names his wife Mary as executor (along with a Jones). I believe both executors died before they could pay Col. Eaton's debts He did have much land with inheritors named in wilI. I appreciate the information you share and hope we can definitively nail William down.
Lewis Jarvis article
As transcribed by William Grohse, historian of Hancock County, Tennessee
from the Hancock County Times
Sneedville, Tennessee, 17 April 1903
The old pure blood were finer featured, straight and erect in form, more so than the whites and when mixed with whites made beautiful women and the men very fair looking men. These Indians came to Newman’s Ridge and Blackwater. Some of them went into the War of 1812-1914 whose names are here given; James Collins, John Bolin and Mike Bolin and some others not remembered; those were quite full blooded.
1742 court case
>> "Orange County, Virginia. Order Book No. 3 1741-1743 (Microfilm,
>> Genealogical Society of Utah, 1948).
>> At a Court held for Orange County on 27 January 1742 [1743 NS].
>> Thursday, the xxviith day of January MDCCXLIII.
>> p. 309: "Alexander Machartoon, John Bowling, Manincassa, Capt. Tom,
>> Isaac, Harry, Blind Tom, Foolish Jack, Charles Griffin, John Collins,
>> Little Jack, Indians being brought before the Court by precept under
>> the hands & seals of Wm Russell & Edward Spencer, Gent, for
>> terrifying one Lawrence Strother & on suspicion of stealing hoggs . . .
>> ."
>> pp. 309-312. The above put up security individually. It was ordered
>> that their guns be taken from them till they are ready to depart out
>> of this county, "they having declared their intentions to the Court
>> to depart this colony within a week" (Orange Co., VA, Order Book 3,
>> 1741-1743, 309). Orange Co., VA, Microfilm Reel 31, VA State Archives.
In the Orange Co., VA tax list for 1737, William "Bowling" and John
>> "Bowling" are on the list, and both are also reported on the
>> delinquent list.
2. I have read that he was the brother of Mary "Molly" Bolling who married "old
" Andrew Baker but no one can prove who her parents were????3. Illegitimate son of Mary "Polly" Bolling, who died giving birth to Benjamin, and Isham Randolph. Whether this means General Isham Randolph or his son, Isham, ... -
his DNA was in melungeon dna project
>> I have one of Jack Goins' books, and have enrolled in the Melungeon
>> DNA
>> project. My possible connections are through my Bowling and Collins
>> ancestors. My grandmother, Mary Collins Bowling, had all the physical
>> features of
>> the Melungeons. My 3g-grandfather, James Bowling was born in Hawkins
>> Co., TN,
>> in 1789.
>> So far, I do not have any documented information on a Melungeon link.
>> John Bowling
From: John Webb <webbs at>
>> Subject: Re: [Bolling5] John Bowling of Orange County
>> To: "Bolling Family Group 5" <bollingresearch at>
>> Date: Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 5:49 PM
>> I was thinking the same thing Joyce. One thing I noticed while reading
>> Jack Goins site, probably coincidental, is that these people went to
>> the
>> New River and Grayson County. That's where my Austins went, and Hannah
>> Love who married John Austin has been described by some as being
>> Saponi,
>> and some of their sons described as being Saponi descendents. The
>> reference about the sons is said to be in court records somewhere in NC
>> but I have never seen them.
>> John
>> Brunswick County, Virginia - Fort Christiana:
>> William & Mary College Quarterly, Vol. 9, No. 4.
>> Covering a period of about 1710 to 1720,? 1713 re Alexander Spotswood
>> establishes a settlement of Germans on the Rapidan River...and a fort
>> called Fort Christiana, on the Meherrine River? (in Brunswick Co.)...
>> 1714 General Assembly ...confined the trade with all the Indians south
>> of
>> the James, and gave a monopoly of the same to a company (the Indian
>> Company) on the condition of their building a a means
>> of mutual protection, the Saponies (the Indian tribe) were induced to
>> settle in a town near the fort.? In charge of the school (at Fort
>> Christiana) Gov. Spotswood placed Rev. Charles short time
>> Mr. Griffin had over seventy Indian Children under his tuition, and the
>> Indians came to have such a warm affection for him that if he had let
>> them do so they would have made him chief of the nations...1718
>> ...General Assembly repealing the charter of the indian Company and
>> withdrew its support of Fort Christiana...and Mr. Griffin
>> (Charles Griffin) was retired to the care of the Indian school at
>> William & Mary College).? (This just to show there may have been
>> relationships with Indians other than being of Indian heritage ? from
>> Melba Brady Dingler 7/7/2007)
Message: 22
>> Date: Tue, 15 Dec 2009 19:49:03 -0500
>> From: "Joyce Poole" <joycepoole36 at>
>> Subject: Re: [Bolling5] John Bowling of Orange County
>> To: "Bolling Family Group 5" <bollingresearch at>
>> Message-ID: <A0AD6B9C3E514D8B89ABB560289312A0 at Joyce>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
>> Right, John. I know about the Austins (married into my Heard family)
>> were said to be of Saponi Indian tribe or intermarried; and Heards of
>> Hawkins Co., TN were of the same Heard family who married Austins in
>> Wilkes Co., GA. The Blackwater Church had Heard, Walling, and
>> Bolling-allied members. It was interesting seeing the name Thomas
>> Bledsoe in the Goins website and that one of the line married a Wallen.
>> [Miller Bledsoe in Orange Co., VA married Group 7 Jane Elizabeth
>> Bolling,
>> daughter of John Bolling and Ursula Bell. They all moved to Oglethorpe
>> Co., GA.]
------------------------------------------- - In seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Virginia, the term “tithable” referred to a person who paid (or for whom someone else paid) one of the taxes imposed by the General Assembly for the support of civil government in the colony. In colonial Virginia, a poll tax or capitation tax was assessed on free white males, African American slaves, and Native American servants (both male and female), all age sixteen or older. Owners and masters paid the taxes levied on their slaves and servants. In March 1657–8, an act passed in the House of Burgesses declared that all African Americans and Indians (both male and female) over sixteen years of age were to be placed on the tithable lists. Between the first and last of June, masters were required to return a list of all tithables to the clerk of the county court to be recorded (Hening, 1:454–455.) In the House of Burgesses session of September 1672, an act was passed “concerning tythables borne in the country.” Those persons appointed by the court to take tithables were also charged with taking an account of all negro, mulatto, and Indian children. (Hening, 2:296.) In 1723, the House of Burgesses passed two acts expanding the definition of a tithable. As a result, those subject to the tax included all free negroes, mulattos, and Indians (except tributary Indians) above age sixteen and their wives (Hening, 4:133.) In the October 1748, the House of Burgesses passed an act exempting sheriffs and the president, masters, scholars, and domestic servants of the College of William and Mary from the tithable lists. (Hening, 6:40–44).
Library of Virginia, 800 East Broad Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219-8000
Thomas1 Collins, born say 1708, was a taxable in the 1750 Granville
County list of John Wade [CR 44.701.23]. This part of Granville
County became Orange County in 1752, and Thomas was a "Molata"
taxable there on 3 "Black" tithes in 1755 [T&C, box 1, p.19]. He
owned land on Flat River adjoining George Gibson and Moses Ridley
[Orange County Loose Papers, vol. V, no. 131; vol.VI, no. 579]. Thomas2,
Junr., born say 1734, an Orange County taxable listed
nearby Thomas Collins in 1755 [T&C, box 1, p.19]. He was head of an Ashe
County household of 7 "other free" in 1800 [NC:74] John, born say 1736, a "Molata" taxable in Orange County, taxed
on one Black tithe in 1755 [T&C, box 1, p.15].
In 1753 Ephraim Sizemore is recorded in Orange County, North Carolina, same county as the Gibson and Collins.
Sept. 1753 Folio 10 p.20: "Mary Torrington petitions this court praying that an orphan female child, called Sarah Torrington taken from her in a forcible manner by a certain EPHRAIM SIZEMORE a mulatto & be bound to Miles Parker . . ."
The first Sizemore in America was a Portuguese Jew from Barbados. Sizemore is cognate with Cismor and similar Jewish surnames. It does not occur in England. A William Sismor and wife Martha were counted among the Living and the Dead in Virginia, 1623. He was identified as "Negor." Famous members of the family have been George Goldenhawk Sizemore, George Chief of All Sizemore, John Gourd Sizemore, an Indian doctor, and Old Ned Sizemore. The Sizemores filed over 2,200 applications for the Eastern Cherokee Band in 1907, representing over 7,000 persons and filling the entire vol. 10 in the Guion Miller depositions. Recent DNA analyses have confirmed that the first Sizemore male was American Indian, matching samples from Panama, Alaska and North America. the sizemores are jews who mixed with the indians and the remarried back into jewish blood. the shepards are jews shepard means sephardic referring to the jews of spain portugal William Efraim Sizemore + Winifred Greene these were the parents of ned, greene is also is were listed as jews. dna testing now confirms this sizemore,shepard,greene,cooper,blevins all intermarried and were all confirmed to portugese and french jewish families.
"The only ethnic listing for Sizemore has been Sephardic jewish. They were this and are this before there was native indian blood mixed. In Jamestown the only Sizemore was listed as a Sephardic jewish slave. In barbados they were listed as portuguese Jews. Read the articles below. Look for John and richard Sisemore who owned land in Barbados
Barbados Link to Melungeon Surnames
Melungeon ancestry possibilities have expanded to include significant numbers of "English" and "Scotch" settlers who came to South Carolina in the late 1600s and early 1700s,
but not from England. Although these people held English citizenship, their actual ethnic make-up was far different from the prototype Anglos of that period. These settlers were from Barbados, ethnically mixed people seeking better lives in the mainland colonies.
These so-called "freedmen" tended to be a mixture of English and Scotch, native Barbadians (i.e. Indian), Portuguese Jews, other Mediterranean people, and Africans. And,
most telling, their surnames match those English names that most commonly show up among the earliest Melungeon populations. It would seem likely that, over time, these ethnically mixed "Englishmen" would have indeed moved northward and admixed with Melungeon ancestral groups in the Carolinas and Virginia. There are many related documents detailing the movements of these early settlers, but one will suffice for this first announcement (this document kindly provided by Angela Andrews of the University of Virginia). John Camden Hotten's work on the Barbados settlers provides the following astonishing surname list of "English" settlers from Barbados: (see below for Library of Congress citations)
Portuguese Jews
Look for sisemore below
This List, which is reprinted in P.F. Campbell's "Some Early Barbadian History", published Barbados, 1993, appears to be part of an old publication which Campbell reproduces in its entirety, and which is entitled: "Memoirs of the First Settlement of the Island of Barbados and other the Carribbee Islands, with the Succession of the Governors and Commanders in Chief of Barbados to the Year 1742, extracted from Ancient Records, Papers and Accounts taken from Mr. William Arnold, Mr. Samuel Bulkly, and Mr. John Summers, some of the First Settlers, the last of whom was alive in 1688, aged 82. Also some Remarks on the Laws and Constitution of Barbados." by William DUKE, the clerk of the House of Assembly, who first published the 100 page book in Barbados in 1741.
Second edition London 1743. Reprinted in Bdos 1891. For more details, see Handler's "Guide to Source Materials for the study of Barbados History", page 30.London, Printed for E. Owen near Chancery Lane, Holborn, MDCCXLII.
LIST OF THE NAMES of the Inhabitants of Barbados, in the Year 1638 who then possess'd more than ten Acres of Land.
Stallange Roger
Stirring George
Stringer John
Sandiford William
Secretarie Mr.
Sisemore Richard
Sisemore John
Stokes John
Smith William
Sawer Richard
they were regesterd as Portuguese jews!!! It is documented!
many Sizemores intermarried other Jewish families in America! the greens,coopers,shepards,blevins and Moselys
Some mixed with native indians some did not But originally they were Sephardic Jews before they came to America!"
Sizemore Sephardic Jews - Sephardim and Sephardic Judaism - Family History & Genealogy Message
Sizemore Sephardic Jews/Sephardim and Sephardic Judaism family history & genealo...See More - The results of James Sizemore’s Y-STR test shocked many but simply confirmed what others in the family had known all along. Most Sizemores are Native American. Q3 is the only haplogroup exclusively associated with American Indians. Subsequently, three other Sizemores/Sisemores matched our subject and a large Sizemore Surname DNA Project was undertaken. This project found several distinct Sizemore lines, with the apparently largest being ours. James Sizemore traces his lineage back to a William Ephraim Sizemore born about 1700 who married Winifred Green, the daughter of Henry Green (whose will William Sizemore witnessed in 1761) and Elizabeth Griffin.
SIZEMORE Y Chromosome and mtDNA DNA Project
Q Haplogroup Participants
Participant #3787
His gggg grandfather:
George “All” Sizemore
b. abt 1755
d. 1822 in Clay Co., KY
m. abt 1771
Agnes Shepherd Cornett
b. abt 1755 in NC
d. 1833 in Clay Co., KY
Participant # 6488
His ggg grandfather:
Ephraim Sizemore
b. abt. 1748 in SC
d. Apr. 5, 1836 in Spartanburg Co., SC
m. abt. 1775
Winifred --?-
b. abt. 1745
d. Nov. 16, 1839 in Spartanburg Co., SC
Participant #6588
His GG Grandfather
Ephraim Sizemore
b. Abt. 1748 in SC
d. 04/05/1836 in Spartanburg County, SC
m. Winifred "Winnie" (- -?- -) Abt. May 15, 1775
b. Abt. 1745
d. 11/16/1839 Spartanburg County, SC
This List, which is reprinted in P.F. Campbell's "Some Early Barbadian History", published Barbados, 1993, appears to be part of an old publication which Campbell reproduces in its entirety, and which is entitled: "Memoirs of the First Settlement of the Island of Barbados and other the Carribbee Islands, with the Succession of the Governors and Commanders in Chief of Barbados to the Year 1742, extracted from Ancient Records, Papers and Accounts taken from Mr. William Arnold, Mr. Samuel Bulkly, and Mr. John Summers, some of the First Settlers, the last of whom was alive in 1688, aged 82. Also some Remarks on the Laws and Constitution of Barbados." by William DUKE, the clerk of the House of Assembly, who first published the 100 page book in Barbados in 1741.
Second edition London 1743. Reprinted in Bdos 1891. For more details, see Handler's "Guide to Source Materials for the study of Barbados History", page 30.London, Printed for E. Owen near Chancery Lane, Holborn, MDCCXLII.
LIST OF THE NAMES of the Inhabitants of Barbados, in the Year 1638 who then possess'd more than ten Acres of Land.
Sisemore Richard
Sisemore John
A History of Barbados 1625-1685, Vincent T. Harlow. Pub. 1926
[from Nov.1991 issue Charleston Chapter SCGS Newsletter-The Low Country Courier].
Map insert "with the Mss Names of the Severall plantacons" has SYZMOR located in St. George Parish.
interesting thing is "Sizamar" is found around Portugesse people, I have found several businesses' with this name around brazil.
Prime example is "Funilaria e Borracharia Sizamar Ltda Me".
Barbados was first occupied by Arawak and later, by Carib Indians. Whether these Indian settlers lived by fishing, hunting, farming, or a combination of these is uncertain. In any case, the Indians had deserted Barbados by 1536 when Pedro a Campos, a Portuguese navigator, visited it.
[2] Ibid, p. 51.
In 1536 Portuguese explorer Pedro a Campos stopped over in Barbados en route to Brazil and named the island 'Los Barbados' - the bearded ones, presumably after the island's fig trees, with there long hanging aerial roots. (A beard-like resemblance)
Although known to the Portuguese and Spanish, the British were the first settlers in 1625. Captain John Powell landed on Barbados with his crew and claimed the uninhabited island for England. Two years later, his brother Captain Henry Powell landed with a party of 80 settlers and 10 African slaves. The group established the island's first European settlement, Jamestown, on the western coast at what is now Holetown. They were welcomed only by a herd of Portuguese Hogs thought to be left there by Campos whose intention was to use them as food on return voyages.
The Christie/Christy surname came to the American Colonies from two separate loc...See More - Dwight Collins The presence of the Sizemore name at the British empire's Jamestown colony, listing a "Portuguese-Jewish" indentured slave suggests an admixture of bloodlines that was not entirely Native. A few other Sizemores are said to have been Scots-Irish though I have not found evidence of this. Therefore, I would guess that most are the mixed-blood descendants of remnant tribes of the Powhatan - pronounced "poh-haw-tin" - which was a confederacy of many smaller tribes, and of Portugeuse, Jewish, English, Scottish and Irish indentured slaves. One Sizemore family tree shows direct descent from the Powhatan princess Matoaka (Pocahontas) and John Rolfe through the Bowling family, in six different family lines. I have my doubts as to whether we are descendants of Matoaka, as I think people generally like to be of some type of "royal" ancestry, but I strongly believe that this story is evidence that Sizemore Metis were founded and nurtured into existence by a number of different Powhatan women and their communities.
The Story of the Whitetop Laurel Band of Cherokees
Joseph Newman In 1636, officials passed a law declaring all slaves brought into Barbados, whether African or Amerindian were to be enslaved for life. It was later extended to include their off springs. At this time there were only 22 free coloured persons on the island.
During the 1700s, the main source of labour for cotton and tobacco was indentured servants from Europe, while Amerindians from the Guianas were imported to teach agriculture. As the cotton and tobacco industry started to fail because of the lack of labour, due to terrible conditions for indentured servants, the sugar industry emerged. Sugar in Barbados at that time was used only for feedstock, as fuel and in the production of rum.
Edward Jeffries came to Virginia from
>Barbados with the Wilson family and he married Elizabeth Wilson soon after
>they arrived around 1680 in Richmond County. She was a daughter of Henry
>Wilson. Many of Edward's descendents married into families, who had
>arrived in Virginia from Barbados, such as the Charleton, Swepstons,
>Parmers, etc.
Middlesex County Court Order Book II, on page549, says: "John Bodgam
>is charged with taking two Indian slaves belonging to Sir Jeffery Jeffries,
>Esquire, on March 30, 1692. Another case brought against John Bodgam for
>taking one of Jeffery Jeffries' Indian slaves nine miles from the Jeffries'
>plantation home."
On October 4, 1704, in Captain Barber's account of imprisonment
>of 43 Indians for 24 days, in Richmond County, and he said Edward Jeffries
>was owed for their drinks, food, and board. On February 6, 1705 Edward came
>into court and swore on an oath that Captain Charles Barber owed him an
>unpaid account. The court ordered Barber to pay the account's debt. A
>blacksmith was also paid for making 16 pairs of leg irons, and a carpenter
>was paid for building a gallows. Edward was owed more than all the others
The earliest records of this family record them as 'Indians' living in Northampton County, NC (just south of Greensville Co. VA) in the early 1700's. (Northampton County Orders 1729-32; Bell, Northampton County Taxables) They may possibly have been some of the Indians migrating up from the Catawba reservation mentioned in the petitions to Governor Gooch. The Jeffries family lived at 'Indiantown' on the former Gingaskin reservation land along with the POOL, FISHERMAN, LANG, JACOBS, COLLINS, CARTER & DRIGGERS families.
1736 to 1742 - Will Jeffries listed as an Indian student at the Brafferton Indian school at William & Mary….his tribe is not specified.
1842, Greene County, Ohio, an Ohio Supreme Court case occurred when Parker Jeffries was refused the right to vote. The jury found "that the plaintiff is of the Indian race, the illegitimate son of a white man and a woman of the Indian race, and that he has not more than one fourth of the Indian blood in his veins."
The Slave History of Barbados: Settlement, Plantocracy, Rebellion and Emancipation |
About Barbados: HistoryHistoric Sights | Emblems of Barbados | Culture | Slave H
istory | Sugar Cane Industry | Independence | Political History | Music | Archives | Religion | Museums - Joseph Newman I'm exhausted hahahaha I'm sure I have now given you all enough information to defend your native american and Portuguese ancestry.....stand strong and NEVER let ANYONE try to STEAL your ancestor's ancestry for money......arm yourself with knowledge so that you can defend your ancestor's honor.

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