Lest We Forget...
From Tristan
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Monday, November 21, 2016
War Criminal Kissinger meets Trump
posted by Jon Drucks21 Nov 2016
Hot Off The Press: Will we all be on Fire? Who knows? Everything is a Secret, when forced to Talk, they Lie. The "Ruling" Evil Royal Family (Brotherhood) of Liars. The Truth, or The End, our Choice. The Truth, is the Answer, for once. It is time to turn the Cameras away from The People, and onto those behind the Cameras, as I believe they are the real Terrorists. Dr Henry Kissinger can't stop talking about the New World Order, and he talks like a Nazi in my Book. I believe Dr Henry Kissinger is one of the Leaders of the New World Order. Kissinger was SECRETary of State under Tricky Dick who was forced to Resign because of Corruption. Dr "NWO" Kissinger was handpicked by "W" to lead the 9/11 Commission until he was forced to Resign, like Tricky Dick, after discovering he was in the Royal Saudi Bin Laden Payroll. A Facebook Friend wrote this on Kissinger: Henry Kissinger is a Jewish Zionist American oligarch & politician; he is one of the decision-makers of the white house, running foreign affairs since 1969 till today from behind the puppet American elected presidents. He belongs to the same Cabal who run every sector in America and western countries from media, politics, finance, central banking. The Zionist & Jewish lobbies, Oligarchs and bankers who control America will use this most “powerful” country in the world today to continue establishing their world government plan according to their protocols of elders of Zion. Many quotes were said by Israeli leaders and Jewish bankers and oligarchs throughout History to express their desire to have a world government where Jerusalem will be its center. It is also a fact that 911 attacks on America were planned by the Rothschild bankers and their smaller Cabal mafia, executed by the Mossad and CIA. This same Cabal planned all events that followed 911, the unjust “war on terror” and the “police state”. They support different Islamic terrorist organizations such as ISIS and Al Qaeda who work to serve Israel plan of empowerment and enlargement or bring more money to Rothschild banks and corporations. All these events are phases to establish a Zionist New World order while most Jews and non-Jews are not aware of that. The cabal is a criminal satanic Jewish Zionist mafia running our world since centuries, orchestrated WW1 and WW2 since the establishment of the usury banking racket by the Jewish family Rothschild who themselves created Israel in 1917 (Balfour declaration). Paul Warburg, a Jewish banker from Europe said: "We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest of consent" In 1962, the PM of Israel David Ben Gurion said: "All other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars...In Jerusalem, the United Nations, a truly United Nations, will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah. " In 1982, the PM of Israel Menachem Begin said: "Our race (speaking of the Jews) is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet...Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." In 2001, the PM of Israel Ariel Sharon said: “We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” (End) I believe our Secret CIA are Agents for the Federal Reserve, at the direction of the Council on Foreign Relations, overseen by the State Department. I believe they all all Enemies of "Our" State. I believe the Treasonists are the "True" Terrorists. Inside Traders and Traitors. I believe Israel is being used as the Pawn in the Royal Nazi War Game. I believe America is living out the Royal Nazi Playbook. Literally, living it out, until we live no more. The Plan? I believe America has been dealt the "End Game". It follows their "Rigged" Royal Game of Monopoly, part of their "Rigged" Royal Game of Life. Death follows Life. The Plan? I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. Anyone willing and able to "Pull" off 9/11, is willing and able to "Pull" off anything, and everything. Including, "The End", at least for US. I believe they proved what they thought of US on 9/11. The People must stand and demand "The Truth" starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. One Thing Leads To Another. This is a Plan, also known as, a Conspiracy. The New World Order, is not a Conspiracy Theory, it was Promised! We promised never to forget 9/11 and it's time to Pay-up, before we Pay the Ultimate Price, for allowing ourselves to be "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. I believe we have Acts of Treason, in the highest Degree, being committed by those sitting in the highest places. Saudi Arabia has been "Linked" to 9/11. We have Armed them, to the teeth, every day since 9/11. Treason in the highest Degree! Today's Headlines on Yahoo Home Page, others attached to Comments, are the best supporting evidence to what I am writing in my Book. We're living it, whether people "Like" it, or not. Whether people "Believe" it, or not. Just like, my Book, that few "Like". People can Choose, to "Believe" me, or not. The Truth, or The End, our Choice. It's, not just Today's Headlines, it's every day! Everything from JFK, to 9/11, to Today is a Rich Man's Trick. As, America is Bankrupt, follow the Money! I believe there is a Mass Conspiracy and Mass Cover-up, includes the Mass Media, of the Destruction of America. I believe we are witnessing the Controlled Demolition of America, using Controlled Opposition, to bring US down to the New Word Order. Welcome to Reality! Words, to "Live" by, to keep "Living". If you don't control your mind, the Government, and Media will do it for you. It is no measure of Mental Health, to be well adjusted to a profoundly Sick Society, being "Ruled" by Psychopaths. The state of this Union is Pathetic, a direct reflection of the Pathological Liars "Ruling" it, and ruining it for all of US. Truth that hurts. But, it pales in comparison to the hurt I believe is about to be put on this so-called Nation being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. Truth that hurts. But, it pales in comparison to the hurt I believe is about to be put on this so-called Nation, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. Nothing "Changes", without the "Truth", we're living proof. But, I believe the days of US living under the "Rule" of Secrets and Lies are Numbered, the Writing is on my Wall. I believe we have "Stories" in History Books, and "End Time" Stories in the Bible, being played out right before our very eyes. But, few want to "See" it, much less "Believe" it. I believe we are our own worst Enemy, followed closely, by our so-called Allies. With, Friends "Like" this, who needs Enemies? I believe there is more to that Story then meets the "Ruling" Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Satanic All-Seeing Eye. Just like, everything else, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. I believe we are being set-up to "Default" to the New World Order. Default means you don't even get to play the "DC Game". I believe America has been dealt the "End Game", it follows their "Rigged" Royal Game of Monopoly, part of their "Rigged" Royal Game of Life. Death follows Life. The "Object" of the End Game? The People need to "Call" their Bluff, in the End Game, as I believe they are holding the Liars Hand. It's, All-In, or Fold time. I'm All-In, because when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. I believe we are all about to have nothing, join the crowd, as misery loves company. Our Funny Money, is not worth the Paper it is printed on, as it was printed out of thin air. I believe Blackmail is the Name of the "DC Game" using their Partners on Wall Street as their Economic Hitmen. Dirty Politics using Dirty Money. Which, reminds me of the "Short-selling" of Airline Stocks, on the Eve of 9/11. I believe many Insiders on the Future Market, have Inside Information on future Tragic Events, which leads me to believe they are behind the Tragic Events. Follow the Money! The only way to get Rich in Politics, is to be a Crook, which reminds me of CROOKed Hillary. There are so many Clinton Scandals that you can't keep track of them all. The Plan? The same Plan for the massive National Debt , they built, and want US to Pay for? What we allow, will continue, and be done onto US. Our so-called President says Hillary is one of the most qualified Candidates to run for President. I believe her Resume is full of Lies, Scandals, and Murder. Which, fits the Job Description of the President, and Commander in Chief. He finally told the Truth! Today's Headlines confirm my "Belief".I believe the Clowns on the Left, and Jokers on the Right, are Stuck In The Middle with the New World Order. The Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Nazi Funding Evil Royal Bush Family has abandoned the GOP Ship, and jumped to the Clinton Global Initiative Ship, which is sinking under the weight of endless Scandal. The Titanic is Sinking at the hands of the Banksters. Those, who fail to learn from History, are doomed to repeat it. Welcome to Reality! The Bush's endorsing Hillary was the best reason not to Vote for her. Vote "Anyone" but a Clinton, or a Bush, in 2016 was my Motto. The real answer was: Vote for "Nobody". Nobody tells the Truth. Nobody obeys their Oath. Nobody cares about The People. We are a Nation Of, By, and For the Bankers / Corporations. US Inc! There is no "Justice" in America until we hear the Truth starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. One Thing Leads To Another. This is a Plan! I believe they lead to the death of all of US. The Plan? Our so-called Friends at Fox have "Predicted" many Tragic Events, including 9/11, in many Scripts. Predictive Programming. They call it "Programming" for a reason! Saudi Arabia has been "Linked" to 9/11. Saudi Royalty are major Stake Holders in Fox. Coincidence? Those, are Friends we can do without, in my Book. Our so-called Friends at Fox are not alone. William Cooper was able to accurately "Predict" 9/11 based on New World Order CIA CNN interviewing Osama Bin Laden, months before 9/11, after the most expensive Intelligence Agencies had been looking for him for a Decade. Cooper said "If America is attacked blaming Osama Bin Laden, and The People believe it, they are the stupidest people to ever walk the face of the Earth. Welcome to Reality! Cooper followed with "When are all of you people going to wake up?". Dead Men Don't Talk, and William Cooper found that out the hard way, as Cooper was murdered by Law Enforcement shortly after 9/11. William Cooper also "Predicted" the Nation we live in to day, over 20 years ago, in his "Mystery Babylon" Series. This is a Plan aka a Conspiracy. The days of "We investigated ourselves and we did nothing wrong", need to "End", before they "End" US. According to Script? I believe we are living out the Script to "End" all Scripts. I believe the Candidates are playing Leading Roles. I believe they see the Script as a Comedy. The're laughing at US! Money is also called "Script". Coincidence? You don't have to be in the FBI to know, to solve a Crime, follow the Money. To solve a Crime, of the Destruction of America, follow the Money! I believe we are under the "Rule" of the very Evil Royal Family (Secret Societies), Evil Royal Elite War Pig Banker Hypocrites, and Evil Royal Preachers we Declared our Independence from in 1776. I believe we are witnessing the Controlled Demolition of America, using Controlled Opposition, to bring US down to the New World Order. The goal of the New World Order is for One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. THEIRS! If you think it's yours, you better think again, while you can still think for yourself. The New World Order, One World Religion, will do the thinking for all of US. Think, about that, the ultimate form of control. History proves, if they can't control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could Testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldn't control her. Just like, JFK, my Namesake. Just like, Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like, Jesus, my Savior. All in the Name, of their God, the Almighty Dollar! Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against The Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our so-called Nation today. This is a Plan! Nothing, says the "New World Order", like the Clinton Global Initiative. United we Stand, Divided we Fall, like the Buildings on 9/11. It's "US", against "Them", in my Book. We are already buried in Debt. I believe we are about to Pay for it with our Freedom, our Nation, and then our very Lives. Or they could cut to the chase, and turn US to Ash, like many of the "Forgotten" Victims on 9/11, We are now closing in on $20 trillion in Debt, while being on the verge of Nuclear World Wars, which is a Deadly Combination in my Book. The Plan? Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, we don't even know "Who" our President is, or "Where" he was born. What a Country! Not, for long, unless The People stand for the Truth now. If, anyone believes all the Goliath Problems this so-called Nation faces arrived with our so-called President, they don't even know what the Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Problem is. Blackmail is the "Name of the Game" in DC. Why does or so-called President continue to protect his Enemies? Does he have something to hide, like his true Identity, and Birthplace? The Hawaii Official who supplied his last so-called Birth Certificate, died in a mysterious Plane Crash, while others survived. Coincidence? Loreta Fuddy has been traced to an Indonesian Occult, with ties to Hawaii, and Chicago. Another Coincidence? Our so-called President bears a resemblance to the Leader, do Google Search for "Barry Soebarkah", for the reset of that Story. I believe this is all part of the "Mass" Conspiracy for a New World Order. A Black Mass, created by the "Ruling" Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Satanic War Pig Banker Hypocrite Secret Societies, all in the Name Of Black Sabbath. The Root of all Evil Rules! Darkness is their Light. We need to pull DNA from all of "Them" to find out who we're really dealing with. Guessing they are all part of the same Royal Elite Bloodline, and have just changed their Names, to protect the Guilty! The Truth, or The End, our Choice. I believe we have a critical Case of End Time Deception that is Self-fulfilling Prophecy. Is, Obama Nation, being "Led" into the Abomination of Desolation? I believe we are about to become the most educated people to ever die of ignorance. I believe the Blue Puppets on the Left, and Red Puppets on the Right, are serving the same Puppet Masters. Order, out of Chaos, the New World Order. War Pigs Rule! I believe they have Sympathy For The Devil. We've Been Fooled Again! Look to the Lyrics for the rest of that Story. Wars, and rumors of Wars, surround US. I believe we are being set-up for Nuclear World War, against the Great Enemy from the North (Russia), as we stand by the side of Israel until the day we die. Could be today! Tomorrow's Headlines, but we won't be around to see, or hear about them. According to Script? The War Scenario described above, along with the New World Order, come straight out of "End Time" Stories in the Bible. Coincidence? My Life, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies, is one Big Coincidence. Einstein said "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous". Who, am I, to argue with Einstein? The Truth, or The End, our Choice. Mankind must "End" Wars before Wars "End" Mankind. The Plan? I believe Nuclear WW III is part of the "Plan" for a New World Order, part of a Script that combines "Stories" in History Books, and "End Time" Stories in the Bible. Coming Soon! A real Revelation! It is an absolute "Miracle" that America is still standing 15 years after the False Flag Terror Attacks of 9/11. I believe the Clowns on the Left, and Jokers on the Right, are Stuck In The Middle with the New World Order. As America is Bankrupt both Financially, and Morally, follow the Money! It's, not "If" we're Bankrupt, it's when they tell US. The White House of Cards is about to Fall. Financial Collapse, and the New World Order, go hand and hand. One of their Evil Royal Elite Hands, feeds their other Hand, while The People starve to death. Our near future? Uncle Ben Carson exposed the Luciferian Conspiracy at the Republican National Convention. Carson said "Hillary worshiped Saul Alinksy and he worshiped Lucifer". OMG! Or, is it GOG, and MAGOG? Who the "Hell" knows? They, can all go to Hell, as far as I'm concerned. Or, is Hell empty, and all the Devil's are here? I believe there is a Luciferian Conspiracy based on Marxist Hegelian Logic. Or, is it Alinsky Logic? There is nothing logical about it! Everything we are told, is the opposite of our Evil Royal Elite Rulers, and so-called Leaders intentions. It's, why nothing makes sense, and it's all nonsense in my Book. It's all Evil Royal Nazi BS in my Book. The goal of the New World Order is for One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. THEIRS! If you think it's yours, you better think again, while you can still think for yourself. The New World Order, One World Religion, will do the thinking for all of US. Think, about that, the ultimate form of control. History proves, if they can't control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could Testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldn't control her. Just like, JFK, my Namesake. Just like, Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like, Jesus, my Savior. All in the Name, of their God, the Almighty Dollar! Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against the Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our so-called Nation today. This is a Plan! The New World Order, is not a Conspiracy Theory, it was promised by Skull and Bones Secret Society Member George HW Bush. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skull and Bones GHW Bush, being the Son of Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Prescott Bush, his Evil Royal Elite War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in W II. We allowed the Son, and Grandson, of the "Banker to the Nazis" to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! I can think of over 19,000,000,000,000 without looking past the massive National Debt, they built, and want US to pay for. I believe we are living out the Evil Royal Nazi Playbook. Literally, living it out, until we live more. According to Script? If we don't stand now the true winner of WW II, Nazi Germany, will have to be written over 70 years later. I believe we will also have to wipe the Revolutionary War from the History Book. As we get wiped off the face of the Map? The Royals and the Nazis, are one of the same, in my Book. The Ruling Class. The Master Race. Wars, and rumors of Wars, surround US. I believe we are being set-up for Nuclear World War, against the Great Enemy from the North (Russia), as we stand by the side of Israel until the day we die. Could be today! Tomorrow's Headlines, but we won't be around to see, or hear about them. According to Script? The War Scenario described above, along with the New World Order, come straight out of "End Time" Stories in the Bible. Coincidence? My Life, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies, is one Big Coincidence. Einstein said "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous". Who, am I, to argue with Einstein? The Truth, or The End, our Choice. Mankind must "End" Wars before Wars "End" Mankind. The Plan? I believe Nuclear WW III is part of the "Plan" for a New World Order, part of a Script that combines "Stories" in History Books, and "End Time" Stories in the Bible. Coming Soon! A real Revelation! It is an absolute "Miracle" that America is still standing 15 years after the False Flag Terror Attacks of 9/11. I believe the Clowns on the Left, and Jokers on the Right, are Stuck In The Middle with the New World Order. As America is Bankrupt both Financially, and Morally, follow the Money! It's, not "If" we're Bankrupt, it's when they tell US. The White House of Cards is about to Fall. Financial Collapse, and the New World Order, go hand and hand. One of their Evil Royal Elite Hands, feeds their other Hand, while The People starve to death. Our near future? Uncle Ben Carson exposed the Luciferian Conspiracy at the Republican National Convention. Carson said "Hillary worshiped Saul Alinksy and he worshiped Lucifer". OMG! Or, is it GOG, and MAGOG? Who the "Hell" knows? They, can all go to Hell, as far as I'm concerned. Or, is Hell empty, and all the Devil's are here? I believe there is a Luciferian Conspiracy based on Marxist Hegelian Logic. Or, is it Alinsky Logic? There is nothing logical about it! Everything we are told, is the opposite of our Evil Royal Elite Rulers, and so-called Leaders intentions. It's, why nothing makes sense, and it's all nonsense in my Book. It's all Evil Royal Nazi BS in my Book. The goal of the New World Order is for One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. THEIRS! If you think it's yours, you better think again, while you can still think for yourself. The New World Order, One World Religion, will do the thinking for all of US. Think, about that, the ultimate form of control. History proves, if they can't control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could Testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldn't control her. Just like, JFK, my Namesake. Just like, Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like, Jesus, my Savior. All in the Name, of their God, the Almighty Dollar! Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against the Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our so-called Nation today. This is a Plan! The New World Order, is not a Conspiracy Theory, it was promised by Skull and Bones Secret Society Member George HW Bush. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skull and Bones GHW Bush, being the Son of Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Prescott Bush, his Evil Royal Elite War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in W II. We allowed the Son, and Grandson, of the "Banker to the Nazis" to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! I can think of over 19,000,000,000,000 without looking past the massive National Debt, they built, and want US to pay for. I believe we are living out the Evil Royal Nazi Playbook. Literally, living it out, until we live more. According to Script? If we don't stand now the true winner of WW II, Nazi Germany, will have to be written over 70 years later. I believe we will also have to wipe the Revolutionary War from the History Book. As we get wiped off the face of the Map? The Royals and the Nazis, are one of the same, in my Book. The Master Race. While our Evil Royal Rulers, and so-called Leaders can keep Secrets and tell US Lies, God knows all. I believe he has seen and heard enough. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is" "The Truth" or "The End". The Truth will set US Free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. Free and Independent. One Thing, I can tell you, is you've got to be Free. Come Together, right now, over me. It's, Now or Never, Do or Die time. Sudden Death, could appear like a Thief in the Night, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. Of, all The People to walk the face of the Earth, we may get to live out "The End". Lucky US. Of, all The People to walk the face of the Earth, I get the Message from above to avoid "The End". Lucky Me! When you receive a Message like The Truth, or The End, Nothing Else Matters. May, God Bless the United States of America, because we need it! See my entire Facebook Page, it's my Book - Change 2016. It follows Change 2015, Change 2014, Change 2013, and Change 2012.
PS: Don't shoot the Messenger. It's God's "Call of Duty" for all of US. Peace.
Hot Off The Press: Will we all be on Fire? Who knows? Everything is a Secret, when forced to Talk, they Lie. The "Ruling" Evil Royal Family (Brotherhood) of Liars. The Truth, or The End, our Choice. The Truth, is the Answer, for once. It is time to turn the Cameras away from The People, and onto those behind the Cameras, as I believe they are the real Terrorists. Dr Henry Kissinger can't stop talking about the New World Order, and he talks like a Nazi in my Book. I believe Dr Henry Kissinger is one of the Leaders of the New World Order. Kissinger was SECRETary of State under Tricky Dick who was forced to Resign because of Corruption. Dr "NWO" Kissinger was handpicked by "W" to lead the 9/11 Commission until he was forced to Resign, like Tricky Dick, after discovering he was in the Royal Saudi Bin Laden Payroll. A Facebook Friend wrote this on Kissinger: Henry Kissinger is a Jewish Zionist American oligarch & politician; he is one of the decision-makers of the white house, running foreign affairs since 1969 till today from behind the puppet American elected presidents. He belongs to the same Cabal who run every sector in America and western countries from media, politics, finance, central banking. The Zionist & Jewish lobbies, Oligarchs and bankers who control America will use this most “powerful” country in the world today to continue establishing their world government plan according to their protocols of elders of Zion. Many quotes were said by Israeli leaders and Jewish bankers and oligarchs throughout History to express their desire to have a world government where Jerusalem will be its center. It is also a fact that 911 attacks on America were planned by the Rothschild bankers and their smaller Cabal mafia, executed by the Mossad and CIA. This same Cabal planned all events that followed 911, the unjust “war on terror” and the “police state”. They support different Islamic terrorist organizations such as ISIS and Al Qaeda who work to serve Israel plan of empowerment and enlargement or bring more money to Rothschild banks and corporations. All these events are phases to establish a Zionist New World order while most Jews and non-Jews are not aware of that. The cabal is a criminal satanic Jewish Zionist mafia running our world since centuries, orchestrated WW1 and WW2 since the establishment of the usury banking racket by the Jewish family Rothschild who themselves created Israel in 1917 (Balfour declaration). Paul Warburg, a Jewish banker from Europe said: "We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest of consent" In 1962, the PM of Israel David Ben Gurion said: "All other continents will become united in a world alliance, at whose disposal will be an international police force. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars...In Jerusalem, the United Nations, a truly United Nations, will build a Shrine of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Supreme Court of Mankind, to settle all controversies among the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah. " In 1982, the PM of Israel Menachem Begin said: "Our race (speaking of the Jews) is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet...Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." In 2001, the PM of Israel Ariel Sharon said: “We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.” (End) I believe our Secret CIA are Agents for the Federal Reserve, at the direction of the Council on Foreign Relations, overseen by the State Department. I believe they all all Enemies of "Our" State. I believe the Treasonists are the "True" Terrorists. Inside Traders and Traitors. I believe Israel is being used as the Pawn in the Royal Nazi War Game. I believe America is living out the Royal Nazi Playbook. Literally, living it out, until we live no more. The Plan? I believe America has been dealt the "End Game". It follows their "Rigged" Royal Game of Monopoly, part of their "Rigged" Royal Game of Life. Death follows Life. The Plan? I believe we will Die, if we continue to Live, the 9/11 Lie. Anyone willing and able to "Pull" off 9/11, is willing and able to "Pull" off anything, and everything. Including, "The End", at least for US. I believe they proved what they thought of US on 9/11. The People must stand and demand "The Truth" starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. One Thing Leads To Another. This is a Plan, also known as, a Conspiracy. The New World Order, is not a Conspiracy Theory, it was Promised! We promised never to forget 9/11 and it's time to Pay-up, before we Pay the Ultimate Price, for allowing ourselves to be "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. I believe we have Acts of Treason, in the highest Degree, being committed by those sitting in the highest places. Saudi Arabia has been "Linked" to 9/11. We have Armed them, to the teeth, every day since 9/11. Treason in the highest Degree! Today's Headlines on Yahoo Home Page, others attached to Comments, are the best supporting evidence to what I am writing in my Book. We're living it, whether people "Like" it, or not. Whether people "Believe" it, or not. Just like, my Book, that few "Like". People can Choose, to "Believe" me, or not. The Truth, or The End, our Choice. It's, not just Today's Headlines, it's every day! Everything from JFK, to 9/11, to Today is a Rich Man's Trick. As, America is Bankrupt, follow the Money! I believe there is a Mass Conspiracy and Mass Cover-up, includes the Mass Media, of the Destruction of America. I believe we are witnessing the Controlled Demolition of America, using Controlled Opposition, to bring US down to the New Word Order. Welcome to Reality! Words, to "Live" by, to keep "Living". If you don't control your mind, the Government, and Media will do it for you. It is no measure of Mental Health, to be well adjusted to a profoundly Sick Society, being "Ruled" by Psychopaths. The state of this Union is Pathetic, a direct reflection of the Pathological Liars "Ruling" it, and ruining it for all of US. Truth that hurts. But, it pales in comparison to the hurt I believe is about to be put on this so-called Nation being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. Truth that hurts. But, it pales in comparison to the hurt I believe is about to be put on this so-called Nation, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. Nothing "Changes", without the "Truth", we're living proof. But, I believe the days of US living under the "Rule" of Secrets and Lies are Numbered, the Writing is on my Wall. I believe we have "Stories" in History Books, and "End Time" Stories in the Bible, being played out right before our very eyes. But, few want to "See" it, much less "Believe" it. I believe we are our own worst Enemy, followed closely, by our so-called Allies. With, Friends "Like" this, who needs Enemies? I believe there is more to that Story then meets the "Ruling" Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Satanic All-Seeing Eye. Just like, everything else, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. I believe we are being set-up to "Default" to the New World Order. Default means you don't even get to play the "DC Game". I believe America has been dealt the "End Game", it follows their "Rigged" Royal Game of Monopoly, part of their "Rigged" Royal Game of Life. Death follows Life. The "Object" of the End Game? The People need to "Call" their Bluff, in the End Game, as I believe they are holding the Liars Hand. It's, All-In, or Fold time. I'm All-In, because when you have nothing, you have nothing to lose. I believe we are all about to have nothing, join the crowd, as misery loves company. Our Funny Money, is not worth the Paper it is printed on, as it was printed out of thin air. I believe Blackmail is the Name of the "DC Game" using their Partners on Wall Street as their Economic Hitmen. Dirty Politics using Dirty Money. Which, reminds me of the "Short-selling" of Airline Stocks, on the Eve of 9/11. I believe many Insiders on the Future Market, have Inside Information on future Tragic Events, which leads me to believe they are behind the Tragic Events. Follow the Money! The only way to get Rich in Politics, is to be a Crook, which reminds me of CROOKed Hillary. There are so many Clinton Scandals that you can't keep track of them all. The Plan? The same Plan for the massive National Debt , they built, and want US to Pay for? What we allow, will continue, and be done onto US. Our so-called President says Hillary is one of the most qualified Candidates to run for President. I believe her Resume is full of Lies, Scandals, and Murder. Which, fits the Job Description of the President, and Commander in Chief. He finally told the Truth! Today's Headlines confirm my "Belief".I believe the Clowns on the Left, and Jokers on the Right, are Stuck In The Middle with the New World Order. The Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Nazi Funding Evil Royal Bush Family has abandoned the GOP Ship, and jumped to the Clinton Global Initiative Ship, which is sinking under the weight of endless Scandal. The Titanic is Sinking at the hands of the Banksters. Those, who fail to learn from History, are doomed to repeat it. Welcome to Reality! The Bush's endorsing Hillary was the best reason not to Vote for her. Vote "Anyone" but a Clinton, or a Bush, in 2016 was my Motto. The real answer was: Vote for "Nobody". Nobody tells the Truth. Nobody obeys their Oath. Nobody cares about The People. We are a Nation Of, By, and For the Bankers / Corporations. US Inc! There is no "Justice" in America until we hear the Truth starting with 9/11, Wars, and New World Order. One Thing Leads To Another. This is a Plan! I believe they lead to the death of all of US. The Plan? Our so-called Friends at Fox have "Predicted" many Tragic Events, including 9/11, in many Scripts. Predictive Programming. They call it "Programming" for a reason! Saudi Arabia has been "Linked" to 9/11. Saudi Royalty are major Stake Holders in Fox. Coincidence? Those, are Friends we can do without, in my Book. Our so-called Friends at Fox are not alone. William Cooper was able to accurately "Predict" 9/11 based on New World Order CIA CNN interviewing Osama Bin Laden, months before 9/11, after the most expensive Intelligence Agencies had been looking for him for a Decade. Cooper said "If America is attacked blaming Osama Bin Laden, and The People believe it, they are the stupidest people to ever walk the face of the Earth. Welcome to Reality! Cooper followed with "When are all of you people going to wake up?". Dead Men Don't Talk, and William Cooper found that out the hard way, as Cooper was murdered by Law Enforcement shortly after 9/11. William Cooper also "Predicted" the Nation we live in to day, over 20 years ago, in his "Mystery Babylon" Series. This is a Plan aka a Conspiracy. The days of "We investigated ourselves and we did nothing wrong", need to "End", before they "End" US. According to Script? I believe we are living out the Script to "End" all Scripts. I believe the Candidates are playing Leading Roles. I believe they see the Script as a Comedy. The're laughing at US! Money is also called "Script". Coincidence? You don't have to be in the FBI to know, to solve a Crime, follow the Money. To solve a Crime, of the Destruction of America, follow the Money! I believe we are under the "Rule" of the very Evil Royal Family (Secret Societies), Evil Royal Elite War Pig Banker Hypocrites, and Evil Royal Preachers we Declared our Independence from in 1776. I believe we are witnessing the Controlled Demolition of America, using Controlled Opposition, to bring US down to the New World Order. The goal of the New World Order is for One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. THEIRS! If you think it's yours, you better think again, while you can still think for yourself. The New World Order, One World Religion, will do the thinking for all of US. Think, about that, the ultimate form of control. History proves, if they can't control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could Testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldn't control her. Just like, JFK, my Namesake. Just like, Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like, Jesus, my Savior. All in the Name, of their God, the Almighty Dollar! Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against The Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our so-called Nation today. This is a Plan! Nothing, says the "New World Order", like the Clinton Global Initiative. United we Stand, Divided we Fall, like the Buildings on 9/11. It's "US", against "Them", in my Book. We are already buried in Debt. I believe we are about to Pay for it with our Freedom, our Nation, and then our very Lives. Or they could cut to the chase, and turn US to Ash, like many of the "Forgotten" Victims on 9/11, We are now closing in on $20 trillion in Debt, while being on the verge of Nuclear World Wars, which is a Deadly Combination in my Book. The Plan? Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, we don't even know "Who" our President is, or "Where" he was born. What a Country! Not, for long, unless The People stand for the Truth now. If, anyone believes all the Goliath Problems this so-called Nation faces arrived with our so-called President, they don't even know what the Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Problem is. Blackmail is the "Name of the Game" in DC. Why does or so-called President continue to protect his Enemies? Does he have something to hide, like his true Identity, and Birthplace? The Hawaii Official who supplied his last so-called Birth Certificate, died in a mysterious Plane Crash, while others survived. Coincidence? Loreta Fuddy has been traced to an Indonesian Occult, with ties to Hawaii, and Chicago. Another Coincidence? Our so-called President bears a resemblance to the Leader, do Google Search for "Barry Soebarkah", for the reset of that Story. I believe this is all part of the "Mass" Conspiracy for a New World Order. A Black Mass, created by the "Ruling" Evil Royal Elite ZioNeoNazi Masonic Satanic War Pig Banker Hypocrite Secret Societies, all in the Name Of Black Sabbath. The Root of all Evil Rules! Darkness is their Light. We need to pull DNA from all of "Them" to find out who we're really dealing with. Guessing they are all part of the same Royal Elite Bloodline, and have just changed their Names, to protect the Guilty! The Truth, or The End, our Choice. I believe we have a critical Case of End Time Deception that is Self-fulfilling Prophecy. Is, Obama Nation, being "Led" into the Abomination of Desolation? I believe we are about to become the most educated people to ever die of ignorance. I believe the Blue Puppets on the Left, and Red Puppets on the Right, are serving the same Puppet Masters. Order, out of Chaos, the New World Order. War Pigs Rule! I believe they have Sympathy For The Devil. We've Been Fooled Again! Look to the Lyrics for the rest of that Story. Wars, and rumors of Wars, surround US. I believe we are being set-up for Nuclear World War, against the Great Enemy from the North (Russia), as we stand by the side of Israel until the day we die. Could be today! Tomorrow's Headlines, but we won't be around to see, or hear about them. According to Script? The War Scenario described above, along with the New World Order, come straight out of "End Time" Stories in the Bible. Coincidence? My Life, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies, is one Big Coincidence. Einstein said "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous". Who, am I, to argue with Einstein? The Truth, or The End, our Choice. Mankind must "End" Wars before Wars "End" Mankind. The Plan? I believe Nuclear WW III is part of the "Plan" for a New World Order, part of a Script that combines "Stories" in History Books, and "End Time" Stories in the Bible. Coming Soon! A real Revelation! It is an absolute "Miracle" that America is still standing 15 years after the False Flag Terror Attacks of 9/11. I believe the Clowns on the Left, and Jokers on the Right, are Stuck In The Middle with the New World Order. As America is Bankrupt both Financially, and Morally, follow the Money! It's, not "If" we're Bankrupt, it's when they tell US. The White House of Cards is about to Fall. Financial Collapse, and the New World Order, go hand and hand. One of their Evil Royal Elite Hands, feeds their other Hand, while The People starve to death. Our near future? Uncle Ben Carson exposed the Luciferian Conspiracy at the Republican National Convention. Carson said "Hillary worshiped Saul Alinksy and he worshiped Lucifer". OMG! Or, is it GOG, and MAGOG? Who the "Hell" knows? They, can all go to Hell, as far as I'm concerned. Or, is Hell empty, and all the Devil's are here? I believe there is a Luciferian Conspiracy based on Marxist Hegelian Logic. Or, is it Alinsky Logic? There is nothing logical about it! Everything we are told, is the opposite of our Evil Royal Elite Rulers, and so-called Leaders intentions. It's, why nothing makes sense, and it's all nonsense in my Book. It's all Evil Royal Nazi BS in my Book. The goal of the New World Order is for One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. THEIRS! If you think it's yours, you better think again, while you can still think for yourself. The New World Order, One World Religion, will do the thinking for all of US. Think, about that, the ultimate form of control. History proves, if they can't control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could Testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldn't control her. Just like, JFK, my Namesake. Just like, Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like, Jesus, my Savior. All in the Name, of their God, the Almighty Dollar! Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against the Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our so-called Nation today. This is a Plan! The New World Order, is not a Conspiracy Theory, it was promised by Skull and Bones Secret Society Member George HW Bush. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skull and Bones GHW Bush, being the Son of Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Prescott Bush, his Evil Royal Elite War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in W II. We allowed the Son, and Grandson, of the "Banker to the Nazis" to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! I can think of over 19,000,000,000,000 without looking past the massive National Debt, they built, and want US to pay for. I believe we are living out the Evil Royal Nazi Playbook. Literally, living it out, until we live more. According to Script? If we don't stand now the true winner of WW II, Nazi Germany, will have to be written over 70 years later. I believe we will also have to wipe the Revolutionary War from the History Book. As we get wiped off the face of the Map? The Royals and the Nazis, are one of the same, in my Book. The Ruling Class. The Master Race. Wars, and rumors of Wars, surround US. I believe we are being set-up for Nuclear World War, against the Great Enemy from the North (Russia), as we stand by the side of Israel until the day we die. Could be today! Tomorrow's Headlines, but we won't be around to see, or hear about them. According to Script? The War Scenario described above, along with the New World Order, come straight out of "End Time" Stories in the Bible. Coincidence? My Life, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies, is one Big Coincidence. Einstein said "Coincidences are God's way of remaining anonymous". Who, am I, to argue with Einstein? The Truth, or The End, our Choice. Mankind must "End" Wars before Wars "End" Mankind. The Plan? I believe Nuclear WW III is part of the "Plan" for a New World Order, part of a Script that combines "Stories" in History Books, and "End Time" Stories in the Bible. Coming Soon! A real Revelation! It is an absolute "Miracle" that America is still standing 15 years after the False Flag Terror Attacks of 9/11. I believe the Clowns on the Left, and Jokers on the Right, are Stuck In The Middle with the New World Order. As America is Bankrupt both Financially, and Morally, follow the Money! It's, not "If" we're Bankrupt, it's when they tell US. The White House of Cards is about to Fall. Financial Collapse, and the New World Order, go hand and hand. One of their Evil Royal Elite Hands, feeds their other Hand, while The People starve to death. Our near future? Uncle Ben Carson exposed the Luciferian Conspiracy at the Republican National Convention. Carson said "Hillary worshiped Saul Alinksy and he worshiped Lucifer". OMG! Or, is it GOG, and MAGOG? Who the "Hell" knows? They, can all go to Hell, as far as I'm concerned. Or, is Hell empty, and all the Devil's are here? I believe there is a Luciferian Conspiracy based on Marxist Hegelian Logic. Or, is it Alinsky Logic? There is nothing logical about it! Everything we are told, is the opposite of our Evil Royal Elite Rulers, and so-called Leaders intentions. It's, why nothing makes sense, and it's all nonsense in my Book. It's all Evil Royal Nazi BS in my Book. The goal of the New World Order is for One World Government, One World Currency, and One World Religion. THEIRS! If you think it's yours, you better think again, while you can still think for yourself. The New World Order, One World Religion, will do the thinking for all of US. Think, about that, the ultimate form of control. History proves, if they can't control, they kill. I believe Lady Di could Testify to that. But, I believe they killed her, after they couldn't control her. Just like, JFK, my Namesake. Just like, Joan of Arc, my Bloodline. Just like, Jesus, my Savior. All in the Name, of their God, the Almighty Dollar! Killing In The Name. Wake Up! Know Your Enemy. Take The Power Back! The words of Rage Against the Machine. They screamed at US, over 20 years ago, about everything happening to our so-called Nation today. This is a Plan! The New World Order, is not a Conspiracy Theory, it was promised by Skull and Bones Secret Society Member George HW Bush. Hitler promised a New World Order! Goes with Skull and Bones GHW Bush, being the Son of Skull and Bones Secret Society Member Prescott Bush, his Evil Royal Elite War Pig Banks were shut down for Funding the Nazis in W II. We allowed the Son, and Grandson, of the "Banker to the Nazis" to become President. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! I can think of over 19,000,000,000,000 without looking past the massive National Debt, they built, and want US to pay for. I believe we are living out the Evil Royal Nazi Playbook. Literally, living it out, until we live more. According to Script? If we don't stand now the true winner of WW II, Nazi Germany, will have to be written over 70 years later. I believe we will also have to wipe the Revolutionary War from the History Book. As we get wiped off the face of the Map? The Royals and the Nazis, are one of the same, in my Book. The Master Race. While our Evil Royal Rulers, and so-called Leaders can keep Secrets and tell US Lies, God knows all. I believe he has seen and heard enough. I believe the Message of the Spirit of Truth (John 16:13) is" "The Truth" or "The End". The Truth will set US Free (John 8:32). Free at last. Free at last. Free and Independent. One Thing, I can tell you, is you've got to be Free. Come Together, right now, over me. It's, Now or Never, Do or Die time. Sudden Death, could appear like a Thief in the Night, being "Ruled" under Secrets and Lies. Of, all The People to walk the face of the Earth, we may get to live out "The End". Lucky US. Of, all The People to walk the face of the Earth, I get the Message from above to avoid "The End". Lucky Me! When you receive a Message like The Truth, or The End, Nothing Else Matters. May, God Bless the United States of America, because we need it! See my entire Facebook Page, it's my Book - Change 2016. It follows Change 2015, Change 2014, Change 2013, and Change 2012.
PS: Don't shoot the Messenger. It's God's "Call of Duty" for all of US. Peace.
Kissinger: Don't expect Trump to maintain all his promises
Days after meeting with President-elect Donald Trump, elder statesman Henry Kissinger said one shouldn't expect Trump to give his voters exactly what he promised.
"One should not insist on nailing [Trump] into positions that he had taken in the campaign," said Kissinger during an appearance Sunday on CNN's "Fareed Zakaria GPS."
Kissinger argued that it is counterproductive to demand absolute consistency from presidential administrations, particularly in the face of fluid international situations.
Commending Trump on the effectiveness of his campaign tactics, the former secretary of state added: "The art now would be to develop a strategy that is sustainable, that meets the concerns that have appeared during the campaign but that can to be linked to some of the main themes of American foreign policy."
Kissinger, who met with Trump on Thursday, also told Zakaria that the Manhattan mogul's unique style of campaigning has put him in an unusual position.
"This president-elect is the most unique that I have experienced in one respect," he said: "No baggage."
Kissinger, 93, won a Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for his efforts to end the Vietnam War, one of a number of polarizing events during his high-profile years as Richard Nixon's and Gerald Ford's leading foreign policy figure. Generations of American political figures have sought his counsel on international events and strategy.
Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Bertha Emily Binder Yates: Rest in Peace
Bertha's Story
Bertha Emily Binder Yates or Mammaw Bertie as her grandchildren knew her, 97, of Ashland, passed away peacefully Monday, Nov. 14, 2016, at her home.
She was born Dec. 20, 1918, in London, the daughter of the late John and Sarah Adams Binder.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Ira Edward Yates; her daughter, Juanita Davidson; four brothers, John Binder, Paul Binder, Robert Binder and Walter Binder; and one sister, Ollie Feltner.
Bertha was a member of Moore Street Tabernacle in Ashland. She loved going to church.
She was born Dec. 20, 1918, in London, the daughter of the late John and Sarah Adams Binder.
In addition to her parents, she was preceded in death by her husband, Ira Edward Yates; her daughter, Juanita Davidson; four brothers, John Binder, Paul Binder, Robert Binder and Walter Binder; and one sister, Ollie Feltner.
Bertha was a member of Moore Street Tabernacle in Ashland. She loved going to church.
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Yates Grocery |
Bertha owned and operated Yates Grocery for more than 30 years. She was an extremely hard worker and enjoyed working in her garden.
Bertha is survived by three sons, Cecil Yates and wife Pat of Lawrenceburg, Curtis Yates and wife Denise of Ashland and David Yates and wife Judith of Ashland; 13 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren; and a sister-in-law, Hazel Binder.
A funeral service celebrating her life will be at 12:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18, 2016, at Kilgore & Collier Funeral Home in Catlettsburg with Pastor Danny Pancake officiating. Burial will be in Golden Oaks Memorial Gardens in Ashland.
Bertha is survived by three sons, Cecil Yates and wife Pat of Lawrenceburg, Curtis Yates and wife Denise of Ashland and David Yates and wife Judith of Ashland; 13 grandchildren; 14 great-grandchildren; five great-great-grandchildren; and a sister-in-law, Hazel Binder.
A funeral service celebrating her life will be at 12:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 18, 2016, at Kilgore & Collier Funeral Home in Catlettsburg with Pastor Danny Pancake officiating. Burial will be in Golden Oaks Memorial Gardens in Ashland.
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