Much thanks to
Brenda Collins Dillon
Brenda Collins Dillon
1704 Prince George County records reveal that in the 1704 "Rent Roll of all the Lands held in the County," the following names were listed: Jno. ANDERSON, Lewis GREEN, Peter JONES, Peter MITCHELL, Hubert GIBSON, Coll. BOLLING, Coll. HARRISON, Arthur KAVANAH, Francis POYTHRES Sr., Dan'11. HICKDON HIGDON], Coll. BYRD, Rob't. HIX, Rob't. MUNFORD, Rich'd. TURBERFIELD, and Wm. EPPES
1704 Gibson Gibey James City County 1704
Gibson Hubert Prince George County, 1704
Gibson Jno. York County, 1704
Gibson Jonathan Essex County, 1704
Gibson Tho Parish of St. Peters and St. Paul, 1704
Gibson Widdow King & Queen County, 1704
the middle name of Capt. Samuel Teater, was [Gibson] .here above are the early Gibson’s indians. Gibson is considered to be a core melungeon name, the early Gibson’s of nc. Virginia were descended from these early indians usually noted as Saponis and Pumnekeys, Virginia enacted a law 1704 the term mulatto provided offspring of a Indian should be deemed held accounted. Taken to be mullatto, the term is often confused with other places were mullatto referred to persons of part negro extraction negro s of Virginia and NC. at the time did not have surnames.. for Gowins the early person of that family is mentioned in the Virginia court as a Indian servant of Thomas Bushrod oct 18 1670.
Above Gibson’s Hubert is listed with the family of Pocahontas Col. Bolling and Francis Poythress,
The most logical way Samuel Teater was issued the middle name Gibson was a surname of his mother’s family used on the intent that should no male hier appear in the mothers line it was proof of her inheritance and was a common practise amoungest the scotch Irish and English settlers. had Thomas Rolfe survived to 1704 he would have been legally listed as a mullato John Worley listed both Gilbert and Thomas Gibson as in-laws. he was also related to William and Samuel Teter on in which both brothers lived in Col. John Worley’s district, the Wolfpit Tyrrell NC.also note the Biggs were one of the 2st families to settle in tyrrell, both the Biggs and Joseph Worley were Capt. Samuel Teater’s in-laws.. the cheif scouts of both Daniel Boone and Squire Boone were Gideon and Jordan Gibson.. The true melungeons were Indians, they were not Turks Portuguese Angolans. They were descendants of intermarraiges of old world settlers.
the term melungeon is not Angolan French tuck ect, it is a English word found 1st in early English 1339 middle English term for a person guilty of avrice,
My reason for suggesting that John Clark’s second wife may have been Mary Gibson also is based on largely circumstantial evidence, e.g. John naming his youngest son Gibson and the fact that members of the Gibson family were close Clark neighbors in Edgecombe and Anson Cos. as well as in South Carolina. The Gibson’s were an unusual colonial family. Gideon Gibson, who I suggest may have been Mary’s father, was a well-known Cherokee and Chickasaw Indian trader who settled at Occoneechee Neck along the Roanoke River in the early 1720’s the history of Gen Elijah Clark
Gideon married a white planter’s daughter (Mary Brown) and all of his children followed suit and married whites. (The Louise Hayes biography of Elijah Clark comments on the General’s unusual dark complexion and rugged handsomeness, a description that gives some credence to Mary Gibson’s parentage.) If skin color and occupation were not enough to distinguish Gideon Gibson, his younger brother, Jordan Gibson, became a famous scout and close companion of both Squire Boone and son Daniel Boone. Jordan Gibson’s son Jim lived with the Boones in Kentucky and later in Missouri.
Elijah’s father, John Clark Sr., began patenting property along the Great Pee Dee River in southern North Carolina as early as 20 June 1740 when he patented 200 acres on the upper end of Bear Island in an area that was considered dangerous Indian territory and was located on the far western fringe of Bladen Co. (it would become Anson Co. in 1748). John Clark Sr. probably moved his family from Edgecombe Co to the Pee Dee about 1745 when Elijah was entering his teens. (Despite reports to the contrary, Elijah Clark did not marry Hannah Arrington in Edgecombe Co. nor was their oldest son, John, born in Edgecombe Co. in 1766 from the history of gen Elijah Clark.
Noted George Teater was very close to squire Boone while at the same time Capt. Samuel Gibson Teater was close to Daniel Boone. Samuel names one son after his close friend Daniel Boone, Daniel Boone Teater, while Squire Boone arranged a marriage between his niece Mary van Cleave to George Teaters son George Teater jr, whose 2nd wife was from a famous Indian melungeon family the Riddles.. in this case the Boones were between the
Teaters and Gibson’s both Gibson brothers naturally would of have been close to the Teaters.
1745 May 28, 1745 - Louisa Co. VA
"Ordered that William Hall, Samuel Collins, Thomas Collins, William Collins, Samuel Bunch, George Gibson, Benjamin Branham, Thomas Gibson, and William Donathan be summoned to appear at the next Court to answer the presentment of the Grand jury this day made against them for concealing tithables within twelve months past."
…pled not guilty these were noted Saponis. this part is with the Teaters of Kentucky that come thru John Collier most by Martha Patsy Collier and Michael Ray daughter Emmaline who married Absalom Teater . William Hall a Indian melungeon was the brother of Siceley Hall the wife of John Collier. The halls came from a taxable Indian named Corn Hall and Gibbey Gibson.
Scots-Irish in Virginia, Vol. 3
Page 5.--22d November, 1753. Thomas Reedy's bond as administrator of John Richman, with sureties John Collier, William Hall.
Page 729.--23d May, 1750. John Collier and Siscly to William Hall. Delivered: Jos. Hall, February, 1755. 212 acres on Buffalo Creek whereon John now lives. The Shipp Rock; corner Arthur Brown. Teste: Tobias Smith, William Lusk, Patrick Deavis.
Page (415) Joseph Long and James Young, overseers, with Robert Young, Joseph Long, Samuel Gibson, Solomon Whitley, John Collier, William Hall, Gilbert Crawford, George Gibson, therefore the Teaters that come thru john collier would belong to these Indian melungeon lines.
The head of this family was summoned to Charleston and met with the governor. After which Gov. Johnson reported back to the House of Commons about that interview, the following is recorded in the official records of the province:
"The people lately come into the settlements having been sent for, I have had them before me in Council and upon examination find that they are not Negroes nor slaves but Free people. That the Father of them here is named Gideon Gibson and [h]is Father was also Free I have been informed by a person who has lived in Virginia that this Gibson has lived there several Years in good Repute and by his papers that he has produced before me that his transactions there have been very regular, that he has for several years paid Taxes for several Tracts of land and had seven Negroes of his own, that he is a Carpenter by Trade and is come hither for the support of his Family, the account he has given of himself was so satisfactory that he is no Vagabond that I have in consideration of his wife's being a White woman and several white women capable of working and being serviceable in the country permitted him to settle in this Country upon entering into Recognizance for his good behavior which I have taken accordingly." Signed by Robert Johnson. [SC Common House Journal 1731-33, pgs. 733-734, entry date 8 July 1731; "White over Black", by Winthrop D. Jordan, University of North Carolina Press, 1968, p. 172]
1755 Orange County NC Tax list Gedion Bunch, Micajer Bunch, Thomas Collins, Samuel Collins, John Collins, Moses and Mary Ridle Moses Riddle taxed here as Indian. but later tax list say mullato. To his son William riddle and sons Garrard ky 1810 Moses Riddle sister cousins remove to Boone Mo.
006 TEETER George RIDDLE Polly 30 Dec 1821
Boone Missouri marriage bond, George Teater jr s 2nd wife was Polly Riddle, who he married after Mary van Cleave passed away. a nephew a George Parris Teater also married a Mary Riddle. He was most likely the son of Samuel Teater and Elizabeth Ray.
The first record which appears to definitely be this William Riddle is the 1767 tax list, Tithables of Pittsylvania County, 17676 of persons residing in the newly formed Pittsylvania County, Virginia. He is listed as "William Ridle" and next to him on the list is "Moses Ridle (Indian)."
As far as can be determined, Moses Ridle was the father of William Riddle and was of Scotch-Irish, Indian and Portuguese (Melungeon) ancestry.7
By tracking events in the life of William Riddle - who he associated with, where his children lived, and the families into which his children married, a clear pattern of on-going association within these extended families has been established.
All evidence continues to point to and strengthen the conclusion that Moses Riddle and his wife Mary were the parents of William Riddle.8
The next mention of William Riddle is found in the court records of Montgomery County, Virginia. He was involved in court cases concerning land in 1773, 1774, 1776 and 1779,9 and appears in 1773 on a Montgomery County, Virginia tax list in the area of Elk Creek along the New River.10
In 1774 William Riddle (Riddell) was a member of Capt. William Herbert’s militia company, and apparently fought in Lord Dunmore’s War at Point Pleasant on the Ohio together with Neal Roberts, William Roberts, James Wallen, Joseph Wallen, Thomas Wallen, James Wallin, William Ingram, John Cox, George Sizemore, Micajer Bunch, Doswell Rogers, Nathaniel Wilshire, Clement Lee, George Keith, David Cox, Elisha Collins, Lewis Collins, John Collins, John Collins Jr., John Cox, David Cox, Daniel Blevins, James Blevins and William Blevins.11
All of these individuals were closely associated with the Riddle family in records going back more than forty years, most recently to Pittsylvania County, Virginia, earlier to Orange County, North Carolina along the Flatt River (present-day Person County, North Carolina), and earlier still to York County, Virginia, to Louisa and Hancock counties in Virginia along the James River, to Amelia County, Virginia, to Essex County, Virginia as early as 1717, and possibly to the Pee Dee River basin in South Carolina in 1729-1730.12
In Montgomery County court records in 1774 William Riddle (Ridley) and Caijah Bunch are defendants against William Herbert, assignee of Hugh Smith.13
It is significant that in this record William’s surname is spelled "Ridley" rather than "Riddle", and that he is closely associated with Micajer Bunch who was a leader among the Melungeon people.
This connection ties William Riddle (Ridley/Ridle) to Moses Riddle (Ridley/Ridle), who was listed as "Indian" and "malato" (sic.) on tax lists,14 giving strong evidence to the theory that Moses was William Riddle’s father
Goin, Patsy Reynolds, H 161 Dec 21 1826
The Goins Goings Gowins ect are one of the largest Indian melungeons families. this side Patsy Goins and Henry Reynolds are married into the Teaters of Kentucky and the same lines Parris Teaters sons,
Gowin, Francis Jett, Nancy 09 Jan 16 1803
The above are the parents of Patsy Goins. The 1st of this family was William Going presumed brother of Phillip Goings Indian of Amherst Virginia.
Arapho, Oklahoma
Guy H. Griffith
U.S.S. Pinola
San Pedro, Calif.
Aug. 01,1921
Dear Son,
In Response to your request when at home, and for your information-hereafter I will say that from legion and information by folk lore and other wise handed down through our family for generation-probably dating back into the sixth century.
But later about the year 1750, I wish to state that our great grandfather who was your great, great grandfather JONIS GRIFFITH, with JOHN and DAVID GRIFFITH, his two older brothers, came to America and settled in the state of NORTH CAROLINA. JONIS GRIFFITH, the character of this sketch was then a mere boy of sixteen years of age.
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New River Indian Settlements map was painstaking researched and crafted by Dr. Richard Allen Carlson Jr Michigan State University and Senior Associate at Consultant: Ethnohistorical Research & Cultural Planning |
On this fatal day, our GREAT GRANDFATHER and his two companions were run upon by a party of SHAWNNE INDIANS, who proceeded to execute them by torturing at the stake. After they were bound to the stakes and fuel supplied around, the torch was touched to the elder of the two grown men and he fell to his knees and did not cease to pray without even flinching until death relieved him of his misery. All day until this incident the sky was without a single cloud, but when the forest fires were lighted there appeared a storm cloud a heavy rain which prevented the ignition of the second fire surrounding the other men, but the Indians executed him with the tomahawk or hatchet, leaving GRANDFATHER yet un-executed.
After some parlay, the old Chief decided to adopt the boy, JONIS GRIFFITH. He was turned to the custody of the Chief's two daughters. They took him to a pool of water and were going to make and Indian of him by scarifying him and wasting the white man's blood and with the same instrument scarify themselves with the gar bills and smear their blood on his wounds-and by so doing make an Indian of him, i.e... Have a nice brother. But when they laid hand on him he thought that they were going to drown him by holding his head under water which he resented by grabbing each young sister by the back of the neck and butted their foreheads together and at one spring leaped out onto the creek bank.
The other Indians roared with laughter. This display of activity brought him into general favor and it was not long until the SHAWNEES had the boy on race tour running foot races with most famous sprinters from other tribes in that vicinity and usually winning many ponies. JONIS GRIFFITH remained with the SHAWNEE for over three years before he had a single opportunity to escape, they keeping constant vigilance and every act or movement he made-sometimes kind to him and other times exceedingly tyrannical, but all this three years he was courting their confidence and friendship, but finally the time came, the bucks, braves or what we might chose to call them, had to go to their annual spring sugar camp which was some distance , and instructed him to remain at the home teepee until he had killed and dried sufficient amount of dried meats to supply them during their sugar making.
There was a small white boy living with the Indians from his childhood. This boy was to go with him as a pilot having been to their sugar making. They commenced their journey across the country and traveled until they came to the Ohio River. He found an old hack berry tree and pushed it down and falling it broke into three pieces. He took the rawhide thongs that were used for bridles, hobbles and pack straps and bound the three chunks of pieces of logs together making a small raft. On leaving the Shawnee camps he had prepared himself with beeswax of which he completely plugged the muzzle of the gun and also the touch hold as this was an old flint look. After securing the long pole he placed the white boy on one end of this log raft, telling him that if he went to the bottom one hundred times, if he did not bring the gun to the top, he would kill him.
They made their landing on the east side of the Ohio River and journeyed on foot. Within a few days their meats gave out and the boy asked GRANDFATHER to kill game to eat, as he was hungry. He told the boy that the game was poor and not fit to eat. The boy replied that he knew fat game as well as any and accused him of trying to get away form the Indians. On one occasion he caught the boy trying to steal his tomahawk from his belt when he was asleep, presumably to kill him. He refused to shoot game because he didn't want to attract attention by sound of gunfire. However, he spied a skunk and slipped up on it an placing his foot on it's back he cut its throat with his hunting knife, broiled this skunk and both ate it.
They continued their journey eastward until they saw signs of civilization and located a small cabin but did not know for sure whether it was occupied by and Indian or white man. There was a small spring near by, he secreted himself and the boy until late in the evening when a woman appeared at the door with piggin in hand and started toward this spring singing. He said that was the sweetest music he ever heard as had not listened to singing of a woman for over three years. At the spring she stooped down and commenced to dip water with an old time gourd and fill the piggin. He tossed a small pebble from his place of concealment that fell near her. She looked up, saw him dressed in buckskin in Indian style and with alarm she screamed aloud. Her husband cam out of the cabin door with a gun in hand. GRANDFATHER stood up telling the woman not to be alarmed as he was not an Indian-stood his gun on the butt at right arms length with hand on the muzzle showing the man they sought peace. They remained there with these people until their feet were rested and then continued their journey to HIS BROTHER'S HOME IN NORTH CAROLINA.
The report of his escape and return was soon narrated over this part of the country; also the having in his possession of the white boy which caused a lady from distance to pay them a visit in hopes of finding her son that was captured when he was a mere baby and carried off by the Indians. When she arrived at JOHN GRIFFIHT'S home she was told the boy was with GRANDFATHER somewhere on the farm but would return at noon. During the wait for the return this lady told of the loo seeing of her baby boy and of the fruitless search for him and in her conversation she said that if this was hers she would recognize him by one mark that when he was nursing she was smoking and dropped a fire coal from her pipe and burned a scar below the left nipple on his breast in shape of a moon.
When the BOY and GRANDFATHER returned at noon hour, JOHN GRIFFITH'S wife told GRANDFATHER what the good mother said as to the scar, he called the boy to him and opening his shirt bosom there was the crescent shape scar. The mother saw the scar and sprang at the boy to embrace him in her arms but the boy, not knowing one word that had been said, was taken on surprise and frantically screaming with arms around Grandfather's neck, resented the woman coming near him, and Grandfather with the boy accompanied the happy woman to her home and remained there until the boy became reconciled to his new home and his own mother. The boy lived to express this gratitude to Grandfather in later years when he was a grown man, for the kindly kidnapping and delivery to his own mother. As to the boys father I know not-never having heard of him.
Jonis Griffith the white Shawnee. was the father of Samuel Griffith. Who married Sarah Teater.
1850 Jackson co.Tn. (from
Samuel T. Griffith (Samuel Teeter Griffith, son of David, and father of H.H. Griffith born 1850 author of letter)
John F. Griffith (John Fletcher Griffith, son of David Griffith)
Adeville Griffith
Jonas Griffith
David Griffith (father of Samuel Teeter Griffith)
Nancy Griffith (daughter of David Griffith)
The children of David Griffith mentioned in H.H. Griffith's letter in 1921 are: Samuel Teeter, John Fletcher, James Guinn, Sallie, Pollie and Nancy Griffith.
1860 Jackson co.Tn.
C.D. Griffith
Frances Griffith
Dolly Griffith
Nancy Griffith
Franklin Griffith
James Griffith
John Griffith
Joseph Griffith
Marcy Griffith
Mary Griffith
Samuel Griffith
Samuel C. Griffith
Sarah Griffith
Thomas Benge and Susannah Lewis through two of their daughters, Sarah "Sally" and Susannah. I have read, with great interest, the statements that their brother,"King David" Benge, was a quarter Cherokee through his grandmother, Martha Martin. They may also have Indian heritage through their other grandmother, Sarah "Sally" Martin.
Extracted from "Genealogy of the Lewis Family in America" by William Terrell Lewis, published in 1893. A story about Anna Lewis born 1744, wife of John McConnell, daughter of William Terrell Lewis and Sarah "Sally" Martin, sister to my own Susannah Lewis who married Thomas Benge, the brother of John "Trader" Benge who is recognized, by most, as being the father of the Cherokee Benges.
"A few years before she died she was unable to walk, but retained her mind and memory to the last. She had been unable to get out of her bed for months before she died; but the day before she died she got up and sat on her bed and sang an Indian song in the Indian language and then sang it in English, and remarked that she had not sung that song in fifty years before
here again. Zachariah Ray was the husband of Mary Benge, the sister of [King David Benge] and 1st cousin of the horrific Cherokee war chief ever known Robert Benge.. Zachariah Ray was the overseer of one of the biggest slave plantations in America at the time of the revolution. Zachariah was the son of Samuel Ray and Jean Maupin, this line of Rays came thru Thomas Coleman Ray, whose grandfather was concerned about carrying on the Ray line willed him a Indian girl, Sarah, the records of Samuels aunts and uncles children of Indian Sarah and Thomas Coleman Ray are listed mullato. Half Indian.
Jean Maupin’s fathers family were French Huguenots, her mothers family were the Vias. Amor Via came as a single man his wife was unknown but one of his daughters was baptized Nahoma. the y dna tests on this family came as haplogroup j2. Spanish Moor.
Zachariah was raised by his grandparents Thomas ray and Urilsly Smith Indian. the off spring of these Rays married into both Parris Teater and older brother Samuel Teaters lines, one of the biggest clans the Teaters and Rays of Kentucky. Which includes the line of William Hall and John Collier?
Meredith's father or grandfather I have no ages on these guys only tax records} 1755 Flatt River near Va/NC border (became Orange Co NC ) Thomas Collins mulatto
Samuel Collins mulatto
John Collins mulatto
1771 Botetourt Co Va Tax List
John Collins Samuel Collins Charles Collins
George Collins
1771 Montgomery Co Va (Wm. Herberts Company)
Charles Collins John Collins (4 tithables)
Samuel Collins (2 tithables)
1772 Montgomery Co Va George Collins John Collins (4 tithables)
Samuel Collins
1773 Montgomery Co Va David Collins Elisha Collins Ambrose Collins Indian Land Samuel Collins Indian Land (2 tithables)
John Collins Lewis Collins John Collins Jr George Collins
Indian Land Charles Collins Indian Land
{ Before much of the land was split up into smaller counties; George, David, & Lewis are found living on Indian land. This land was actually in what is today Tennessee but they thought they were living in Virginia. I believe that Meredith is not listed because he was still living in his father's household; born 1760 he would have only been 13 years old. } 1776 Fincastle-Montgomery Co. Christianburg,Va.-signed entry list for Rev. War under Capt. James McDaniel George Collins Lewis Collins David Collins Meredith Collins { Meredith Collins was probably son of John Collins Sr. who was son of old Thomas of Orange Co. NC then to Pittslyvania Co. VA came from Louisa Co. VA ( Montgomery Co. militia 1780's by Kegly) Benjamin Sexton Charles Sexton David Collins George Collins * Meredith Collins ( enlisted 1776 at age 16, makes him in his 20's) Lewis Collins (son of John) Elisha Collins (refused to take Oath of Allegiance 1777)
John Sexton William Bowlin William Riddle( son of Moses){daughter of old Thomas married Moses Riddle; Moses listed on Pittsylvania Co. 1767 Titlables as "INDIAN" (Pittsylvania Co. Va) John Riddle ( son of Moses) Samuel Collins John Collins (Probably a Jr.) 1747 ( Louisa Co. VA Wills and Deeds) 1747 * Thomas Collins sells 184 acres of land on the south side of the Pamunkey River on Turkey Run Creek to John Dowell for 25lbs. 1750 Tax List Granville Co. NC {These next names is believed to be the mixed Saponi Indian bloodline; kin to those kicked out of Orange County, Va. in the above court record dated 1742;
Living on Flatt River} William Bowling 1 Title James Bowling 1 Title ( Lived on the Flatt River) Gideon Bunch 2 Titles * Thomas Collins Sr. 1 title ( Lived on the Flatt River) Samuel Collins 1 title * John Collins 1 title ( Lived on the Flatt River) ( Son of Thomas) Thomas Gibson with titles Charles and George Lived on Flatt River near VA border 1755 Tax List ( In 1752 this area became Orange Co. NC) Gideon Bunch 1 Title ( Mulatto) Mieajer Bunch 1 Title ( Mulatto) * Thomas Collins 3 Titles ( Mulatto) Samuel Collins 3 Titles ( Mulatto)
· John Collins 1 Title ( Mulatto) Moses Riddle 1 Title and wife Mary ( Mulattoes) Thomas Gibson 3 Title ( Mulatto) Charles Gibson 1 Title ( Mulatto) George Gibson 1 Title ( Mulatto) Mager Gibson 1 Title ( Mulatto) Lewis Collins son of John Sr. was living in Granger Co. when he filed for Rev. war pension, applied in Hawkins Co. TN (s.2142) Grange Co. TN Tax List 1810 Lewis Collins 10 yrs old Free Person of Color Griffin Collins 11 yrs old Free Person of Color Joseph Collins 9 yrs old Free Person of Color Dowel Collins 5 yrs old Free Person of Color
Vardy Collins was in Ashe Co. NC in 1800 listed as head of household with 4 other Free Persons of Color. Meaning 4 children.
· Vardy according to tax records was the son of Samuel Born 1734 was a Mulatto, taxable in Orange Co. NC, with 2 Black Titles( probably Vardy and Valentine "Vol" Collins) ( T&C Box 1 Archives Raleigh NC) Samuel was listed as the Head of Wilkes Co. ( area that became Ashe in 1790) 1 male 21-60 and 1 female 1787 state census.
· Valentine ( Vol) Collins listed in 1800 Ashe Co. NC census as Head with 6 other Free Persons of Color. 1777 Caswell Co NC - St James District Charles Collins Martin Collins Middleton Collins Paul Collins 1777 Montgomery Co Va Oath of Allegiance Capt Cox's Company 30 Sept 1777
· John Collins 2 Sept Samuel Collins 30 Nov
· Those that refused in Capt Ozburns Company Elisha Collins, of Cox's Company 1778 25 Sept List of Fines set by Court Martial Elisha Collens John Collens 1780's Mitilia list -Momtgomery Co. Va.{ Captain Osburn & Cox} David Collins George Collins Meredith Collins Elisha Collins ( refused to take Oath of Allegiance1777) Samuel Collins John Collins ( probably a Jr.) 1782 Montgomery Co Va Tax list tithes slaves horses cattle land Ambrose Collins 1 0 1 1 Yes Daniel Collins 1 0 4 9 Yes David Collins 1 0 0 2 Yes George Collins 1 0 0 4 Yes John Collins 1 0 1 2 Yes Lewis Collins 1 0 1 2 Yes Martin Collins 1 0 1 0 Millinton Collins 1 0 1 0 1782 NC ARCHIVES LEMOIR PAPERS UNC LIBRARY
Samuel Collins 100ac of land,3 horses,6 head cattle 1783 Montgomery Co Va Millinton Collins 5-10-1783 80 acres Big Reed Island Pine & Snake Cr[in modern Carroll Co] & New River Grants 29-325 1784 NE part of Wilkes Co. NC George Collins Samuel Collins Ambrose Collins { Meredith entered into relation about this time frame ; first wife unknown......2 children Bradley b. 1787 NC and a female possibly Amy} 1786 NE part of Wilkes Co. NC George Collins Samuel Collins Ambrose Collins 1787 Wilkes Co NC 9 Apr 1787, Wm Morris entered 100 acres on south side New River, Transferred to Vardy Collins # 68 1787 Montgomery Co Va Tax List John Collins Sr John Collins Jr Lewis Collins David Collins 1787 NC STATE CENSUS Ambrose Collins 1m 21-60,2m under 21,2 f George Collins 1 m 21-60,3munder 21,3 f Samuel Collins 1m 21-60, 1f 1788 NE part of Wilkes Co. NC George Collins Ambrose Collins Volentine Collins Martin Collins 1789 NE Part of Wilkes Co. NC Samuel Collins ( 0 poll means he was under 16 yrs) Volentine Collins (1 poll)
Samuel Collins 100ac of land,3 horses,6 head cattle 1783 Montgomery Co Va Millinton Collins 5-10-1783 80 acres Big Reed Island Pine & Snake Cr[in modern Carroll Co] & New River Grants 29-325 1784 NE part of Wilkes Co. NC George Collins Samuel Collins Ambrose Collins { Meredith entered into relation about this time frame ; first wife unknown......2 children Bradley b. 1787 NC and a female possibly Amy} 1786 NE part of Wilkes Co. NC George Collins Samuel Collins Ambrose Collins 1787 Wilkes Co NC 9 Apr 1787, Wm Morris entered 100 acres on south side New River, Transferred to Vardy Collins # 68 1787 Montgomery Co Va Tax List John Collins Sr John Collins Jr Lewis Collins David Collins 1787 NC STATE CENSUS Ambrose Collins 1m 21-60,2m under 21,2 f George Collins 1 m 21-60,3munder 21,3 f Samuel Collins 1m 21-60, 1f 1788 NE part of Wilkes Co. NC George Collins Ambrose Collins Volentine Collins Martin Collins 1789 NE Part of Wilkes Co. NC Samuel Collins ( 0 poll means he was under 16 yrs) Volentine Collins (1 poll)
· Benjamin Collins (1 Poll....first appearance) 1790 FEDERAL CENSUS (1st in USA) Ambrose Collins 1m ov 16,1m und 16,2f George Collins 1m ov 16,3m und 16,3f David Collins 3m ov16,2m und 16, 6f Vardy Collins 1m ov 16,1 m und 16, 4f Volentine Collins 1, ov 16, 2f Martin Collins 1m ov 16, 3m und 16, 4 f David Collins 3 2 6 Hardy Collins 1 3 1 Vol Collins 1 2 Ambrose Collins 1 1 2 George Collins 1 2 4 Martin Collins 1 3 4
· 1790 Wilkes Co. Dist. 4 Ambrose Collins 1 poll Volentine Collins 1 poll Elisha Collins 1 poll 1791 Wilkes Co. NC Volentine Collins 1792 Wilkes Co. NC George Collins 1 poll Volentine Collins 1 poll Vardy Collins 1 poll 1792 Wilkes Co. NC dist 13 Volentine Collins 1 poll Elisha Collins 1 poll Vardy Collins 1 poll Lewis Collins 1 poll 1793 Wythe Co, VA (formed 1793 from the lower western part of Montgomery Co...
· 1793 List for New River District Lewis Collins Benjamin Collins Absolem Collins Joseph Collins ohn Collins Sr John Collins Jr Mahlon Collins Millitent Collins David Collins Jonathan Collins 1794 Wilkes Co. NC Dist 13 Volentine Collins 1 poll Elisha Collins 1 poll Vardy Collins 1 poll
· 1795 Wilkes Co NC dist 13 Verdie Collins 1 poll Lewis Collins 1 poll
· 1795 Wilkes Co NC Tax List District 8 Griffin Collins ***** David Collins Valentine Collins District 12 Verdie Collins Lewis Collins { About this time frame Meredith married Margaret "Polly" Holloway, his second spouse, mother of John W, Edward, Archibald, James, Reuben, William, and another female unnamed. Where they are living is yet unknown} Vardy Collins entered 50 acres south side South Fork New River #1912 Ambrose Collins entered 100 acres on Oba (Obeds?) Creek #1913 1796 Wilkes Co NC Tax List District 4 David Collins Valentine Collins 1796 Wilkes Co. Dist 13 Lemoir Papers UNC Library Vardie Collins 100 ac 1 poll Lewis Collins 0 ac 1 poll Meridia Collins ( Meredith) 0 ac 1 poll{ this part of Wilkes Co later became Allaghany Co. NC .
· Three of the four Collins are there. George settled in Peach Bottom in what is today Grayson Co. in 1767. I have not ruled George out as the father of Meredith} David Collins 100 ac 1 poll Volentine Collins 0 ac 1 poll Griffith Collins 0 ac 1 poll { This guy is the line of the co host of our web site. She believes Griffin & Meredith are brothers. Griffin signed the marriage bond for my John W. and Lydia Toner when they married in Grainger Co. 1821. Possible.....wish I could prove.}
· 1797 Wilkes Co. NC dist 13 Verdie Collins 0 ac 1 poll Volentine Collins 50 ac 1 poll AAron Collins 0 ac 1 poll dist 4 Thomas Collins 70 ac 1 poll { Meredith shows up in Russell Co.Va. on a personal property tax list from 1799 1809. Can't find any deeds for property he owned} 1800 Ashe Co NC Census Thomas Collins fpc Vadery (Vardy?) Collins fpc Valentine Collins fpc Ambrose Collins fpc 1800 Ashe Co NC Land Entries & Other Collins Vardy Collins Married Margaret Gibson{went to Hancock Co. TN} Volintin Collins 8-21-1800 50 ac Ambrose Collins 5-1-1800 200 acres, 11-24-1803 300 acres Aaron Collins 9-23-1802 (John Maxwell; contains Aarons claim) Elisha Collins 3-8-1802 150 ac, 5-10-1803 150 ac, 11-8-1803 200 ac David Collins {went to Hancock Co. TN; later to Russell Co. Va} Griffeth Collins * 11-14-1800 150 ac, 1-01-1801 60 ac Grisey Collins (Griffin ?)
· Lewis Collins { went to Hancock Co. TN; later to Russell Co. Va} Thomas Collins 3-9-1801 50 ac, 10-7-1802 100 ac, 2-10-1803 100 ac 1800 Ashe Co NC Census Vardy Collins Thomas Collins Valentine Collins Ambrose Collins 1800 Grayson Co Va Tax List George Collins 1 wm over 21 Paul Collins 1 wm over 21 Jacob Collins 1 wm over 21 Jonathan Collins 1 wm over 21, 1 horse Malin Collins 2 wm over 21, 5 horses John Collins 1 wm over 21, 2 horses Milliner Collins 2 wm over 21, 1 horse Benjamin Collins 2 wm over 21, 2 horses Moses Collins 1 wm over 21 1802 Montgomery Co Va. Millenton and Avy Collins of Grayson Co Va sold 80 acres on Big Reed Island to James Bobbit for 34 pds. DB 1-480 22 Feb 1802 { email from a Maryl Thompson who believes Milliton & Meredith were brothers ; s/o George Sr. no proof}
· 1809 Grayson Co Va George Collins testified in a land dispute in Grayson Co ,land on Peach Bottom Creek, that he settled on the land in 1767 (Chalkleys Chronicles of the Scotch Irish Vol 2 page 143) 1810
· NC FEDERAL CENSUS Ashe Co. NC E. Collins 3m0-10, 1m 16-26,1f10-16,1f 26-45,1f ov45 A.Collins 1m 0-10, 1m ov45,2f 0-10,1f 10-16,1f 26-45 J.Collins 1m 16-26,2f 0-10, 1f 26-45 T.Collins 4m 0-10,1m26-45,1f 26-45>
These lines are enormous. the Teaters and Collins are to just to large to decipher..
In addition to the above Samel Teater married Sarah Santee. her photo shows her dark brown complected high cheeck bones slighty eye slant a flat nose and medium heavey set body, obviously a full blood Indian there more some Teaters of Ky are married into the Sizemore’s, the Brocks, the Bunchs Bowlings. Mays.
In regards to Pocahontas Robert Lee Teater married Alice Clark a line down from Bolling Clark. And there may be others connected to the Clarks. The Davis family is also very mixed in with the Teaters. Trader Hughes married Pocahontas niece Nikketi, their daughter married Nataniel Davis. One of his sons generated many of Davis families of Kentucky and Virginia, another daughter Abadiah generated the Floyds. of Kentucky.
I’ve been asked once to be more politically correct and to use the term Native American. that won’t do. If so, Native American s are Polynesians of American Samoa, Micronesians of Guam and Saipan, Hawaiians of Hawaii. Boriquens of Puerto Rico, the tribes east of the Mississippi were called Indians during the time period we are noting.
Military Service
Christopher Mummey next appears on a roster dated 19 Mar 1778 of men drafted for militia service in Ohio County, Virginia. He would have been 25 years old at the time. There is no evidence that Christopher Mummey served in the militia at this time, but he did 17 months later. In his pension claim, he says that he volunteered for duty in August of 1779 while living in "what is now called Brooke Co., Virginia." The term of service was for six months.
His specific unit was a company formed in Charlestown by Samuel Teeters, which immediately left for Fort Pitt. There they rendezvoused with other troops for an expedition against the Seneca Indian towns on the upper Allegheny River. In command was Colonel Daniel Brodhead, and the expedition started out on 11 Aug 1779. They marched up the Allegheny, almost to the New York border.
When they returned on September 14, they had accomplished the burning of eight towns, 130 dwellings and 500 acres of corn, and the capture of assorted copper kettles, horses, knives and furs - plunder worth $30,000 by one estimate. An account of the action can be found in Council Fires on the Upper Ohio.
Does this sound as though Capt. Samuel Gibson Teater was German dunker a people committed to no violence distained slavery, hardly not. Like they say, it takes one to know one. It wasn’t just that easy to surprise that many Indian towns one would have to be a Indian in mind or spirit and body.
Actually Samuel had a personal grudge against Seneca. One of their leading chiefs, chief White Eyes kidnapped his wife’s aunt and took for wife; they searched many years for her. It wasn’t until many years later Joseph Doddridge met her again at a trading post. He mentioned that she never said a word and returned to her tribe.
Interesting post. I believe my fifth great grandmother may be Ambros Collins daughter. Where can I get more information on Ambrose? I see he is mentioned a few times but, his story is never completed. Do you know if he ended up in Kentucky? I appreciate any help you may have.
Marc Faulkner
Ambrose is difficult to run down..there are more than one, but just as a guess, I have taken the one went to leslie co LKy as this Ambrose..I don't have records at my fingertips, but you should be able to find him in Leslie Co. KY...but as I say...It;'s only a guess..